Korok seeds are special items in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom that can only be obtained from little Koroks. These little mischievous creatures are hiding across the Hyrule, and they offer Link Korok seeds for playing with them or sometimes helping the stranded ones.
Korok seeds are difficult to find but the rewards are worth it. They are used to increase Link’s weapons, shields and bows inventory slots. Finding all the Korok seeds is a massive undertaking, but worry not. We are here to guide you with complete locations and maps of every single Korok seed in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
How to use Korok Seeds in Zelda: TotK
Korok seeds can only be traded with a massive Korok known as Hestu. It roams Hyrule and can be found at specific locations. Two places where you can find Hestu easily are Lookout Landing and Korok Forest.
Hestu increases Link inventory in exchange for Korok seeds. But it increases the number of Korok seeds for each subsequent upgrade (of a particular category). Korok seeds can’t be used anywhere else in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Ways to find Korok Seeds in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Korok seeds in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can be obtained by helping Koroks throughout Hyrule. Some are in real predicament while others just want to play. Finding a Korok will grant you up to 2x Korok seeds.
Finding the Korok seeds can and will turn into a daunting task, so we recommend finding the Korok Mask as soon as possible.
The ways in which you can find or help Koroks in Zelda TotK to earn their favors are listed below.
A Friend in Need: Link occasionally comes across a stranded Korok who wants to be reunited with its friend. Use Ultrahand to pick the lost Korok and take it back to the camp where his friend is. They will reward Link with 2x Korok seeds.
A Flower in the Wild: Sometimes, you will notice a strange yellow flower growing on an abnormal place. Interacting with it will make it move to someplace else. Follow the flower until it turns white (4th attempt). Interacting with the white flower will make the hiding Korok appear and it will grant 1x Korok seed to Link.
No Stone Left Unturned: The infamous Korok finding mechanism has returned from Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Turn suspicious-looking stones to find Koroks hiding beneath them. It will always end in Link obtaining 1x Korok seed as a reward. There is always one Korok hiding beneath a stone near Geoglyphs and Dragon Tears.
Fan the Flames: Try to blow away the suspicious-looking pile of leaves or burn them away to expose a hiding Korok. Link gets 1x Korok seeds in return.
Catch the Dandelion: Interact with the suspicious-looking dandelion to make it fly away. Catch it as soon it drops down on the ground to make the hiding Korok appear. It will give Link 1x Korok seed as a reward.
Follow the Spark: If you notice some sparkling flower petals, try to approach them before they disappear. This can be a daunting task and sometimes need you to approach them without being noticed. Interacting with the sparkling flower petals reveals a playful Korok, who grants 1x Korok seeds to Link.
Link, Smash: There are a lot of strange-looking craters in Hyrule, which on close inspection appear to be made up of breakable boulders. Use stone hammers or bomb arrows to destroy the boulders and find the hiding Korok. Reward for this exercise is 1x Korok seed.
Complete the Shapes: You will occasionally come across a lot of stones arranged in the shape of a circle or square. One stone will be missing from the picture. Find and place the missing stone to complete the shape, and make the Korok appear with your reward (1x Korok seed).
Throw a Rock, or Two: If you come across a circle of stone, which is not missing any of its pieces, find and throw a rock in its center. This will make the hiding Korok appear and give 1x Korok seed to Link.
Test your Marksmanship: There are a lot of target practice signs spread across Hyrule. Most of them are on floating balloons. Try to hit them to make the hiding Koroks appear and surrender 1x Korok seed each.
Run Link Run: Stepping on tree stumps with leaf symbols will make a ring of petals appear before Link. Run to reach it before the timer runs out. This will make the Korok to give Link 1x Korok seed as a prize.
Solve the Puzzle: You will come across strange structures that are missing a part of two. These parts can be found nearby. Place them properly inside the structure using the Ultrahand ability. This will make the hiding Korok to appear and give Link 1x Korok seed.
Tug of War: If you find a chain with leaf symbol, attached to a jar, combine it with some device (zonai rockets) to pull the chain and free the Korok. This will earn Link 1x Korok seed.
Shoot the Acorns: Sometimes you will come across flying pinwheels of yellow color. Interacting with them will make an Acorn appear in the air. Shoot it to earn 1x Korok seed from the little Korok hiding in the acorn.
Lily Pads Mark the Way: If you come across a pool with lily pads arranged in a perfect circle, jump and dive in its center to make the Korok appear. Reward is always 1x Korok seed.
Play Hit and Catch: If you come across a suspicious-looking flower (dandelion) floating in the air, hit it with an arrow and catch its seeds before they hit the ground to obtain 1x Korok seed.
Fix the Houses: If you come across the houses with broken roofs and materials to fix them are available nearby, use ultrahand to fix the roofs. This will reward Link with 1x Korok seed.
Make Offerings: If you come across multiple statues with bowls in front of them containing fruits, offer the same fruit in one of the empty bowls to make the hidden Korok appear. This will grant 1x Korok seed to Link.
Forks are the Key: If you come across a fork made of a torn tree trunk, place a rock inside it using the Ultrahand ability. This will always reward Link with a Korok seed.
The Floor is Lava: Sometimes, standing on a stump with Korok leaf symbol will make another platform appear in front of Link. The objective here is to reach it by gliding without hitting the floor. And obviously, before the timer runs out to earn a Korok seed.
Ascend to the Top: If you come across tree stumps on roofs with Korok leaf sign, use the Ascend ability to pass through them. This will make the hiding Korok appear and reward Link with 1x Korok seed.
Thaw the Poor Koroks: If you come across a snow pillar, use fire arrows or any fire weapon to thaw the ice and free the frozen Koroks. This will earn Link 1x Korok seed for his kind deed.
Follow the Trail. If you notice arrows pointing toward a particular location, make sure to investigate it. This often leads to hidden Koroks which grants Link 1x Korok seed.
Wakey Wakey. Towns and villages in Zelda: TotK have massive ringing bells that can be found with a little exploration. Ring these bells using Ultrahand to make the hiding Korok appear and get 1x Korok seed as a reward
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Korok Seeds Locations and Maps
There are over 900 Korok seeds spread across Hyrule Surface and the Sky Islands in Zelda TotK. Here is a complete list of all Korok seeds with their proper locations and how to obtain them. This can get a bit overwhelming. Make sure to mark the ones you have found, and follow the guide in order if possible.
Hyrule Field Korok Seeds
Great Hyrule Forest Korok Seeds
Akkala Highland Korok Seeds
This is a work in progress as we continue to find and add more korok seeds in Zelda TotK. We will also be updating with maps for each region so bookmark the page.
Hyrule Field Korok Seeds Locations

- Southeast of Hyrule Castle, under the small bridge near the Hyrule Castle Moat. Shoot the Acorn hanging from the bridge to obtain the Korok seed (0124, 1192, 0033).
- North of Hyrule Castle. Jump and land on the marker beside a pool of gloom (-0303, 1123, 0090).
- Northwest of Hyrule Castle, near the docks entrance. Dive into the pool between the lily pads (-0302, 1123, 0090)
- Inside Hyrule Castle. Ring the bell with ultrahand or hit it with a powerful weapon to get a Korok seed (-0250, 1066, 0465).
- Hyrule Castle’s highest point. Climb the tower and interact with the sparkling flowers to obtain a Korok seed (-0253, 1061, 0561)
- Edge of Cliffside side, Northeast of Hyrule Castle. Interact with the red pinwheel and hit 3 floating balloons with a bullseye mark (-0436, 1115, 0024).
- Hyrule Castle Entrance. Lift the stone which is under the main bridge to find a Korok seed (-0252, 0944, 0305).
- Hyrule Castle, above Princess Zelda’s study. Climb the spiral and interact with the glowing petals (-0383, 0995, 0391)
- Hyrule Castle, shoot the balloon with the bullseye mark in front of Princess Zelda’s room (-0391, 0997, 0319).
- On the ramparts, East of Hyrule Castle. Complete the structure puzzle using Ultrahand to obtain a Korok seed (-0053, 0971, 0271).
- Southeast of Hyrule Castle. Shoot the balloon with a bullseye mark above the flag (-0086, 0912, 0317).
- On the ramparts, Southeast of Hyrule Castle. Complete the triangle by placing a rock to get this Korok seed (-0061, 0866, 0168).
- Beneath the bridge leading to Dining Hall Balcony in the Hyrule Castle. Pick up the rock to find this Korok seed (-0128, 0813, 0096).
- South of Hyrule castle, on top of battlements. Interact with the orange windmill near the eagle statue to make the 3 targets with bullseye marks appear. Shoot them to obtain a Korok seed (0272, 0752, 0130).
- South of Hyrule Castle, below the bridge behind the entrance gate. Lift the rock to obtain this Korok seed (-0281, 0841, 0105).
- Lift the rock inside the broken tower on Hyrule Castle’s main gate to obtain this Korok seed (-0236, 0632, 0080).
- On the left side of the bridge leading to Hyrule castle. Jump and dive through the circle of lily pads (-0269, 0608, 0042).
- Hyrule Castle’s First Gatehouse. Use ultrahand to complete the structure beneath the Guard’s Chamber to earn this Korok seed (-0344, 0781, 0053).
- Hyrule Castle’s First Gatehouse. Climb the highest tower to interact with the glowing petals (-0351, 0830, 0180).
- Hyrule Castle, North of First Gatehouse. Interact with the orange pinwheel, at the top of the stairs, to make 3 target balloons appear. Shoot them to obtain a Korok seed (0360, 0886, 0276).
- Hyrule Castle, West of First Gatehouse. Interact with the glowing petals in a grass patch (-0421, 0843, 0085).
- Hyrule Castle, West of the First Gatehouse. Interact with a yellow flower and follow it to the top of the spire until it turns white (-0466, 0850, 0100).
- Hyrule Castle Town Ruins. Pick up the rock on top of the first Gatehouse to the South (-0254, 0258, 0046).
- West of Hyrule Castle Town Ruins. Burn or blow away the pile of leaves inside a destroyed building (-0313, 0323, 0024).
- West Castle Town in Hyrule Field. Hit the Korok leaf sign by using the Ascend ability (-0086, 0401, 0027).
- Central Square, South to Hyrule Castle entrance. Lift the rock in the middle of a destroyed fountain (-0255, 0427, 0029).
- Hyrule Cathedral, Northeast of Central Square. Fin and break an acorn inside a fallen tree trunk (0133, 0598, 0027).
- On the hill West to Hyrule Castle Town Ruin and North to Passeri Greenbelt. Interact with yellow flower and follow it until it turns white to obtain a Korok seed (-0526, 0187, 0062).
- On the crossroads South of Quarry Ruins and East of Mount Gustaf. Shoot the hole in the tree to obtain another Korok seed (-0749, 0199, 0026).
- North of Quarry Ruins and South of Moat Bridge. Complete the structure using Ultrahand (-0665, 0546, 0025).
- On the top of the Mountain, North of Quarry Ruins and Southwest of Moat Bridge. Follow the glowing petals (-0777, 0565, 0080).
- Inside a tunnel North of Mount Gustaf and Southwest of quarry Ruins. Use the ascend ability to pass through the Korok leaf sign (-0945, 0348, 0035).
- Near the ruined wall, East of Moat Bridge and North of West Castle Town. Lift the rock to unveil the hiding Korok (-0530, 0694, 0033).
- Under the Quarry Bridge, North of Quarry Ruins. Hit the balloon with the bullseye mark (-0616, 0668, 0010).
- On the riverbank Southwest of Castle Town Prison. Complete the stone circle by placing the missing rock (-1015, 0568, 0010).
- Stand on a tree trunk in a forest patch Southwest of Castle Town Prison. Run towards the glowing circle and reach it before the time runs out (-0942, 0820, 0027).
- Near Castle Town Prison Ruins. Interact with the glowing petals to obtain a Korok seed (-0677, 0859, 0014).
- Shoot the acorn on a wooden plank floating to the North of Castle Town Prison (-0677, 0963, 0010).
- Near the shore North of Castle Town prison. Take the lost Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-0744, 0938, 0017).
- On the ramparts of a ruined house, West of Orsedd bridge and North of Romani Plains. Interact with the yellow flower and follow it until it turns white (0347, 0493, 0041).
- Near the western side of Orsedd bridge. Bring this lost Korok back to its friend for 2x Korok seeds (0433, 0482, 0029).
- Shoot the hanging acorn below the bridge, to the North of Orsedd Bridge and West of Crenel Hills.
- Center of an island, West to Crenel Hills. Catch the glowing petals in a water fountain (0192, 0899, 0026).
- On an Island East of Romani Plains and Southeast of Orsedd bridge. Bring a rock from the western shore and place it to complete a triangle (0713, 0364, 0009).
- Near the Eastern end of Orsedd Bridge. Jump into the river and dive through the lily pads circle (0548, 0510, 0008).
- In Crenel Hills. Catch the shining petals under a hollow log to obtain a Korok seed (0619, 0755, 0077).
- South of Crenel Hills. Interact with the yellow flower multiple times until it turns white (0691, 0625, 0059).
- Southeast of Crenel Hills. Stand on a tree trunk to activate the flowers. Follow them to find a Korok seed (0841, 0693, 0128).
- Southeast of Crenel Hills and West of Thims Bridge. Follow the yellow flowers until they turn white (0974, 0674, 0084).
- East of Orsedd Bridge and West of Crenel Peak. Use the Ascend ability to pass the platform with Korok leaf symbol inside a skull-shaped cave.
- West of Pico Pond and Northeast of Crenel Hills. Lift the stone inside a skull-shaped rock to find a Korok seed.
- On an island West of Trilby Plain and east of Crenel Hills. Shoot the balloon with bullseye mark under the skull-shaped rock.
- Beneath the eastern edge of Thims Bridge, Northwest of Zelo Pond. Lift a rock to find the Korok seed.
- On the top of Crenel Peak. Burn or blow away the pile of leaves (1182, 0378, 0158).
- Interact with a yellow flower on the tallest stone, South of Crenel Peak. Catch the flowers until they turn white.
- Below the bridge West of Mount Gustaf and East of West Hyrule Plains. Shoot the hanging acorn to earn a Korok seed.
- Inside a forest North of Passeri Greenbelt. Stand on the tree trunk with Korok leaf symbol and hit the 3 balloons with bullseye mark (-0425, -0148, 0029).
- Inside a patch of trees Northwest of Passeri Greenbelt and southeast of Mount Gustaf. Hit the balloon with bullseye mark inside a tree (-0794, -0013, 0069).
- Top of the cliff behind a Bokoblin settlement, South of Mount Gustaf and Northwest of Passeri Greenbelt. Lift the rock to obtain a Korok seed (-0923, -0044, 0106).
- Inside the ruins of the temple of the Elders, Southeast of West Hyrule plains. Complete the structure by matching the one to the left (-1353, -0192, 0009).
- West of Passeri Greenbelt and North of Mount Daphnes. Find and catch the dandelion to get a Korok seed (-1095, -0197, 0042).
- To the Southwest of Mount Gustaf. Lift the rock to find the hidden Korok (-1129, 0018, 0039).
- Inside a Lake North to Mount Daphnes. Stand on a tree trunk to activate the timer. Jump north and hit the bullseye mark before the timer runs out (-1109, -0421, 0062).
- Under the bridge to the North of Mount Daphnes. Shoot the jar with bullseye mark (-1088, -0511, 0055).
- On top of Mount Daphnes, west of Hyrule Garrison Ruins. Throw a rock in the circle of rocks to get a Korok seed (-1111, -0569, 0094).
- To the Northeast of Mount Daphnes and Northwest of Hyrule Garrison Ruins. Take the lost Korok back to its friend to get 2x Korok seeds.
- In a forest North of Windvane Meadow and south of Hyrule Garrison Ruins. Climb the largest tree and lift the rock to find a Korok seed (-0764, -0672, 0029).
- To the west of Mount Daphnes neat the riverbank. Pick the large rock to find a Korok seed (-1343, -0687, 0010).
- In the Hyrule Garrison Ruins, North of Windvane Meadow. Lift a rock near the destroyed mountain (-0587, -0559, 0024).
- To the East of Hyrule Garrison Ruins, shoot the hole inside a tree to find a Korok seed (-0306, -0547, 0021).
- Near Hyrule Field chasm, pick up the stone on the top of the largest rock (-0217, -0384, 0052).
- Near Ranch Ruins. Reach the top of the ruins and remove the pile of leaves, by either blowing them away or burning them, to find a Korok seed (0075, -0325, 0033).
- To the East of Ranch Ruins and North of Bottomless Pond. Hit the acorn inside a tree log to find the Korok seed (0292, -0247, 0026).
- North of Bottomless Pond and West of Hylia River. Lift the rock on the top of a cliff (0502, -0470, 0063).
- To the West of Rebonae Bridge and Northeast of Ranch ruins, hit the floating dandelion and catch its seeds (0617, -0075, 0053).
- Fix the roof of a broken house right next to the Rebonae Bridge’s western edge (0761, 0003, 0031).
- Below the eastern edge of Rebonae bridge. Glide through the hoop after starting the timer by using the Ascend ability on a platform below the bridge (0807, -0026, 0011).
- In the forest on the western bank of Hylia River, Climb the tallest tree and lift the rock to find a Korok seed (0754, -0451, 0030).
- Near the western edge of Hylia River. Bring the lost Korok back to his friend using a bridge or boat construct (0795, -0512, 0010).
- To the west of Wes Island and North of Hylia River’s eastern bank. Complete the square of rocks by finding and placing the missing one to obtain a Korok seed.
- North of Hylia River’s eastern bank and West of Wes Island, climb the highest rock and step on the platform with Korok sign.
- To the south of Rebonae Bridge and West of Zuzu Island. Take the lost Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (0957, -0203, 0031).
- On the eastern bank of Regencia River, Northwest of Aquame Bridge. Catch the floating dandelion to earn a Korok seed (-1439, -0845, 0019).
- Below the eastern edge of a bridge to the West of Aquame Bridge. Shoot the hanging Acorn (-1588, -1044, 0015).
- Near the tree on the eastern edge of a bridge, to the West of Aquame Lake. Bring the lost Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-1544, -1004, 0030).
- On the left side of the Aquame bridge. Dive into Aquame Lake to pass through a ring of lily pads (-1150, -1011, 0008).
- To the East of Coliseum Ruins. Climb the tallest tower and hit a flying dandelion. Catch its seeds before they hit the ground to obtain a Korok seed.
- East of Outskirt stable and West of Coliseum ruins. Offer an apple in the empty bowl present in front of a statue (-1319, -1259, 0033).
- West of Coliseum ruins. Take the lost Korok back to his friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-1355, -1311, 0046).
- Shoot the acorn hiding inside a log near the Outskirts Stable (-1428, -1298, 0036).
- To the Northeast of Diggdog Suspension Pond and Northwest of Hopper Pond. Climb the tallest tree without leaves. Lift the rock to obtain the Korok seed (-1518, -1509, 0041).
- Under the Diggdog Suspension Bridge, West of Hopper Pond. Shoot the balloon with bullseye mark to obtain a Korok seed.
- Under the Southern end of Diggdog Suspension Bridge. Use zonai rockets to pull the chain and free the Korok (-1702, -1706, -0037).
- On the top of cliff South to the Diggdog Suspension Bridge. Lift the rock to find the Korok seed (1699, -1825, -0016).
- Fix the roof of a broken house, West of Coliseum Ruins and North of Diggdog Suspension Bridge (-1658, -1320, 0108).
- To the Northeast of Safula Hill. Catch the glowing flower petals to obtain a Korok seed.
- Near Safula Hill, a little to the South. Offer a golden apple in the bowl present in front of a statue to obtain a Korok seed.
- On the small island to the West of Coliseum Ruins. Lift the rock to find a Korok seed.
- To the Northwest of Diggdog Suspension Bridge, on the eastern bank of the river. Complete the structure by using the Ultrahand ability (-1764, -1447, 0088).
- To the Northwest of Diggdog Suspension Bridge, on the western bank of the river. Interact with the orange pinwheel to summon three balloons with bullseye mark (-1816, -1533, 0100).
- Near the Eastern entrance of the Dalite Forest, Southwest to Safula Hills. Interact with yellow flower until it turns white (-1969, -1090, 0098).
- Near the Hyrule Field Skyview Tower, North of Lake Kolomo. Climb the tallest tree and lift the rock (-0598, -1077, 0035).
- On a small island inside Lake Kolomo, South of Hyrule Field Skyview Tower. Complete the structure using ultrahand to earn a Korok seed.
- Near the western shore of Lake Kolomo. Lift the rock to obtain a Korok seed (-0655, -1222, 0027).
- Southwest of Lake Kolomo and Northwest of Forest of Time. Step on the pedestal with Korok leaf symbol and glide through the ring before the time runs out (-0656, -1389, 0053).
- East of Lake Kolomo and behind the Teniten Shrine. Take the lost Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-0041, -1113, 0022).
- West of Whistling Hill and East of Exchange Ruins. Hit the floating dandelion and catch its seeds before they hit the ground (-0125, -0936, 0043).
- On top of Whistling Hill, East of Exchange Ruins. Chase the glowing petals (0215, -0883, 0066).
- Near the pond South of Bottomless Pond and Northeast of Whistling Hill. Pick the lone rock (0625, -0752, 0021).
- East of Whistling Hill and North of Batrea Lake, near the western edge of a bridge. Take the lost Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds.
- Southwest of Millennio Bar and East of Whistling Hill, drop down the bridge. Connect the chain to zonai rockets to open the cork (0955, -0944, 0009).
- South of Nima Plain and Northeast of Safula Hill. Interact with the glowing petals at the top of the fountain in Sanidin Park ruins (-1650, -0687, 0139).
- West of Batrea Lake and South of Whistling Hill. Help reunite the lost Korok with its friend for 2x Korok seeds (0291, -1203, 0027).
- Below the bridge leading to Batrea lake from West (0333, -1284, 0009).
- On the Western shore of Batrea Lake, South of Hills of Baumer. Hit the floating dandelion and catch its seeds before they hit the ground (0544, -1264, 0011).
- To the North of Scout’s Hill and south of East Post Ruins. Place the rock on the tree branch using ultrahand (0062, -1754, 0040).
- South of East Post Ruins and Northeast of Sout’s Hill. Take the stranded Korok back to his friend using a boat construct to obtain 2x Korok seeds. (0047, – 1696, 0060).
- In the centre of Batrea Lake. Complete the structure to earn a Korok seed (0588, -1234, 0008).
- In the forest to the North of Batrea Lake. Hit the acorn inside the log (0629, -1161, 0013).
- Inside the Hopper Pond, West of Forest of spirits. Interact with the yellow flower inside a broken tree trunk. Follow it until it turns white (-1173, -1654, 0082).
- South of the Hopper Pond and North of River of the Dead. Interact with the glowing petals around a tree (-1151, -1781, 0153).
- In the Forest of Spirit, East of Hopper Pond. Use ultrahand to attach something heavy on the hanging end of the chain to open the cork (-0951, -1719, 0096).
- To the North of Forest of Spirits. Stand on a tree stump with Korok leaf sign and hit three balloons that appear (-0964, -1609, 0100).
- To the South of the Forest of Spirits, use the Ascend ability to pass through a platform with Korok symbol (-0949, -1840, 0090).
- In the center of the Great Plateau, South of the Forest of Time. Lift the rock from the top of the tallest tower (-0889, -1908, 0106).
- On the top of the tallest spire of the Temple of Time, West of Eastern Abbey. Interact with the glowing petals (-0811, -1966, 0191).
- Inside the Temple of Time. Locate a balloon with bullseye mark floating in the tower. Shoot it to obtain a Korok seed (-0832, -1962, 0141).
- To the East of Forest of Spirits and Northeast of Great Plateau. Stand on a tree stump (on a broken bridge) with Korok leaf sign and glide towards the glowing marker before time runs out.
- South of Great Plateau North Chasm. Bring the lost Korok back to his friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-0694, -1573, 0066).
- To the East of Great Plateau north Chasm and West of Forest of Time. Hit the acorn hanging from a tree to earn a Korok seed (-0611, -1525, 0067).
- Southwest of Forest of Time and North of eastern Abby. Take the lost Korok back to its friend for 2x Korok seeds (-0458, -1653, 0019).
- Middle of the Forest of Time. Stand on a tree stump with Korok leaf symbol and hit the three balloons that appear (-0282, -1578, 0052).
- South of Eastern abbey, inside the abandoned buildings. Complete the structure using Ultrahand to find a Korok seed (-0472, -2036, 0072).
- On a pier in the River of the Dead, West to Temple of Ruins. Interact with the Sparkling petals to obtain a Korok seed.
- On the Northern bank of River of the Dead, West of Great Plateau. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to obtain 2x Korok seeds (-1128, -1973, 0144).
- In a pond North to Great Plateau West Chasm, West of Great Plateau. Freeze the water to reach the glowing petals in the centre of the pond (-1434, -1954, 0218).
- Northwest of the Great Plateau West Chasm. Lift the rock present on a cliff, beneath a rock (-1515, -1922, 0132).
- South of Temple of Time ruins and East of mount Hylia. Place three mighty bananas in the bowls present in front of Frog statues (-0789, -2232, 0087).
- Inside a canyon south of Temple of Time ruins. Complete the structure using Ultrahand (-0866, -2266, 0014).
- East of Mount Hylia and South of Temple of Time ruins. Use the Ascend ability on a tree stump with Korok leaf sign, in the cave near a Bokoblin settlement (-0927, -2205, 0083).
- On the top of Mount Hylia, Southeast of Temple of Time. Lift the rock to find a Korok seed.
- To the South of Forest of Time chasm and East of Eastern Abbey. Interact with the sparkling petals on top of a hill (-0226, -1917, 0043).
- Top of a building inside Scout’s Hill, West of Deya Village Ruins. Interact with the yellow flower until it turns white (0002, -1839, 0101).
- On the Western edge of a bridge near the East Outpost Ruins. Pick up a rock on the top of a pillar to earn a Korok seed.
- Under the bridge to the East of East Post Ruins. Use the Ascend ability to pass through the stump with the Korok leaf sign (0229, -1608, 0009).
- Between the three Islands South of Scout’s Hill and West of Hills of Baumer Chasm. Dive through the lily pads circle in the water from the bridge (0043, -2137, -0017).
- Southwest of Scout’s Hill and Southeast of Eastern Abby. Fix the roof of a shed by using the plank from the tree (-0216, -2214, 0032).
- Northwest of En-Oma shrine and Northeast of Lake Hylian Chasm. Reunite the stranded Korok with his friend by using a boat construct to earn 2x Korok seeds.
- Northern edge of the bridge leading to Lake Hylia. Pick the stone from the top of the broken tower to earn a Korok seed.
- East of Scout’s Hill and West of Deya Village Ruins. Put an apple in the empty bowl in front of a statue (0164, -1942, 0045).
- Southeast part of the Deya Village Ruins, North of Susub shrine. Interact with the glowing petals to obtain a Korok seed (0352, -2002, 0008).
- Inside a swamp to the South of Deya Village ruins. Interact with the yellow flower until it turns white to earn a Korok seed.
- East of Hills of Baumer chasm and West of Popla Foothills, stand on the tree stump with the Korok leaf symbol and glide through the ring in time (0460, -2141, 0009).
- North of Deya Village Ruins and West of Hills of Baumer. Remove the pile of leaves by blowing them away or burn them (0296, -1833, 0017).
- North of Hills of Baumer and North of Deya Village Ruins. Hit the dandelion and catch its seeds before they fall to earn a Korok seed.
- On the Hills of Baumer, North of Deya Lake. Interact with the yellow flower and follow it until it turns white (0514, -1791, 0061).
- West of Squabble River and Southwest of South Nabi Lake. Lift the rock from the stump of a tree (0656, -1764, 0011).
- Southeast of Batrea Lake and North of South Nabi Lake. Shoot the hole in a tree trunk to earn a Korok seed (0734, -1503, 0039).
- South of Batrea Lake and Northwest of South Nabi Lake. Carry the rock using the ultrahand and place it on top pf a hill (0609, -1466, 0047).
- Southeast of Irch plain and West of Hyrule Castle docks. Shoot the hole in a tree with your arrow (-0659, 1184, 0069).
- West of Hyrule Castle Moat West Chasm and South of North Hyrule Plain. Place the boulder inside a wooden fork with ultrahand (-1163, 0666, 0067).
- North of Sinakawak Shrine and South of Royal Ancient lab ruin. Lift the rock from a tear-shaped location inside the geoglyph (-1287, 0897, 0099).
- East of royal ancient Lab Ruin and south of Irch Plain. Stand on a tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and glide to reach the next platform in time (-1034, 1083, 0062).
- Southwest of Irch Plain and Southeast of Salari Hill. Place an apple in the bowl in front of the larger statue (-1075, 1280, 0122).
- On the top of the Salari Hill, West of Irch Plain. Help the lost Korok reach its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-1434, 1476, 0193).
- In a pond Northeast of Salari Hill and Northwest of Irch Plain. Interact with the glowing petals on the top of a rock (-1227, 1577, 0150).
- East of Bridge of Demise and West of Carok Bridge. Shoot the chain below a rock to free the Korok to earn a Korok seed.
- West of Mount Gustaf and Southeast of West Hyrule Plains. Attach a weight to the chain and throw it off the cliff to remove the cork (-1400, 0074, 0023).
- South of Giant’s Forest. Use three planks to build a ramp to access the hidden Korok (-1583, 0223, 0105).
- West of Nabi Lake and East of Batrea Lake. Lift the rock present between three boulders (0844, -1291, 0026).
- Below a small Island to the South of Nabi Lake. Dive from the ledge to pass through the ring of lily pads (1032, -1311, 0008).
- Southwest of Morok shrine and Northwest of Nabi Lake. Attach a zonai rocket to the rope to pull the cork (0955, -0944, 0009).
- North of Nabi Lake and West of Sahasra Slope. Stand on a tree stump with the Kotok leaf symbol and glide through the circle before the timer runs out (1086, -1048, 0010).
- West of Dalite forest and Southwest of Usazum shrine. Lift the rock at the top of a large tree to find a Korok seed (-2341, -1104, 0144).
- West of Manhalla Bridge and Northwest of Dalite Forest. Use the Ascend ability to pass through a platform with Korok leaf symbol to find a Korok seed.
- On the top of the Satori Mountain, West of Nima Plain. Lift a large rock (-2278, -0402, 0398).
- North of Nima Plain and West of satori Mountain. Lift a rock present on top of a tree to find a Korok seed.
- South of Sonapan shrine and East of Satori Mountain. Hit the acorn inside the hollow log (-1954, -0408, 0206).
- Northeast of Sonapan shrine and Northwest of Nima Plain. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds.
- Between Nima Plain and Satori Mountain. Lift the rock to find a Korok seed (-1968, -0593, 0148).
- Northwest of Usazum shrine and Southeast of Rutile Lake. Lift the rock from the top of a tree by using ultrahand (-2200, -0797, 0170).
- East of Rutile Lake and South of Satori Mountain. Place the rock on top of fork made from tree trunk to find a Korok seed.
- East of Rutile Lake and Northwest of Usazum shrine. Use the Ascend ability to pass through a stump with Korok leaf symbol (-2220, -0693, 0205).
- In the middle of Rutile Lake, West of Nima Plain. Interact with a yellow flower and follow it until it turns white to earn a Korok seed.
- West of Rutile Lake, in the Nima Plain. Life the suspicious looking rock inside a tree trunk (-2601, -0688, 0213).
- North of Rutile Lake, West side of Nima Plain. Stand on a stump with Korok symbol and glide to reach the next platform without touching the ground to earn a Korok seed.
- Northwest of Rutile Lake and South of Washa’s Bluff. Find and place the missing rock to complete the circle (-2711, -0496, 0087).
- To the North of Jeddo Bridge and south of Giant’s Forest. Interact with the pinwheel and shoot the balloon with bullseye mark (-1646, 0012, 0123).
- Beneath the Norther edge of jeddo bridge, north of Nima Plain. Lift the rock to find a Korok seed (-1703, -0083, 0092).
- West of jeddo Bridge and Southeast of Regencia river. Interact with the glowing petals (-1863, -0094, 1117).
- In the Western region of West Hyrule plain, near a Bokoblin settlement. Interact with the glowing petals to obtain a Korok seed (-2023, 0077, 0156).
- On a small island, East of Dalite Forest and North of Diggdog Suspension Bridge. Lift the rock to find a Korok seed.
- West of the Northern edge of Diggdog suspension Bridge. Step on a tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and hit 3 balloons with bullseye mark (-1816, -1533, 0100).
Great Hyrule Forest Korok seeds

- East of Elma Knolls Chasm and West of Lake Saria. Interact with the glowing petals to earn a Korok seed.
- South of Lake Saria and East of Elma Knolls chasm. Jump from the ledge and dive through the circle of lily pads to earn a Korok seed.
- South of Aldor Foothills and West of Mekar Island. Offer three mighty bananas in the bowls present in front of three frog statues (-0661, 1978, 0136).
- Northeast of Aldor Foothills and Northwest of Mekar Island. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-0547, 2225, 0267).
- Southeast of Rauru Hillside and West of Military Training Camp. Shoot the acorn inside the broken building to earn a Korok seed.
- On an island in the western part of the military training camp. Lift the rock to earn a Korok seed (0771, 1416, 0087).
- Northeast of Military Training Camp and Northwest of Minshi woods. Shoot the hanging acorn below the wooden rail (0952, 1537, 0147).
- West of Minshi wood chasm and North of Military Training Camp. Interact with the yellow flower on top of the building and follow it until it turns white (0776, 1529, 0148).
- On the top of Mount Drena, Southwest to Kikakin Shrine. Remove the cork by attaching the rope with a zonai rocket (-0577, 2602, 0385).
- North of Minshi Woods chasm and East of Ninjis shrine. Stand on a tree stump with Korok symbol and shoot the three balloons with bullseye mark to obtain a Korok seed.
Hyrule Ridge Korok seeds

- South of Ludfo’s Bog and Northeast of Seres Scabland. Take the stranded Korok back to his friend with the help of a hot air balloon construct to earn 2x Korok seeds (-2082, 0482, 0103).
- East of Seres Scabland and South of Ludfo’s Bog. Interact with the shining petals on top of a mushroom (-2201, 0356, 0148).
- In the Northern part of Ludfo’s Bog, Southeast of Thundra Plateau. Interact with the glowing petals (-2065, 0770, 0100).
- On Thundra Plateau, Northwest of Ludfo’s bog. Remove the pile of leaves by either burning them or blowing them away (-2341, 0939, 0105).
- South of Upland Lindor and Northeast of Thundra Plateau. Reach the glowing petals by creating a platform with rocks (-2232, 1070, 0107).
- North of Seres Scabland and West of Ludfo’s Bog. Remove the pile of leaves (by burning or by blowing them away) on the top of a mushroom (-2437, 0512, 0225).
- South of Mount Rhoam and Makurukis shrine. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-2875, 0498, 0179).
- North of Makurukis shrine and West of Mount Rhoam. Find and place a rock to complete the circle (-2830, 0694, 0244).
- East of Tabantha Bridge Stable and Southwest of Makurukis shrine. Interact with a yellow flower on top of a mushroom. Follow it until it turns white (-2899, 0557, 0208).
- Below the Eastern edge of Tabantha bridge, Southwest of Makurukis shrine. Lift the rock to find a Korok seed (-3012, 0584, 0132).
- North of Mount Rhoam and West of Thundra Plateau. From the top of the Mount Rhoam, dive through a circle of lily pads (-2677, 0888, 0232).
- East of Runakit shrine and Southwest of Upland Lindor. Complete the structure using the Ultrahand (-2435, 1137, 0163).
- Northwest of Runakit shrine and Northeast of Hyrule Ridge chasm. Step on a stump with Korok leaf symbol, and glide through the ring before time runs out (-2579, 1247, 0215).
- Southeast of Washa’s Bluff and West of Satori Mountain. Complete the structure using the Ultrahand ability (-2640, -0317, 0129).
- South of Washa’s Bluff and Northwest of Rutile Lake. Activate the Korok leaf symbol and glide to land on a platform in the middle of the lake (-2839, -0437, 0052).
- On the top of Illumeni Plateau, West of Washa’s Bluff. Lift the rock to find a Korok seed.
- North of Lake Illumeni and Turakawak shrine. Use ultrahand to fix the roof of a broken hut to find a Korok seed.
- North of Lake Illumeni and South of Ancient Columns. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-3584, 0012, 0069).
- In a canyon, North of Lake Illumeni. Use the ability to pass through a stump with Korok leaf symbol (-3599, 0111, -0102).
- Northeast of Gasas shrine and South of Rayne Highlands. Complete the structure with the help of Ultrahand ability (-3820, 0175, 0049).
- Northeast of Illumeni Plateau and Northwest of Washa’s Bluff. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-2960, 0087, 0143).
- North of Illumeni Plateau and West of Seres Scabland. Interact with the yellow flower and follow it until it turns white (-3108, 0240, 0111).
- Northeast of Illumeni Plateau and Northwest of Washa’s Bluff. Step on the tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and glide through the ring before the timer runs out (-2918, 0285, 0207).
- In the canyon, North of Illumeni Plateau. Stand on the tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and use the Ascend ability to pass through the ring (-3208, 0334, -0099).
- East of Taki-Ihaban shrine and Northwest of Royal ancient Lab Ruin. Use the Ascend ability to pass through the platform with Korok leaf symbol (-1730, 1163, 0231).
- Between the Lindor’s Brow and Upland Lindor. Interact with the sparkling petals (-2023, 1302, 0283).
- North of Upland Lindor and Southeast of Salari Plain. Lift the rock from the top of a cliff (-2224, 1579, 0170).
Tabantha Frontier Korok seeds
- Below the Western edge of Tabantha bridge, East of Piper ridge. Shoot the balloon with bullseye mark (-3225, 0578, 0168).
- On the top of Piper Ridge, northeast of Ancient Columns. Hit the dandelion and catch its seeds before they hit the ground (-3443, 0662, 0250).
- North of Piper ridge and Southeast of Iun-orok shrine. Use the Ascend ability to pass through the platform with the Korok leaf symbol (-3435, 0708, 0172).
- Catch the glowing petals inside a pond, Northwest of Piper Ridge and South of Iun-orok shrine (-3532, 0753, 0186).
- From the top of Nero Hill, Southwest of Strock Lake. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend by using a nearby wing device to earn 2x Korok seeds (-3614, 0987, 0288).
- Northwest of Nero Hill and West of Gisa Crater. Use the Ascend ability to pass through the platform with Korok leaf symbol (-3715, 1039, 0197).
- North of Ancient Columns and Northeast of Rayne Highlands. Complete the structure using the Ultrahand ability (-3531, 0491, 0283).
- Northwest of Ancient Columns and Northeast of Rayne Highlands. Interact with the yellow flower at the top of a pillar. Follow it until it turns white (-3649, 0511, 0286).
- North of Ancient Columns and Southeast of Piper Ridge. Shoot the balloon with bullseye mark (-3547, 0576, 0169).
- North of Ancient Columns and Southwest of Piper ridge. Burn the pile of leaves (-3552, 0594, 0211).
- South of Gisa Crater and West of Nero Hill. Interact with the glowing petals (-3981, 0929, 0112).
- Southwest of Nero Hill and Southeast of Gisa Crater. Place the boulder inside the fork-shaped tree trunk (-3820, 0834, 0124).
- South of Gisa Crater and West of Piper Ridge. Use your glider to reach the Korok (-3965, 0623, 0188).
- Southwest of Gisa Crater and West of Nero Hill. Offer Spicy peppers to statues (-4056, 0773, 0102).
- South of Kolami bridge and Southeast of Strock Lake. Lift the rock near a black ore deposit (-3148, 1107, -0156).
- Below the Northern edge of Kolami Bridge, Northeast of Strock lake. Shoot the hanging jar with bullseye mark (-3105, 1327, 0219).
- On the top a hill in the centre of Strock Lake, West of Kolami Bridge. Lift the rock (-3283, 1340, 0188).
- Western shore of Strock Lake, East of Cuho Mountain. Complete the structure using the Ultrahand ability (-3440, 1314, 0120).
- On top of the Cuho Mountain, West of Strock Lake. Step on the tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and glide West to land on a platform before the timer runs out (-3820, 1318, 0287).
- North of Kolami bridge and Southeast of Oromuwak shrine. Attach weight to the rope and throw it down the ledge, to open the cork (-3137, 1553, 0124).
- South of Rito village and East of Passer Hill. Interact with the yellow flower, and follow it until it turns white (-3622, 1517, 0149).
- North of Passer Hill and East of Dragon Bone Mire. Complete the stone circle by finding and placing the missing rock (-4008, 1654, 0173).
- Northeast of Passer hill and West of Dragon Bone Mire. Lift the rock from the top of a large tree (-3984, 1709, 0179).
- In the Dragon Bone Mire, West of Rito village. Lift the rock on the small island (-4169, 1696, 0110).
- West of Dragon Bone Mire. Interact with the yellow flower, and follow it until it turns white to earn a Korok seed.
- South of Wao-os shrine and northeast of Dragon Bone Mire. Use the Ascend ability to pass through the platform with the Korok leaf symbol (-4061, 1794, 0150).
- On the cliff West of Rito village and east of Dragon Bone Mire. Complete the structure using the Ultrahand ability (-3876, 1762, 0111).
- West of Wao-Os shrine and North of Dragon Bone Mire. Interact with the yellow flower, and follow it until it turns white (-4127, 1938, 0198).
- East of Wao-Os shrine. Lift the rock from the top of a tall tree (-3945, 1969, 0209).
- Northeast of Wao-Os shrine. Lift the rock near the cave entrance (-3957, 2036, 0207).
- Northwest of Wao-Os shrine. Complete the structure using the Ultrahand ability (-4109, 2048, 0186).
- On the Southern shore of Lake Kilse, West of Dronoc’s pass. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend using the boat construct to earn 2x Korok seeds (-4261, 2176, -0010).
- On the Southern shore of Lake Kilse. Use Ultrahand to fix the roof of a broken house with three planks (-4252, 2145, 0018).
- West of Wao-Os shrine, extreme edge of the map. Interact with the glowing petals on the top of a rock (-4479, 1943, 0162).
- In front of Gatakis shrine’s entrance in Rito Village. Lift the rock at the entrance of a cave (-3650, 1805, 0168).
- Northernmost part of Rito Village. Lift the rock present at the highest location (-3613, 1878, 0402).
- Southeast ledge of Rito village. Stand on a tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and hit the balloon with bullseye mark (-3551, 1754, 0183).
- On a small Island southeast of Rito village. Lift the rock (3696, 1685, 0102).
- On an island West of Rito village. Use Ultrahand to fix the roof of a house (-3774, 1866, 0260).
- At the end of Dronoc’s Pass, West of Rospro Pass. Interact with the yellow flower and follow it (-3793, 2324, 0171).
- At the end of Hebra Trailhead lodge, South of Rospro Pass. Interact with the glowing petals on the roof of chalet (-3567, 2256, 0151).
- East of Rospro Pass and South of Corvash Peak. Step on the tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and pass the ring before the timer runs out to earn a Korok seed.
- West of Hebra Plunge and south of Corvash Peak. Use the Ascend ability to pass through the platform with Korok leaf symbol (-3424, 2067, 0164).
- On the Northern shore of Lake Kilsie, West of Hebra South Summit. Find and place the rock to complete the circle (-4065, 2505, 0019).
- North of Tanagar canyon and East of Oromuwak shrine. Complete the structure by using the Ultrahand ability (-2818, -1598, -0019).
- North of Tanagar canyon and West of Tabantha Hills. Interact with the glowing petals at the top of a house’s chimney (-2666, 1664, 0268).
- North of Tabantha Hills and West of Tabantha Village Ruins. Shoot the acorn hanging from a chain (-2528, 1849, 0284).
- In the Tabantha village ruins, Northeast to Tabantha hills. Shoot an acorn inside the hollow log to obtain a Korok seed.
- In the Hebra Plunge, North of Tama pond. Lift the rock from the top of the highest pillar (-3086, 2121, 0121).
- On an island Northeast of Tama Pond. Find and place the rock to complete a circle (-2796, 1948, 0273).
Hebra Mountains Korok seeds
- On a mountain peak West of Sturnida Basin and Southeast of Tauyosipun shrine. Place the rock on a wooden fork made from tree trunk (-4331, 2602, 0336).
- West of Tauyosipun shrine. Step on the tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and hit three balloons with bullseye mark (-4632, 2820, 0242).
- North of Rospro Pass and west of hebra South summit. Burn the thorns to find a Korok seed.
- South of Talonto Peak and East of Hebra South summit. Find and place the rock to complete the circle (-3161, 2465, 0314).
- West of Hebra Headspring and east of Corvash Peak. Complete the structure with the help of Ultrahand ability (-3047, 2346, 0113).
- At the top of the Talonto Peak. Interact with the glowing petals (-3157, 2691, 6594).
- South of Biron Snowshelf and East of Sturnida Basin. Lift the rock (-3751, 2798, 0137).
- On the shore, East of Sturnida Basin. Melt the ice with a fire weapon (-3851, 2738, 0029).
- North of Biron Snowshelf and East of Hebra West summit. Fix the roof of a hut with two wooden planks (-0037, 3028, 0246).
- On a ledge above the Sherfin’s Secret Hot Spring. Hit the dandelion and catch its seeds before they drop on the ground (-4272, 3499, 0390).
- West of Sherfin’s Secret Hot spring and southwest of Otak shrine. Complete the structure by using the Ultrahand ability (-4508, 3465, 0260).
- At the top of Hebra West Summit. Step on the tree stump with Korok leaf sign, and pass the ring before the timer runs out (-4422, 3215, 0391).
- East of Hebra West summit and North of Sturnida basin. Climb the tree and interact with the glowing petals (-4249, 3127, 0194).
- South of Otak Shrine in Icefall Foothills. Thaw the ice by using a flame weapon (-4429, 3684, 0307).
- At the top of the Hebra North Summit. Thaw the ice and lift the rock (-4005, 3632, 0524).
- Northwest of Biron Snowshelf and East of Hebra West Summit (-3948, 3161, 0322).
- On top of a small peak, Southeast of Sherfin’s Secret Hot Spring. Lift the rock (-4036, 3365, 0265).
- Southeast of Sherfin’s Secret Hot Spring. Create a roof over three statues using three planks (-4187, 3374, 0242).
- On the top of a mountain, West of Hebra Tundra. Thaw the Ice and lift the rock (-3577, 3265, 0387).
- Northwest of Hebra Tundra. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-3688, 3385, 0323).
- In Great Fossil Hebra Cave, North of Hebra North Submit. Shoot the balloon with the bullseye mark inside the eye of giant skeleton (-3975, 3713, 0235).
- In the same area as above, shoot the balloon in the right eye of great skeleton (-3975, 3713, 0253).
- To the North of Hebra North summit, almost the end of the map. Step on the tree stump with Korok leaf sign, and pass through the ring before the timer runs out (-3992, 3835, 0220).
- To the Northwest of Hebra north Crest. Interact with the glowing petals (-3760, 3844, 0269).
- To the North of Hebra North Crest. Interact with the tree stump with Korok leaf sign, and pass the ring before the timer runs out (-3427, 3799, 0245).
- To the South of Eutoum Shrine and North of Hebra Tundra. Interact with the pinwheel and shoot 5 balloons with bullseye mark (-3469, 3471, 0481).
- To the Southeast of Eutoum shrine, near a pond. Climb the tallest tree without leaves to interact with the glowing petals (-3414, 3508, 0436).
- Between Hebra North Summit and Biron Snowshelf. Interact with the yellow flower and follow it (-3852, 3343, 0308).
- East of Sherin’s Secret Hot Spring and North of Biron Snowshelf. Use the Ascend ability to pass through the platform with Korok leaf symbol (-3839, 3416, 0275).
- East of Biron Snowshelf and West of Coldsnap Hollow. Lift a rock on the top of the mountain (-3351, 2991, 0515).
- West of Sisuran shrine and North of Hebra East Summit. Help the stranded Korok reach his friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-2892, 3493, 0246).
- North of Rutafu-um shrine and Coldsnap hollow. Use the Ascend ability to pass through the platform with Korok leaf symbol inside a cave (-3001, 3219, 0560).
- Southwest of Sisuran shrine and Northwest of Pikida Stonegrove. Find and place the rock to complete the circle (-2603, 3233, 0387).
- At the top of the Coldsnap Hollow, North of Talonto Peak. Find and place the rock to complete the shape (-3063, 2841, 0429).
- East of Coldsnap Hollow and South of Hebra Peak. Help the stranded Korok reach its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-2831, 2840, 0581).
- East of Talonto Peak and North of Kopeki drifts. Complete the structure by using the Ultrahand ability to earn a Korok seed.
- South of Pikida Stonegrove Skyview Tower. Take the lost Korok back to its friend to get 2x Korok seeds (-2335, 2956, 0404).
- To the Northeast of Sisuran shrine. Shoot the balloon with the bullseye mark (-2357, 3675, 0274).
- North of the North Tabantha Snowfield. Pick up a rock at the top of a mountain (-1971, 3794, 0313).
- East of Pikida Stonegrove Skyview Tower and south of North Tabantha Snowfield. From the Hilltop, glide to reach the platform with the Korok leaf symbol to get a Korok seed.
- At the top of the hill in North Tabantha Snowfield. Lift the rock (-1761, 3553, 0234).
- West of Oshozan-u shrine and North of the North Tabantha Snowfield. Interact with the yellow flower and follow it (-1666, 3766, 0240).
- South of Hebra Headspring and North of the bridge of Hebra falls. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds.
- Beneath the bridge of Hebra Falls, South to Hebra Headspring. Shoot the hanging jar with the bullseye mark to get a Korok seed.
- West of Hebra Plunge and South of Hebra Falls. Reach the Island using the Recall ability on ice platforms. Complete the structure by using ultrahand to earn a Korok seed.
- West of Tabantha Snowfield and Southeast of Kopeki Drifts. Use ultrahand to place the boulder in the wooden fork (-2270, 2287, 0324).
- South of Kopeki Drifts and Southeast of Hebra Falls. Interact with the pinwheel and shoot 3 balloons with the bullseye mark to earn a Korok seed.
- North of Tabantha Village Ruins and Southeast of Kopeki Drifts. Fix the roof of a structure housing two boulders (-2207, 2090, 0323).
- West of Forgotten Temple and Northeast of Tabantha Village Ruins. Shoot the pot with the bullseye mark (-2074, 2077, 0285).
- Step on a tree stump with Korok leaf symbol on the top of a pillar. Shoot 3 balloons with bullseye mark (-1580, 2133, -0038).
- West of Forgotten Temple and South of South tabantha Snowfield. Lift the rock from the top of a mountain (-1811, 2179, 0273).
- North of Forgotten Temple and East of Kopeki Drifts. Offer an ice fruit to the statue with empty bowl (-1648, 2439, 0237).
- Northeast of Forgotten Temple and Northwest of Rowan Plain. Place the rock inside the wooden fork using the ultrahand (-1430, 2365, 0144).
- Northeast of South Tabantha Snowfield and West of Snowfield Stable. Use the Ascend ability to pass through the platform with Korok leaf sign (-1720, 2556, 0229).
- North of Forgotten Temple and Northeast of South Tabantha Snowfield. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-1348, 2791, 0203).
- West of Mount Drena and North of Rowan Plain. Complete the structure using the ultrahand (-1136, 2593, 0033).
- To the West of Mount Drena and Northeast of South Tabantha Snowfield. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-1349, 2791, 0203).
- Inside the Forgotten Temple, West of Mount Drena. Lift the rock inside the trench (-1186, 2482, -0100).
- Inside the Forgotten Temple, North of Rowan Plain. Lift the rock on the top of a tree (-1147, 2535, -0033).
- North east of Kopeki Drifts and Northwest of South Tabantha Snowfield. Find and place the rock to complete the figure (-2080, 2589, 0301).
- To the East of North Lomei Labyrinth. Climb the wall and shoot the balloon with the bullseye mark (-0687, 3535, 0284).
- East of North Tabantha Snowfield and West of North Lomei Labyrinth. Find and place the rock to complete the figure (-1092, 3401, 0305).
- South of North Lomei Labyrinth, near the edge of the cliff. Shoot the acorn inside the tree hole to earn a Korok seed.
- Northwest of the North Lomei Labyrinth, near the edge of the map. Complete the structure by using the ultrahand (-1208, 3601, 0190).
- Northwest of North Lomei Labyrinth and Northeast of North Tabantha Snowfield. Take the Korok, stranded on the top of a hill, back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (-1384, 3631, 0256).
- East of North Tabantha Snowfield and West of Drenan Highlands. Use the Ascend ability to pass through the platform with Korok leaf symbol (-0995, 3085, 0200).
- North of Mayausiy shrine. Place the rock inside the wooden fork (-1145, 3085, 0344).
Eldin Mountains Korok Seeds Locations
- Along the trench of Drenan Highlands, North of Kikakin Shrine. Find and place the rock to complete the circle (-0480, 3133, 0120).
- West part of Drenan Highlands, North of Kikakin shrine. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend for 2x Korok seeds (-0323, 3158, 0099).
- West of Eldin Mountains and Southeast of Minetak Shrine. Bring the lost Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (0522, 3397, 0184).
- On the hill I East Deplian Badlands, West of Mayak shrine. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (1022, 3674, 0110).
- On the top of the Eldin Mountains. Lift the rock from the top of a bald tree to earn a Korok seed.
- East of Drenan Highlands and Northeast of Drenan Highlands Chasm. Step on a tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and glide to reach the platform before the timer runs out (0060, 3112, 0190).
- On a small Island West of Thyphlo Ruins, East of Drenan Highlands Chasm. Lift the rock (0170, 3036, 0176).
- In the centre of Thyphlo Ruins, North of Lake Mekar. Complete the structure by using the Ultrahand ability (0276, 3120, 0181).
- To the East of Thyphlo ruins. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend with the help of a boat construct to earn 2x Korok seeds.
- On a small island, Northwest of Thyphlo ruins. Lift the rock (0127, 3149, 0181).
- Northeast of Mayak shrine and East Deplian Badlands. Interact with the glowing petals on the wall to get a Korok seed.
- Northeast of Sikukuu shrine and West of Darunia Lake. Pick the rock from a tear symbol inside the geoglyph (0787, 2952, 0282).
- Inside Darunia Lake, West of Isisim shrine. Locate and place the rock to complete the S-shaped figure.
- Northwest of Darunia Lake and West of Isle of Rabac. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds.
- Beneath a bridge near the Isle of Rabac. Shoot a jar with the bullseye mark (1570, 2947, 0398).
- South of Isle of Rabac and East of Darunia Lake. Interact with the glowing petals (1602, 2826, 0466).
- North of Eldin’s Flank. Complete the structure by using the ultrahand ability to earn a Korok seed.
- North of Sibajitak shrine, South of Eldin’s Flank. Use the Ascend ability to pass through a platform with Korok leaf symbol (2405, 3328, 0435).
- East of Lake Darman, South of the upper lizard figure. Shoot the dandelion and catch its seed before they hit the ground (2170, 3035, 0453).
- East of Lake Darman and Northwest of Lake Caldera. Step on a tree stump with a Korok leaf symbol, and glide to reach the platform before the timer runs out (2198, 3006, 0507).
- Beneath the bridge, Southwest of Sibajitak shrine. Shoot the hanging acorn (2232, 3041, 0445).
- Southwest of Kimayat shrine, on the top of a pillar in the center of a lake. Climb the pillar and interact with the glowing petals (2671, 3443, 0374).
- Northwest of Deep Lake. Step on the tree stump with the Korok leaf sign, and shoot 3 balloons with bullseye mark (3076, 3683, 0213).
- Northwest of Sitsum shrine and Southwest of Death Caldera. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds.
- South of Lake Darman and Southeast of Isisim shrine. Complete the structure with the help of Ultrahand ability (2062, 2757, 0475).
- East of Marakuguc shrine and North of Goro Cove. Find and place the pots in front of statues (1808, 2526, 0402).
- Beneath the Stolock bridge, West of Goro Cove. Shoot the balloon with bullseye mark to obtain a Korok seed.
- East of Stolock Bridge and West of Goro Cove. Dive from the bridge to pass through the circle of lily pads (1722, 2421, 0390).
- Northwest of Marakuguc Shrine and Goro Cove. Lift the rock from the top of the finger of stone statue (1722, 2554, 0498).
- North of Stolock Bridge and Northwest of Marakuguc Shrine. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend with the help of a mine cart to earn 2x Korok seeds (1724, 2602, 0431).
- North of Goro Cove and Northeast of Marakuguc shrine. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (1815, 2641, 0400).
- Northwest of Stolock Bridge and Southeast of Golow River. Hit the balloon with the bullseye mark (1593, 2474, 0436).
- North of Goron city and Southwest of Goro Cove. Complete the structure by using Ultrahand ability (1745, 2330, 0420).
- East of Goro Cove and Southwest of Sitsum shrine. Interact with the yellow flower and follow it (2223, 2368, 0520).
- North of Gorko Lake and East of Goro Cove. Complete the structure by using the ultrahand ability (2765, 2335, 0495).
- North of Gortram cliff and East of Goron Hot Springs. Stand on the tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and glide to reach the platform before the timer runs out (1799, 2209, 0497).
- West of Goron Hot Springs and Southwest of Stolock Bridge. Dive in the Golow river and pass through the ring of lily pads (1473, 2224, 0294).
- West of Golow River and Goron Hot Springs. Find and place two rocks to complete the figure and earn a Korok seed.
- Northwest of Gorko Lake and Southeast of Goron Hot Springs. Find the rock and place it in the wooden fork (1999, 2124, 0466).
- Southeast of Death Mountain and North of Moshapin Shrine in Death Caldera. Interact with the glowing petals to obtain a Korok seed.
- East of Death Mountain in Death Caldera. Shoot the balloon with the bullseye mark to obtain a Korok seed.
- West of Shadow Pass and South of Momosik shrine. Fix the roof by suing Ultrahand to earn a Korok seed.
- North of Gorko tunnel and Southwest of Gorko Lake. Help the lost Korok reach his friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (1984, 2038, 0423).
Eldin Canyon Korok Seeds Locations
- In Eldin Canyon, North of Medingo Pool. Interact with the yellow flower and follow it to earn a Korok seed.
- In Gero Pond, East of Medingo Pool. Attach a zonai rocket to the rope to pull the cork and get a Korok seed.
- On Broca Island, East of Gero Pond. Find and place the rock to complete the figure (2704, 1742, 0119).
- North of Goronbi Lake and South of Timawak shrine. Follow the glowing petals on top of a building (1766, 1539, 0309).
- Northwest of Timawak shrine and West of Eldin Canyon. Find and place the rock in the wooden fork (1700, 1755, 0345).
- West of Gorko Tunnel and Northwest of Gortram Cliff. Lift the rock from the top of a cliff (1670, 1980, 0342).
- North of Goronbi River and West of Gortram Cliff. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (1503, 1799, 0310).
- East of Ekochiu shrine and West of Goronbi Lake. Shoot the acorn inside the hollow trunk (1334, 1314, 0167).
- South of Goronbi River and Northwest of Goronbi Lake. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (1534, 1606, 0305).
- Northeast of minshi Woods and South of Goronbi River. Lift the rock from the water to earn a Korok seed.
- West of Goronbi Lake and Minshi Woods. Find the centre of three pointing arrows (1424, 1534, 0363).
- South of Gero Pond and Northwest of Kisinona shrine. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds.
- East shore of Cephla Lake and Northeast of Kisinona shrine. Step on the tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and glide to the platform before the timer runs out (2751, 1374, 0126).
- East shore of Cephla Lake and Southeast of Kisinona shrine. Complete the structure by using the Ultrahand ability (2719, 1154, 0178).
- North of Ternio Trail and Southeast of Kisinona shrine. Interact with the glowing petals near the ruined building (2672, 1077, 0156).
- Southeast of Kisinona shrine, near the Foothills Stable. Help the lost Korok reach its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (2641, 1101, 0157).
- Southern bank of lake Ferona. Use the Ascend ability to pass the platform with Korok leaf symbol inside a cave.
- Below the Eastern edge of the bridge passing over lake Ferona. Hit the dandelion and catch its seeds before they hit the ground to earn a Korok seed.
- On the top of an island in the southernmost part of Lake Ferona. Lift the rock to earn a Korok seed.
- West of Gorko Tunnel and Northwest of Goronbi River. Use the Ascend ability to pass the platform with Korok leaf sign (1433, 1953, 0337).
- North of Trilby Valley and Southwest of Cephla Lake. Find and place the rock to complete the circle and obtain a Korok seed.
- East of Trilby Plain and West of Trilby Valley. Lift the rock inside the tear of a geoglyph (1858, 0786, 0091).
- North of Zelo Pond and Southeast of Trilby Plain. Offer an apple in the empty bowl in front of a statue (1577, 0725, 0077).
- East of Thims Bridge and west of Trilby Valley. Shoot the acorn inside the tree (1467, 0677, 0027).
- Southeast of Thims Bridge and northwest of Zelo Pond. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (1535, 0511, 0010).
- West of Zelo pond and east of Crenel Peak. Shoot the underwater jar with bullseye mark (1478, 0440, 0008).
- Northwest of Ternio Trail and Trilby Valley. Interact with the glowing sparkles (2556, 0763, 0117).
- South of Ternio Trail and East of Trilby Valley. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (2642, 0635, 0177).
- East of Trilby Valley and Southwest of Ternio Trail. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (2545, 0639, 0127).
- South of Ternio Trail and North of Zora River. Step on a tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and glide to the platform on opposite pillar before the timer runs out (2579, 0487, 0179).
- Southeast of Trilby Valley and Northwest of Zora River. Interact with the sparkling petals (2425, 0412, 0195).
Akkala Highland Korok Seeds Locations
- In the Akkala Citadel Ruins, North of Domizuin shrine. Climb the highest archway and interact with the glowing petals (3296, 1511, 0436).
- South of Akkala citadel ruins and Domizuin shrine. Lift the rock at the top of the cliff (3272, 1398, 0285).
- East of south Akkala Plain Chasm. Complete the structure by using the ultrahand ability to earn a Korok seed.
- On the bridge East of Cephla Lake, leading to upland Zorana. Attach a rock to the rope and throw it down the bridge to open the cork (3012, 1200, 0240).
- Southeast of Cephla Lake and North of Upland Zorana. Find the place marked by the red arrows to earn a Korok seed.
- West of the South Akkala Plains chasm. Climb the cliff and interact with the glowing petals (3115, 1306, 0318).
- West of Domizuin shrine in Akkala Citadel Ruins. Burn the pile of leaves or blow them away (3160, 1426, 0256).
- East of Mayachideg shrine and South of Kanalet Ridge. Lift the rock from the top of a bald tree (3233, 1787, 0225).
- South of Mayachideg shrine and Northwest of Kanalet Ridge. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (3092, 1758, 0196).
- South of Torin wetland and West of lake Akkala. Interact with the yellow flower and follow it (3670, 1467, 0096).
- North of Torin Wetland and east of Kanalet Ridge. Lift the rock at the top of the building (3647, 1796, 0112).
- In Rist Peninsula, North of Malin Bay. Lift the rock from the tear of a geoglyph to earn a Korok seed.
- North of Rist peninsula and East of Malin Bay. Burn the pile of leaves or blow them away (4598, 1855, 0009).
- South of Malin Bay and Southeast of East Akkala Plains. Help the lost Korok to reunite with its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (4294, 1607, 0153).
- North of Tingel Island. Follow the arrows and climb the tree (4717, 1417, 0181).
- Southern part of the Ankel Island, North of Knuckle Island. Step on a tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and glide to the platform before the timer runs out (4475, 0936, 0096).
- The southeastern part of David Island, Northeast of Tal Tal Peak. Step on the tree stump with Korok leaf symbol, and glide to the platform without touching the ground (4697, 0547, 0230).
- East of Akkala Falls and West of Kaepora Pass. Pick up the rope with ultrahand and submerge it in the water to open the cork (3869, 1092, 0223).
- In the pond, Northwest of Rasitakiwak shrine. Interact with the sparkling petals (4106, 1378, 0166).
- West of Rasitakiwak shrine. Follow the red arrows to reach the top of a big tree to obtain a Korok seed.
- Northeast of Jochi-ihiga shrine and South of Lake Akkala. Interact with the yellow flower and follow it (3882, 1338, 0247).
- East of Lake Akkala and North of Rasitakiwak shrine. Fix the rooftop of a broken house on the path to Link’s plot (4133, 1493, 0170).
- On the gate leading to Tarrey Town. Lift the rock on the top of the gate (4021, 1623, 0137).
- Ring the bell in the centre of the Tarrey town with ultrahand, and pull it all the way up to earn a Korok seed.
- South of Ukuku Plains and North of Polymus Mountain. Complete the structure with the help of ultrahand to earn a Korok seed.
- Southeast of Ukuku Plains and North of Polymus Mountain. Find and place the rocks to complete the triangle figure.
- South of Ulria Grotto and East of Polymus Mountain. Attach a zonai rocket to the rope to pull the cork out, and earn a Korok seed in return.
- Northwest of Ulria Grotto and Southeast of Ukuku Plains. Take the stranded Korok back to its friend to earn 2x Korok seeds (4055, 0943, 0276).
- Northwest of Ulria Grotto and Northeast of Polymus Mountain. Use the Ascend ability to pass through the platform with Korok leaf symbol (4078, 0821, 0232).
- West of knuckle Island and South of Gatanisis shrine. Interact with the glowing petals to earn a Korok seed.
- West of David Island and Southeast of Ulria Grotto. Find and place the stones to complete the figure (0433, 0615, 0274).