How To Summon Spirits In Elden Ring

The following guide will explain how to Summon Spirits and where to find different spirit ashes in Elden Ring.

In Elden Ring, Spirits are companions that can help you during fights. These spirit companions are summoned with the help of Spirit Ashes, and they aid players during combat. This guide will explain how to Summon Spirits and Where to Find different spirit ashes in Elden Ring.

How to Summon Spirits in Elden Ring

To Summon Spirits in Elden Ring, you will first have to find Spirit Calling Bell. This item is not available to you from the start, and you will have to unlock it.

Next, talk to Melina, who is located in West Limgrave, after you obtain the spirit steed Torrent. Then, head to the Church of Elleh to talk to Renna, who will be sitting on a wall.

She will ask you to summon Torrent, which can be done using the Spirit seed torrent. She will give you the Spirit Calling Bell as a reward as well as the Lone Wolf Ashes. You can also purchase the Spirit Calling Bell at Roundtable Hold from the Twin Maiden Husks.

What are Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring

To summon a Spirit in Elden Ring, you will need to first find the Spirit Caller’s Ash for that Spirit. Different Spirit Ashes unlock in different manners throughout the game. Once you have unlocked a Spirit Ash of a spirit, you can utilize the spirit to help you in combat when needed.

For that, you need to head toward the Quick items in the equipment tab and put on Spirit in the empty slot. Once that is done, pressing the X or Square button on the console will ring the bell which will summon the Spirit. 

Keep in mind that the Spirit Ashes can only be summoned once in any boss fight. You can check its availability by looking at the white gravestone icon at the bottom of the screen.

As a general rule, summoning Spirit Summon requires you to be in the boss arena and the Spirit Calling Range. If you get out of the Spirit Calling Range, the gravestone icon on the screen will start to blink.

Spirit Ashes will consume FP when used, and only one spirit can be summoned and activated per Rebirth Monument. In addition, the charge for Rebirth Monument only recharges when you rest at a Site of Grace, meaning that you can only summon a single Spirit Ash during a boss fight.

FP is also scarce, and it does not regenerate over time. So, it is vital to use it properly and at the right time.

How to upgrade Spirit Ashes

The Spirit Ashes can also be upgraded. To unlock the ability to upgrade Spirit Ashes, you will need to complete Roderika’s quest, who is a girl with a red hood located in Stormhill Shack.

Once unlocked, you will be able to upgrade Spirit Ashes, making them much more effective and powerful.

For Spirit Ashes, there are two types of upgrades available. One is ‘Grave Gloveworts,’ which upgrades standard spirit ashes. Whereas the ‘Ghost Gloveworts’ are upgrades for the elite spirit ashes.

Elden Ring Spirit Ash Locations

Below we have listed all the Spirit Ashes present in Elden Ring and their locations so you can find them and summon the relevant spirits.

Ancestral Follower Ashes

Location: This Spirit Ash is dropped by the Ancestor Spirit, located in the ‘Cathedral of Dragon Communion.’

Albinauric Ashes

Location: To find these ashes, head to graveyard located east of Caria Manor. The ashes will be found on a corpse. However, this area is only accessible after you defeat ‘Royal Knight Loretta.’

Archer Ashes

Location: These are present on a corpse located in Nokstella, Eternal City. The corpse is present behind the building.

Avionette Soldier Ashes

Location: These ashes can be looted from a corpse present in Raya Lucaria Academy near the rotating lift.

Banished Knight Oleg Ashes

Location: This Spirit Ash can be found in Fringefolk Hero’s grave.

Black Knife Tiche Ashes

Location: This Spirit Ash is obtained as a drop from Alecto, the Black Knife ringleader.

Demi-Human Ashes

Location: The Demi-Human Ashes are dropped as loot by the Edtree Burial Watchdog. It is located in Weeping Peninsula inside Impaler’s Catacombs.

Fanged Imp Ashes

Location: The Fanged Imp Ashes are obtainable in 2 different ways. You can either keep it during character creation or purchase it for 2000 runes from Isolated Merchant, located north of South Raya Lucaria.

Finger Maiden Therolina Puppet

Location: This can be purchased from Seluvis’ body after completing Ranni’s quests.

Giant Rat Ashes

Location: The location of this Spirit Ash is not known at the moment.

Glintstone Sorcerer Ashes

Location: After you defeat the Spirit Caller Snail located in Road’s End catacombs, you will receive this as a reward.

Godrick Soldier Ashes

Location: To find these ashes, head to the cemetery located west of Stormhill. It will be next to a grave filled with Spirit jellyfish.

Greatshield Soldier Ashes

Location: This ash is present on a corpse present in Nokron, Eternal City’s graveyard. The graveyard is protected by Fallen Hawks so beware.

Jarwight Puppet

Location: This can be purchased from Seluvis’ body after completing Ranni’s quests.

Kaiden Sellsword Ashes

Location: This is dropped by Erdtree Burial Watchdog, located in Cliffbottom Catacombs.

Lhutel the Headless

Location: This is dropped by Cemetery Shade, located in Tombsward Catacombs.

Lone Wolf Ashes

Location: The Lone wolf ashes are awarded to players by Renna, located at the Church of Elleh in Limgrave.

Mad Pumpkin Head Ashes

Location: This ash is dropped as loot by Erdtree Burial Watchdog boss at Minor Erdtree Catacombs ending.

Marionette Soldier Ashes

Location: These ashes are located at Church of the Cuckoo in Raya Lucaria Academy.

Mimic Tear Ashes

Location: This is located in a chest behind a statue in Night’s Sacred Ground.

Nightmaiden and Swordstress Puppets

Location: The Spirit ash is present in a locked chest in Nokstella, Eternal City. The chest will be behind an imp statue and guarded by two Swordstresses.

Noble Sorcerer Ashes

Location: This is dropped by Erdtree Burial Watchdog located in Stormfoot Catacombs.

Nomad Ashes

Location: The location of this Spirit Ash is not known at the moment.

Owenkiller Rollo

Location: To find this Spirit ash, head to the outskirts of Fell Twins boss fight location.

Page Ashes

Location: This Spirit Ash is located in Cliffborn Catacombs. It will be in the final room, guarded an ogre on a tomb.

Raya Lucaria Soldier Ashes

Location: This is present in a chest present at ‘Road’s End Catacombs.’

Skeletal Bandit Ashes

Location: The Skeletal Bandit Ashes are dropped after defeating Tibia Mariner Field Boss, who is located in Liurnia of the Lakes.

Skeletal Militiaman Ashes

Location: The Skeletal  Ashes are dropped after defeating Tibia Mariner Field Boss, who is located in Summonwater Village.

Spirit Jellyfish Ashes

Location: The Spirit Jellyfish ashes can be looted from a corpse located in Stormhill. It can also be obtained by talking to a Woman with a red hood located in Stormhill Shack.

Stormhawk Deenh

Location: The Stormhawk Deenh ashes are located in the Chapel of Anticipation inside a chest above the main hall platform.

Twinsage Sorcerer Ashes

Location: Twinsage Sorcerer Ashes are dropped as loot by Cemetery Shade present in Black Knife Catacombs.

Wandering Noble Ashes

Location: This Spirit Ash is located in Stormfoot Catacombs, at the ending of the dungeon.

Winged Misbegotten Ashes

Location: This is present on a corpse inside Unsightly Catacombs. The corpse will be in a pit with 4 misbegotten enemies.

Rotten Stray Ashes

Location: The location of this Spirit Ash is not known at the moment.

Warhawk Ashes

Location: The location of this Spirit Ash is not known at the moment.

Latenna The Albinauric

Location: The spirit ash is located in Slumbering Wolf’s Shack in Liurnia of the Lakes. At the end of the cave, drop to the big room and befriend Latenna to obtain this Spirit.

Perfumer Tricia Ashes

Location: The location of this Spirit Ash is not known at the moment.

Bloodhound Knight Floh

Location: After defeating the boss in Gelmir Hero’s grave, the Spirit ash can be obtained from the chest there.

Kindred of Rot Ashes

Location: The location of this Spirit Ash is not known at the moment.

Leyndell Soldier Ashes

Location: It is located in Sainted Hero’s grave in Altus Plateau area.

Miranda Sprout Ashes

Location: This Spirit Ash is inside the Caelid Catacombs behind a hidden wall.

Land Squirt Ashes

Location: It is present in a cluster of land squirts located east of Liurna Lake.

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