How To Get And Use The Giant’s Prayerbook In Elden Ring
Learn Giant incantations with the help of the Giant’s Prayerbook in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring: Rivers Of Blood Location And Best Builds
Boil your enemies blood with the Rivers o Blood katana in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring Rivers of Blood Katana Bleed Build Guide
Make your foes bleed with our Rivers of Blood Katana Build in Elden Ring.

Ark Lost Island Wyvern Eggs Location
Wyverns Eggs are important items in Ark Lost Island that add nutritional value to the cooking recipes. Wyverns randomly drop…

Ark Scorched Earth Alpha Deathworm Location and Taming
Alpha Deathworms are bigger variants of the Deathworm that keep on chasing you when you are in its aggro range….

Ark Scorched Earth Alpha Lymantria Location and Taming
Lymantria are moth-like creatures that are a perfect choice for flying through confined space and farming silk in Ark Scorched…

Ark Scorched Earth Manticore Location and Taming
Manticore is one of the final bosses in Ark Scorched Earth, which has deadly claw and lethal poison attacks. Being…

Ark Lost Island Griffin Spawn Location and Taming
Griffins are highly aggressive predators in Ark Lost Island, and taming one is nearly impossible. Getting this creature means you…

Ark Scorched Earth Mantis Location and Taming
Mantis is an aggressive creature in Ark Scorched Earth, feeding with a carnivorous diet. Taming a Mantis is a difficult…

Ark Scorched Earth Rock Elemental Location and Taming
Rock Elemental are slow yet dangerous creatures in Ark Scorched Earth. These creatures are giant rock monsters that take on…

The Witcher 2 Royal Blood Quest Walkthrough
Find out who poisons Saskia and decide his fate in the Royal Blood quest.

Diablo 4 Corrupted Grotto Dungeon Guide
Corrupted Grotto is a medium-sized dungeon in Diablo 4 that is overrun with Skeletons and the undead such as Demons,…
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Crash on Startup Fix, Low FPS, Controller Not Working, and Freezes
Respawn’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is now out on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. However, the game is…

Zelda: Breath of the Wild Shai Yota Shrine Guide
In our The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Shai Yota Guide, we’ve detailed everything you need to know…

Outriders Was Designed To Let You Create Your Own Shooter Game
Ever since Outriders was announced last year, the new offering from People Can Fly has been constantly compared against several…

Skyrim: Best Armor And Weapons For Stealth And Sneaking
We hear that you need to be the ultimate assassin in Skyrim?

Diablo Immortal Demonic Remains Quest Guide
Diablo Immortal Demonic Remains are special items that make players powerful and provide them with useful challenge rift buffs. These…

Survey Sets Playstation 5 Price Unexpectedly Low
Don’t get excited just yet. Sony Interactive Entertainment hasn’t announced the price for Playstation 5 today. However, Nielsen, one of…

Next COD: WW2 DLC May Contain the Shipment Map From COD 4
The Call of Duty fans might already have downloaded the recent update for Call of Duty: WW2. This DLC map…
Red Dead Redemption PC Play Available Via Playstation Now
Since Red Dead Redemption 2 got its first trailer today after being announced several days ago, the news about the…
Assassin’s Creed Is Not Returning To Annual Releases, Says Ubisoft
The annual Assassin’s Creed took a break after February 2016 as the series took one year off between Assassin’s Creed…

How To Build A Gate In Sons Of The Forest
Whether you are building a wholesome Cabin or are just stacking logs to create a Shelter in Sons of the…

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Captain Price Has a New Voice, Goodbye Billy Murray
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare’s Captain Price has a new voice. It’s something hard to notice from the trailer but…

The Outer Worlds Builds Guide
Having many of the same developers for Fallout: New Vegas, The Outer Worlds shares many similarities with the aforementioned game;…

Pokemon Go Evolution Guide – How to Evolve Pokemon, Candies Farming, Stardust, Evolution Tips
Pokemon Go evolution is probably one of the most efficient methods for leveling up fast and make your Pokemon more…