If you ever come across a locked area with an imp statue during your journey, the only way forward will be to find a Stonesword Key in Elden Ring.
These imp statues act like seals in the game and are similar to the magic-powered blue barriers you find blocking your path.
The only difference is that imp statues need to be broken by using a Stonesword Key. There is no other way to remove the seal.
Since imp statues seal access to treasure rooms, optional dungeons, shortcuts, and such that contain unique rewards and loot, you need to get as many Stonesword Keys as possible to gain complete access to the map in Elden Ring.
How to use Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring
Something important to note is that Stonesword Keys are consumed upon use, meaning that they can only be used once.
Some imp statues may require more than one Key to remove the seal. You will know how many Keys are needed by interacting with the nearby imp statue in the game.
Do note that you can neither trade nor duplicate Stonesword Keys by dropping them for your friends in co-op. You need to find them across The Lands Between the old-fashioned way.
Where to find all Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring
Stonesword Keys are pretty rare in Elden Ring due to the fact that they can only be used once. You will come across a fair few of them while completing the main storyline of the game.
Once you start exploring the entire map, you will need to go through all of the regions to loot the remaining stone-shaped Keys from corpses, statues, and secret rooms.
There are also some merchants in the game that sell you Stonesword Keys for Runes.
There are a total of 70 Stonesword Keys that can be looted in Elden Ring, while 20 more Keys can be purchased from various merchants.
Ainsel River

1) You can obtain the first Stonesword Key by moving southeast from the Malformed Star location in Elden Ring.
The Key will be among large and multiple small flowers. These flowers are magical and induce Madness, so you should carefully collect the Key in this area.
2) The second Key is in the eastern section of Ainsel River. Head to the marked location and you will find a corpse hanging over a ledge on the lowest floor. Loot it for another Stonesword Key.
You can also collect one Somber Smithing Stone 6 by taking a few steps east from the Key location.
Altus Plateau

1) The first Stonesword Key is on the west side of Ancient Dragon Lansseax in the Altus Plateau. After moving a little on the left side of the boss, you will find a few trees and a pedestal platform. You have to go toward the platform’s edge to find the corpse you can loot for a Key.
2) The second Stonesword Key in this area is located northeast of the Grand Lift of Dectus, just south of the Night’s Cavalry which you can encounter ahead on the road.
You will find the Key next to a cart and some wooden items on the marked location above.

1) Head to the Divine Tower of Caelid in the north and make your way to the edge from the outside. Defeat the Heavy Godrick Knight past the ladder that takes you to the top and take the Stonesword Key.
2) Head west from Sellia Hideaway and Fort Faroth to find a large white rock on the cliffside. Get to the top of that rock to loot a corpse in a chair for another Stonesword Key in Elden Ring.
3) The next Key is nearby. Head south to reach Sellia, Town of Sorcery, and find a way to reach the rooftops with the large roots. There is a corpse here over the town’s entrance that has a Stonesword Key.
4) Another Key can be found west of Sellia Crystal Tunnel and south of Deep Siofra Well in Elden Ring. Follow the edge of the cliff until you spot the Key on the ground.
5) Go through Gaol Cave until you come across a cell that can be opened with a lever. This cell has both a Stonesword Key as well as the Wakizashi dagger in Elden Ring.
Crumbling Farum Azula

1) Crumbling Farum Azula has only one Stonesword Key. You need to move northwest from the Dragonlord Placidusax area in Elden Ring to find a corpse next to a ledge at the marked site.
Loot the corpse to add another Key to your inventory.
Deeproot Depths

1) This Stonesword Key is found by moving southwest from the Crucible Knight Siluria location in Deeproot Depths. You will reach a Church. The Key is located on its rooftop, so find your way to get to the Church’s roof.
Leyndell, Royal City

1) The first Stonesword Key is found inside the Sealed Tunnel in Elden Ring. You will face the Onyx Lord in the same place, so you must prepare for the battle.
The Key can be looted from the area above the Iron Maiden in Leyndell, Capital City
2) Use the Dragon’s foot to reach the small building across the manor. You will find the Stonesword Key on its wooden balcony.
3) Make your way north from the Lion Guardian location toward a Gazebo to collect the third Key in Elden Ring. You have to climb the structure to reach its top, and there you will find a corpse that provides you with the Key upon interaction.
4) The fourth Stonesword Key of the capital city is found on the south side of the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in Elden Ring. You need to reach a building by passing the graveyard. Several lightning pot throwers make it easy to identify the area, and inside the building, you will find a chest that contains the Key.
5) Moving a little south from the fourth Stonesword Key allows you to bag another Key in Elden Ring. You will find three enemies praying next to the graveyard that provides you with your next Key. The corpse lying on the grave offers you the item.
6) The sixth Stonesword Key is obtained by moving north from the Erdtree Avatar location through the city’s main road in Elden Ring.
You need to find the corpse hanging on the edge of the building next to two stone imps. So you should climb the facility to interact with the corpse.
7) While exploring the sewers and tunnels below the Capital City, you need to drop down one of the holes to find a corpse with a Stonesword Key.
8) Make your way into Auriza Hero’s Grave and reach the corpse that lies by the two chariots’ path.

1) The first Stonesword Key is found inside the Underground Crypt in Elden Ring. You will also have to face the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the same Crypt, so be careful while exploring the area. Inside the Crypt, you have to reach the Root Monster room to collect the Key from the body of a corpse.
2) You can get a second Stonesword Key by moving southeast from the Rampart Tower Site of Grace. You must climb the rooftops to find a corpse beside reddish brick walls. The interaction with the corpse provides another Key for your usage.
3) Another Stonesword Key is found on the east from the location of the Grafted Scion in Elden Ring.
You will see a corpse at the edge of a ledge, and from there, you can see the room where the Grafted Scion is located. Interaction with the corpse bags you another Key.
4) From the Stormhill Shack Site of Grace, take a few steps south toward the wooden platforms in Elden Ring. These wooden platforms are located just outside the Stormhill Shack, and on one of them, you will find a corpse, providing you with one more Key.
5) To get the fifth Stonesword Key of this region, you must visit the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave in Elden Ring.
You will have to move north inside the cave to find the platform above the chariot in the dungeon. There you will find a corpse that provides you with the Key.
6) You can loot the last Stonesword Key of this region by moving toward the Dragon-Burnt Ruins in Elden Ring.
In the middle of the ruins, you will find a small building that contains the Key. However, a frenzied rat will attack you, so kill the creature to loot the last Key without paying a penny.
Liurnia of the Lakes

1) For the first Stonesword Key, you need to move northwest from the Site of Grace located at the Main Caria Manor Gate in Elden Ring.
You can access the location of the Key after defeating Royal Knight Loretta. You need to drop down south from the top of the ladder toward the rampart.
Head toward the west side to find a Giant Crab that will guard the Key. So you have to finish the creature to increase the number of collected Keys in your inventory.
2) Make your way to the Frenzied Flame Village which lies northwest of the Minor Erdtree in the area and east of a Wandering Mausoleum.
Once you reach the village, you need to climb the surrounding castle walls. Then head to the marked location to find another Stonesword Key in Elden Ring.
Miquella’s Haligtree

1) To get the first Stonesword Key, you need to move south from the Haligtee Canopy Site of Grace in Elden Ring. You will find the Key at the end of the branch. So you have to look down after reaching the end to find the Key.
2) From where you found the first Stonesword Key here, head northeast. There is a corpse with another Key on a branch here. He might be hard to spot because his dead body is lying on the tip of the branch.
Mountaintops of the Giants

1) For the first Stonesword Key, walk north from the Yelough Anix Ruins toward small building structures. In one such small building, you will find a bunch of rats along with the required Key.
2) On the east side of the first Stonesword Key, you can find the next Key in Elden Ring. Near the end of the cliff, you will find a corpse sitting on a chair, and interaction with it bags you another Key in the game.
3) The third Stonesword Key is located on the south side of the Chief Guardian Arghanthy next to the Guardians Garrison. You need to move toward the entrance of the Castle, and there will be a corpse next to the fire monk noble, whom you can interact with to gain another Key.
4) The last Stonersword Key of this region is found at the top of Castle Sol in Elden Ring. Make your way toward the west side of Commander Niall’s location to reach the top of the tower. You will find a corpse hanging from the wall, and interacting with it allows you to bag one more Key.
Mt. Gelmir

1) The first Stonesword Key of this region becomes accessible if you move northeast from Fort Laied in Elden Ring.
The direction from the Fort leads you toward the end of the cliff. You will find a tree surrounded by several Jellyfish creatures, and at the base lies the much-needed Key.
2) If you move east from the Omenkiller location, you will come across the second Stonesword Key in Elden Ring.
You have to reach the stairs that contain a body by moving from the upper area of the location. After finding the body, you just have to interact with it.
3) After defeating Godskin Noble, take the southeast exit to find an open window you can jump through to get another Stoneswork Key in Mt. Gelmir.
4) The next Key is hidden behind an illusionary wall on the marked location. Make your way east from where you encounter Necromancer Garris and remove the fake wall to get the Key.
5) This is a pretty easy Key to find. Just head inside Gelmir Hero’s Grave in Elden Ring and keep going until you pass the fire trap to your right. You will then spot another Key here.
6) You can get the sixth Stonesword Key by moving northwest from the Mad Pumpkin location in Elden Ring. You have to reach the end of the Broken Bridge, and the Key will be visible on the right-hand side.
7) The last marked Stonesword Key is inside the Shaded Castle in Elden Ring. You can reach the Key by moving north from the Shaded Castle Ramparts Grace. There will be a body hanging over a ledge that you must interact with to gain another Key.
Raya Lucaria Academy

1) To get the first Stonesword Key, move inside the Academy Crystal Cave in Elden Ring. The pathway can easily be found by moving toward the room of fog. From the path, go toward a corpse inside the cage to collect the Key.
2) For the second Key, you must move outside Raya Lucaria Academy. This site is on the east side of the Giant Crab location.
Make your way toward the merchant found under the bridge, and you will discover a corpse sitting on a chair there. You have to interact with this dead body to gather one more Key.
3) The third Stonesword Key is obtainable by moving south from the Giant Crab location in Elden Ring. You will have to interact with the corpse found on the side of the fountain to gain the Key.
4) You can get the fourth Key by moving toward the Debate Hall Grace. You need to look for the illusionary bookshelf before the Site of Grace near the Comet Sorcery. Moving behind the illusionary bookshelf gets you another Key in the game.
5) The last Stonesword Key of this region is found inside a chest that you can only access by using your horse.
You have to double jump with your horse to reach the site that contains the chest. After finding the chest, you just have to unlock it to grab the last Key of the academy.
Siofra River

1) The first Stonesword Key is bagged by moving northwest from the Dragonkin Soldier location in Elden Ring.
You need to reach the lower ledges of the area by dropping down from the cliff. The best dropping point is near Jellies, so you must use that to find the Key on one of the ledges.
2) Moving northeast from the Dragonkin Soldier site will quickly get you the second Key in the game. You need to walk down on the wall that is on the northwest cliff.
From here, you must use your Torment to perform a high jump, leading you toward the place that contains the Key. You will land on a ledge; from here, you can grab the Key.
3) On the northeast side of the Ancestor Spirit, you will find a bridge that provides you with another Stonesword Key in Elden Ring.
You must reach the bridge’s end to find a body next to large stones. Your interaction with the body will get you another Key.
4) The fourth Stonesword Key is next to a rare Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone in this region. You can reach the location by moving east from the Sanguine Nobles location.
5) The last Key of this area is again found on a dead body. You can move southeast from the fourth Key location to reach your targetted area. You just have to explore the dead body to find the last Key.
Weeping Peninsula

1) One of the easiest Stonesword Keys you can find in Elden Ring. Head to the Bridge of Sacrifice and drop down below to get the Key from a corpse.
2) Once you have the first Key from the bridge, head southeast and climb the mountain. Reach the marked location to loot a corpse in a chair for another Key.
Where to buy Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring
Unlike Smithing Stones that you can buy from one or two merchants, there are several merchants on the map that sell you Stonesword Keys.
Altus Plateau

1) You can find a Nomadic Merchant on this end of the Forest-Spanning Greatbridge. This is close to the portal which takes you to the other end of the broken bridge.
You can purchase up to three Stonesword Keys from here at the cost of 4,000 Runes per Key.

1) You can find a Nomadic Merchant on the main road of Caelid. If you are coming from the Caelid Highway South Site of Grace, the merchant’s location is just past the first right turn. This is also where you spot the pillar with the Caelid map fragment.
You can purchase only one Stonesword Keys from here at the cost of 4,000 Runes.

1) Patches is a unique merchant NPC in Elden Ring. He has his own questline for starters, at the end of which you will be able to fight him. However, do not kill him. If you kill Patches, you will not be able to access his shop inventory.
Patches can be found at the end of Murkwater Cave in Limgrave. Spare him and he will sell you a Stonesword Key for 5,000 Runes.
Mountaintops of the Giants

1) You can find the Hermit Merchant just before the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins in the Mountaintops of the Giants. Either that or simply move south from the Stargazer Ruins.
You can buy up to three Stonesword Keys from the Hermit Merchant at a combined cost of 9,000 Runes.
Mt. Gelmir

1) If you cross the bridge past the Ninth Mt. Gelmit Campsite Site of Grace, you will reach another Nomadic Merchant in Elden Ring.
You can buy only one Stonesword Key from here at the cost of 5,000 Runes.
Siofra River

1) The Imprisoned Merchant is pretty hard to reach. You need to make your way to the end of the caves of the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum.
You can buy up to five Stonesword Keys from him at the combined cost of 25,000 Runes.
2) The second merchant that sells Stonesword Keys in Siofra River can be found near a campfire south of where you fight the Dragonkin Soldier.
You can purchase up to three Stonesword Keys from the Abandoned Merchant here at the combined cost of 6,000 Runes.
Weeping Peninsula

1) The first Nomadic Merchant here is sitting just outside of the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace.
You can buy only one Stonesword Key from here at the cost of 2,000 Runes.
2) The Isolated Merchant here has his own shack and Site of Grace. You can find him at the far western corner of the Weeping Peninsula.
You can buy up to three Stonesword Keys from here at the combined cost of 6,000 Runes.
Best places to unlock with Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring
There are several locations in Elden Ring that you can unlock with Stonesword Keys. However, you should be wise about which place to unlock because each Key can only be used once.
Fringfolk Hero’s Grave

The Fringefolk Hero’s Grave in Limgrave is the best place to unlock first in Elden Ring. This place is available from the start of your playthrough, and with two Stonesword Keys, you can access the whole area.
You can find the Grave by moving toward the Stranded Graveyard area but consider gaining some experience and resources before trying your luck at the grave site.
Behind the Imp Statue Seal, you will find several creatures that will hit you hard, and you also get to face the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the same place.
So after taking care of all these enemies, you can explore the location to collect Banished Knight Oleg and Golden Seed. These two items are mighty and help you a lot in combat in Elden Ring
Stormveil Castle

Stormveil Castle is another excellent place to unlock first with your Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring.
There are two Imp Statues in the Castle that need to be broken. One leads to treasures that are perfect for Faith-focused players, and the other increases the combat ability of the strength-based characters in the game.
The Cellar Room in the central courtyard can be unlocked using the Keys. In the room, you can find items like Godskin Prayerbook and Godslayer’s Seal. These items allow access to several powerful incantations that players can utilize against different bosses in the game.
The second Imp Statue is found on the east side of Rampart Tower Grace. You need to unlock the foggy wall with the Key to gain Iron Whetblade, Misercorde Dagger, and Hawk Crest Wooden Shield. All these items improve the melee combat, unleashing the true power of strength-dexterity builds in the game.
Summonwater Village

The Summonwater Village is an area you can hardly miss due to its beauty and treasures in Elden Ring. The village is between Limgrave and Caelid so you can move there from any direction.
It is the same place where you also get a quest by D, leading to your battle with the Tibia Mariner in the game. The contest with this boss is going to be easy, and you can explore the Imp Statue seal behind the village after defeating your enemy.
Using your Stonesword Key here will help you find the much-needed Green Turtle Talisman. This particular item improves your recovery speed and stamina.
Both of these stats are crucial when it comes to battling, as with higher energy, you can swing your sword more to deal maximum damage. Moreover, the Green Turtle Talisman is the best early-game item you can use with every game class.
Auriza Hero’s Grave

The Auriza Hero’s Grave is another location that you should consider unlocking with a Stonesword Key in Elden Ring.
If you have a Key to spare after reaching Leyndell, Royal City, you will be able to bag some unique items like the Crucible Feather Talisman, Vulgar Militia Ashes, and Crucible Axe Set.
All these items are great for surviving different situations, including battles with elite enemies in the game.
Night’s Sacred Ground

The Mimic Tear Ash is one of the strongest summons in Elden Ring, which is why it is locked behind an Imp Statue Seal in Siofra River.
You need to make your way to the Night’s Sacred Ground by reaching the Ancestral Woods Site of Grace and then dropping down the ruins below.
Get to the treasure room and use a Stonesword Key to open the locked door for the Mimic Tear Ashes.
Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree

The Imp Seal can only be accessed after defeating Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree. Once you reach the room, use a Stonesword Key to open the way and loot Marika’s Soreseal Talisman, one of the best items in Elden Ring.