How To Get Adamantine Longsword In Baldur’s Gate 3
Adamantine Longsword in Baldur’s Gate 3 slashes through enemies like butter and is one of the most devastating Longswords in the game.

How To Get Adamantine Splint Armor In Baldur’s Gate 3
Adamantine Splint Armor in Baldur’s Gate is one of the best heavy armors that can inflict serious damage on the attacking enemies in addition to defense.

How To Romance Mizora In Baldur’s Gate 3
Mizora is a non-recruitable NPC in Baldur’s Gate 3 who is in control of Wyll’s fate. But this can’t stop us from getting all dirty and personal with her. Right?

How To Rescue Volo In Baldur’s Gate 3
Volo is a human NPC in Baldur’s Gate 3 who has a habit of getting into trouble due to his tongue and mischievous behavior. Like always, it is up to the players to save Volo from his predicament.

How To Kill With Unarmed Strike In Baldur’s Gate 3
An Unarmed Strike is an action in Baldur’s Gate 3 that allows you to hurt the enemies with your bare fists and facilitate the Monk Class in general.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Jaheira’s Hideout Pin Slot Puzzle Solution
Jaheira’s house contains a secret hideout with a plethora of loot and rewards. However, it is not that easy to access without our help.

How To Defeat Filro The Forgotten In Baldur’s Gate 3
Filro the Forgotten in Baldur’s Gate 3 holds the key to crafting Mourning Frost so defeating him is very important.

How To Avoid Killing Buthir In Baldur’s Gate 3
Buthir and Grukkoh are an interesting couple you meet in Baldur’s Gate 3 but avoid killing them is a difficulty job, until now.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Necrotic Laboratory Puzzle Solution
Underneath the Moonrise Towers there is a Necrotic Laboratory Puzzle linked with the Ketheric Thorm quest in Baldur’s Gate 3. Although it is not necessary to complete, you can get some very nice items if you do.

Understanding Weapon Attack Rolls in Baldur’s Gate 3
Attack Rolls adds an additional layer of thrill and excitement to the combat encounters in Baldur’s Gate 3. Your fate to hit an enemy lies on the sides of a 20-sided dice.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Armor Class Explained
Armor Class is determined by the type of armor your character has equipped and helps you survive enemy’s attack rolls. How this works however is a very different story which we are here to explain.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Oliver Hide And Seek Guide
Oliver has been infected by the Shadow Cursed Lands and requests to play hide and seek with you. However, the outcome depends upon your answer and technique to find this elusive child in BG3.

Remnant 2 The Huntress Boss Guide
The Huntress is an optional boss in Remnant 2 and can be found riding her giant goat across Losomn. The…

Where To Find Ring Of Oath In Elden Ring
Ranni’s quest line is one of the most important quests in Elden Ring. It spans across numerous areas and requires…

Where to Find Pike in Rune Factory 5
Fishing has been a part of the Rune Factory franchise ever since the release of the first installment. However, it…

How To Solve Sundial Puzzle In Hogwarts Legacy
The Moonstone Puzzle (also known as the Sundial Puzzle) appears during Poppy Sweeting’s quest “A Bird in the Hand” in…

Skyrim Destruction Leveling Guide, How To Level Up Fast
Will you choose a glitch or the legal ways to level Destruction in Skyrim?

Skyrim Races Ranked, Best Races For Different Roles
Will you choose to be a human? An Orc or a High Elf maybe?

Where To Get Sentry Guns In MW3 Zombies
In the violent world of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies, Sentry Guns stand as a formidable weapon. They…

How To Heal Operators In MW3 Zombies
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies comes with another heart-pounding challenge, “Guardian Angel,”. You’ll complete this during a mission…

How To Get Pet Dog In MW3 Zombies
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies has many Easter eggs, one of which allows you to pet a hellhound….

How To Get Self-Revives In MW3 Zombies
The Self-Revives appear to be the most beneficial items in MW3 Zombies, which work just as the name suggests. You…

How To Get Large Rucksack In MW3 Zombies
The Large Rucksack allows you to have nine slots and increases the backpack capacity in MW3 Zombies. This means you…

Armored Core 6: All Data Log Locations
Did you just stumble onto a Data Log in AC6? These are lore-revealing collectibles.

Starfield: Turrets Cannot Be Fired Manually Fixed
Fix the turret errors and fire them automatically.