Remnant 2 spares no expense in bringing you the toughest boss battles, and like its predecessor, the game brings back the highly revered Alt Kills. Alt Kills essentially allow you to obtain unique rewards by killing certain bosses in a certain way.
In this guide, we will cover everything about all bosses in Remnant 2. From weaknesses to all Alt Kills and the rewards for taking them down.
It is important to note that not all bosses have Alt Kills in Remnant 2. This feature is mainly saved for the main world bosses. Nevertheless, we’ve discussed every boss in the list below.
The Huntress

A witch riding a goat would put the perfect image in your mind of the Huntress. She is fast and will keep trying to poke you with her spear and ram you with her giant goat. Keep out of it and remember to shoot her crows.
Weakspot: The head of the Huntress and the Goat are the weaknesses you can exploit.
Alt Kill Method: Without waking her up, smash her with the Dreamcatcher that you can get by offering Nightweaver Stone Doll to the Strange Web. Then use the consumable to travel to Briella’s Reverie. You can kill her there for an alternate reward.
Rewards: Sacred Hunt Feather (Alt Kill), Venerated Spearhead (Regular Kill), Lumenite Crystal x3, Scarp, Tome of Knowledge
The Nightweaver

The Nightweaver is one of the region’s final bosses and Nimue’s sister. She is found in the Asylum in Morrow Parish, Losom. The battle against her is painfully long and hard.
Weakspot: Center of the chest on her heart. Glowing like a fireball.
Alt Kill: To stop the minions from spawning, destroy her heart with any weapon during the boss battle’s initial phase.
Rewards: Cursed Dream Skill, Nightweaver’s Finger (Alt Kill), Lumenite Crystal, Scrap, Tome of Knowledge
The Red Prince

The self-absorbed fire bender is a powerful Fae that you can find deep inside the Gilded Chambers of Losomn. The Red Prince will give you a choice to either pay him tribute or not with Crimson King Coins. Both decisions have their consequences for you to face.
Weak Spot: You must target his “head” to do the most damage.
Alt Kill Method: You must kill the Red Prince with the Assassin’s Dagger, which you can obtain during the Fae Council Event.
Rewards: Blood Steel Splinter (if you pay tribute), Crown of Red Prince (alt kill), Forlorn Fragment x1, Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, and Scrap
Bloat King

Fighting the giant jellyfish Bloat King is going to be pretty intense because of its invincibility towards the start of the fight. You will come face to face with it in the Great Sewers of Losomn. Stay safe until you can hit back.
Weakspot: A giant yellow Energy Ball that shows up later during the fight is considered the boss’s weakness.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method
Rewards: Bone Sap x1, Scrap, Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge

The final boss in the region of Losomn is Faelin. You will be presented with the choice to side with either Faelin or Faerin. Picking either side triggers a fight with the other one.
Weakspot: Sword Hilt
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method
Rewards: Faerin Singet Ring, Imposter’s Heart, Scrap, Tome of Knowledge, Lumenite Crystal x6

The other option to fight during the Imposter quest is Faerin. She is quite similar to the previous boss, Faerin. The fighting style remains the same for both twins but deadly if you are not prepared.
Weakspot: Sword Hilt
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method
Rewards: Faerin’s Sigil, Melded Hilt, Scrap, Tome of Knowledge, Lumenite Crystal x6
Gwendil: The Unburnt

Fighting a human-like Gwendil: The Unburnt might not sound like a task to worry about but with this one, not being properly prepared leads to a slow and painful death. Her grenades deal massive damage and are abundant during the battle.
Weakspot: Her Head or Hand with Grenade.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Alkahest Powder, Scrap, Tome of Knowledge, Lumenite Crystal x4
Magister Dullain

This huge, weird-looking monster, Magister Dullain, has his tongue out half the time. He might not look like much but the magic spell he casts can be the reason you rest in grave for the rest of eternity.
Weakspot: Shoot the tongue he likes to flaunt because it hurts him the most there.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Tainted Ichor, Scrap, Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge
The Council

Fighting the three council members by the name of the Council, who once asked you to help them find the killer of one true king seems like a story far-fetched for anyone. Find the right person to get rewarded and accusing the wrong one will lead to the fight. All of this happens in the Council Chambers Dungeon.
Weakspot: Head is where they take the most amounts of damage.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Fae Protector Singet, Scrap
Sha’Hala: Spectral Guardian of N’Erud

The region’s final boss will not be someone you can walk all over. Remnant 2 bosses are unique in every way and so is Sha’Hala. You can only take it down if you know what you are doing. A giant boss who can phase in and out of realities is pretty annoying but you go with this.
Weakspot: You will see that the boss has an Orb in its hand. That is where you should shoot.
Alt Kill: Before the fight, you will encounter a diamond-shaped terminal. Use the Override Pin, then fight the boss. Immediately after the fight, N’Erud will cease to exist, and you won’t be able to explore it further in the campaign mode.
Rewards: Eidolon Shard, Segment (Sentinel’s Keep), Void Cinder (Alt Kill), Scrap, Lumenite Crystal, Tome of Knowledge

One of the first bosses found in the region. A complete pain to fight, Abomination is boss you will have to deal with patience and perseverance. It is a highly evolved version of the normally found Corpse Ball. You will find him in the Putrid Domain Dungeon.
Weakspot: During the fight, it will expose its core several times. You will have to shoot the core to deal more damage otherwise it is quite sturdy.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Mutated Growth, Scrap, Lumenite Crystal, Tome of Knowledge

Bugs are annoying and a pain to kill wherever you go. Primogenitor being a bug is also of the most annoying bosses in the game. It flies around, uses minions, and is quick so shooting it is also a huge task.
Weakspot: No Weakness
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method
Rewards: Cracked Shell
Tal Ratha

There aren’t many world bosses that offer you a way out by getting eaten alive but surely Tal Ratha isn’t your normal everyday boss. There is a choice. It’s either get eaten and fight the metaphysical state or refuse and fight the normal state. Either way, it is time to put on your gear and get ready to rumble.
Weakspot: Mouth is where you need to aim as it is the weak point.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method
Rewards: Shinning Essence Echo, Spiced Bile, Scrap, Lumenite Crystal, Tome of Knowledge
Tal Ratha (Meta Physical)

As mentioned earlier if you decide to get eaten in order to merge your consciousness with the people, you will fight with the Meta Physical form of Tal Ratha.
Weakspot: The whole head becomes the weakness.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Acidic Jawbone, Shinning Essence Echo, Scrap, Lumenite Crystal, Tome of Knowledge
The Astropath

Take tons of juiced-up Specters and combine them all together. That’s Astropath for you. You know a boss means business when they have a whole dungeon named after them – Astropath’s Respite.
Weakspot: The exposed part of the chest is the weakest part of its body.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Seeker Residue, Iron, Scrap, Tome of Knowledge, Lumenite Crystal
The Custodian’s Eye

Belonging to the race of Sentinels, The Custodian’s Eye is a robot that is quite sturdy when it comes to fighting it. His giant metal body alone is enough to scare most people so it’s best to tread carefully otherwise you will meet your creator soon enough.
Weakspot: It is in the name. The Central Eye is the weakness of this boss.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method
Rewards: Sentry’s Old Iris, Tome of Knowledge

The final boss in the region, Corruptor fights alongside his trusty minion Golem. The giant floating monster is going to stay at a distance while the Golem is going to be doing everything. You can attack the golem to stun him and then deal damage to the main body.
Weakspot: The giant red core located at the bottom of his body.
Alt Kill: Kill the boss while the Golem is stunned.
Rewards: Stone Breaker, Twisted Lazurite (Alt Kill), Scrap, Tome of Knowledge, Lumenite Crystal
Corrupted Ravager

Enemies from the previous installment of Remnant have managed to slip past as bosses in Remnant 2. Ravagers used to be powerful foes but due to their desperation for survival, they gave in to Root and got corrupted, hence the name, Corrupted Ravager. Before the fight, you will be given a choice to fight or not fight. You can pick either one.
Weakspot: You will see tree roots on his back. That is considered the weak spot.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Crimson Membrane (Doe gets eaten by the boss), Doe’s Antler (Healing the Doe), Ravager’s Maw (Killing the doe after the battle starts), Ravager’s Mark (Kill the Doe befreo the battle starts), Scrap, Tome of Knowledge, Lumenite Crystal,
Kaeula’s Shadow

Fighting a monster is hard enough but what kicks it up a notch is fighting it in its own natural habitat. That is what you will have to deal with during your fight with Kaeula’s Shadow. This octopus-looking monster with tentacles will constantly try to pull you into the swamp while launching powerful attacks at you. She resides in the Kaeula’s Rest Dungeon.
Weakspot: Being a water monster, it is weak against fire.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method
Rewards: Twilight Dactylus, Scrap, Tome of Knowledge, Lumenite Crystal

If there was a tier list for optional bosses based on how annoying they are, Legion would be up there along with the top entries. You will find this one in the Twisted Chantry. Imagine a dead monster launching projectile attacks on you while peacefully sitting on a throne. That’s Legion for you.
Weakspot: A Circle above Legion’s Head. It only works if it is glowing.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Agnosia Driftwood, Tome of Knowledge, Lumenite Crystal
Mother Mind

The name fits the description quite well when it comes to Mother Mind. Every Root Flyer in the game originates from her and you can expect the mother to be stronger than its children. You better expect lots of minions when you are going to engage in battle with her.
Weakspot: She will spawn glowing red circles that act as the weak points of the monster.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method
Rewards: Cordyceps Glands, Scrap, Lumenite Crystal, Tome of Knowledge

Robinhood, but instead of looting the rich, he is going to steal your soul from your body. Also, Shrewd has magical powers to summon minions to aid him in the fight. You might wanna get close if you want to deal with him swiftly.
Weakspot: Shrewd’s weakspot is located on his head.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Soul Sliver, Scrap, Lumenite Crystal
Labyrinth Sentinel

Taking inspiration from Pacman, this giant cube which we call the Labyrinth Sentinel is out to get you, dead or alive. This monstrosity is going to split up and come at you both from air and ground. You are going to keep an eye on all directions if you want to live.
Weakspot: Bright White Light Spot on all sides of the cube.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Conflux Prism, Scrap, Tome of Knowledge, Lumenite Crystal

The ultimate boss we have been waiting for. The root of all evil, or shall we say, the Evil Root, Annihilation is the final of all bosses in Remnant 2. This giant tree in the shape of a dragon is going to make you scratch your head with how frustrating it is to deal with him.
Weakspot: Shoot its head because it is the weakest there.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Broken Compass, Forgotten Memory, Scrap, Tome of Knowledge, Lumenite Crystal

A giant one-eyed head with long legs who can teleport across the arena and in some cases can also teleport you. That’s how annoying Bane is in Remnant 2. You will need to take it down if you want to unlock the Invader Archetype.
Weakspot: The Giant Singular Eye on his head is its weakness.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Corrupted Lumenite Crystal, Supercharger, Wooden Shiv, Scrap

Cancer is one of the last bosses you will face in the campaign mode in Remnant 2. During the fight, you will have to look at the ground you are stepping on a lot because of how much stuff is gonna come out. It is the true depiction of what Root actually is.
Weakspot: There is a giant weakspot on its back.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Necroyte Strand, Scrap, Tome of Knowledge, Lumenite Crystal

A super-fast flying knight with a spear so powerful it rips through space. It only makes sense because Venom is the second-last boss before you finally face the Root of all evil. He is fast and deadly. Every next phase of the fight is harder than the last one.
Weakspot: The Exposed Core within its chest is going to take the most amount of damage.
Alt Kill: No Alt Kill Method.
Rewards: Dread Core, Scrap, Tome of Knowledge, Lumenite Crystal