Banished Knight Oleg is one of the many spirit summons that you can unlock in Elden Ring.
Oleg is the name of the Banished Knight and is one of two knights who were given the title of Wings of the Storm.
The best thing about the Banished Knight Oleg summon is that he has a high health pool. Hence, you can use him as a meatshield to tank enemies while you remain safe in the distance.
Even better is that you can get this spirit summon early in the game to increase your survival chances.
Where to find Banished Knight Oleg in Elden Ring
In order to obtain the Banished Knight Oleg summon in Elden Ring, you need to clear out the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave which lies in the starting area. The grave is next to the Stranded Graveyard Site of Grace.
The grave is also the location of the Banished Knight Oleg ashes which you need to unlock the summon in Elden Ring. However, you cannot explore the grave until you have two Stonesword Keys.
You can get the first key by heading toward the Dragonburnt Ruins. Explore the area to find a room that contains multiple rats, and there, you will find the corpse holding the key for you in Elden Ring.
Secondly, you should move toward the Stormhill Shack by following the lighting guide that takes you from the Site of Grace toward the Stormhill castle, so you just have to follow and move wherever the light takes you.
The second Stoneword key is inside the shack. You just have to acquire the key and move toward the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave.
Explore the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave

After obtaining both the keys, travel back to the Stranded Graveyard Site of Grace to enter the Hero’s Grave for the Banished Knight Oleg summon in Elden Ring.
You will find an Imp statue right next to the grave and interact with it. You need to use the acquired Stonesword keys to open the access toward Fringefolk Hero’s Grave.
Inside the grave area, you will find several small-scale enemies you can quickly run past. However, you should be careful of the poison pit and run through it as fast as possible without paying attention to other things.
Additionally, a large Chariot will try to attack you several times, so position yourself carefully and use the openings of the walls to dodge the attacks.
Keep running down and dodging your enemy attacks to reach a yellow wall of fog. Go past the wall to meet another boss.
Defeat the Ulcerated Tree Spirit
You are required to defeat the giant enemy that waits for you inside the grave. This is going to be a quick fight as this foe is not very strong, so just dodge the incoming attacks and stay on offense to finish the job.
At the end of the battle, you will acquire the Banished Knight Oleg summoning ashes in Elden Ring. Now you get the ability to summon the knight according to your need.
How to use the Banished Knight Oleg ash in Elden Ring
This summoning spirit is vital when it comes to dealing damage and absorbing incoming enemy attacks. You need to spend 100 FP to summon Banished Knight Oleg, and it uses two giant swords to put down your enemies.
You can use its remarkable ability to defeat enemies by dealing severe damage, and the spirit got the ability to kill multiple enemies at once.
The high health bar of the knight allows you to catch a breath and restore your FP or Health during combat. It means you can use this spirit as a distraction to create openings during the battles.