The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine Update Will Fix All Major Issues
The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine is the final piece of DLC for the base game and it not only…

How To Get Aerondight In The Witcher 3
Prove you are worthy of Aerondight.

Ace Combat 7 Aircrafts Unlocking Guide
Ace Combat 7 features 47 different Aircrafts that you can pilot. They range from standard F series fighter jets to…

The Witcher 3: Mysterious Tracks Quest Guide
When you reach Lindenvale in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you will come across a contract named Mysterious Tracks where…

The Witcher 3: Lilac And Gooseberries Quest Guide
Lilac and Gooseberries is technically the first main quest of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt if you ignore the tutorial…
CD Projekt Red Designers Reveal Most Difficult Missions to Design In Witcher 3
CD Projekt Red designers have revealed the most difficult missions to design in Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt. As you…

The Witcher 3 Secret Treasures Locations Guide
The endless number of loot sources in The Witcher 3 consists of a number of secret treasures, that can be…

How To Defeat Eredin In The Witcher 3
Eredin is the commander of the Wild Hunt and possibly one of the most powerful enemies Geralt has ever faced…
CDPR has no Plans to add 900p Resolution on Witcher 3 PS4 Version to Boost Performance
According to CD Projekt Red, the studio has no plans to let Playstation 4 owners of The Witcher 3: Wild…

The Witcher 3 Open Sesame Quest Guide
Assemble yourself a crew to pull off the “greatest” heist in Open Sesame

Next The Witcher 3 Free DLCs Include Gwent Card Set and More
Last week we reported a SteamDB leak which gave us a look at what free DLCs are coming out next…

How To Farm Pearls In Animal Crossing New Horizons
Finding shiny orbs in Animal Crossing New Horizon’s oceans.

The Witcher 2 Console Commands And Cheats
Cheating in The Witcher 2 won’t sully your honor.

Best Way To Get Free Super Credits In Helldivers 2
You can get Super Credits, the premium currency in Helldivers 2, for free and use them to purchase items from the Superstore.

Infinite Warfare Zombies: Shaolin Shuffle Easter Egg Guide
Track down the Rat King.

Infinite Warfare Zombies: How To Get Pam Grier In Shaolin Shuffle
Playing as the guest celebrity Pam Grier in the Shaolin Shuffle map is quite fun, but it requires a lot of work to do.

Infinite Warfare: How To Turn On Power In Shaolin Shuffle
Flip all the power switches.

Infinite Warfare Zombies Shaolin Shuffle Perks Locations Guide
There are 10 perk machines to find.

Infinite Warfare Zombies: Shaolin Shuffle Katana Location
The finest weapon in Shaolin Shuffle comes with a sharp blade and a killer look!

Infinite Warfare Zombies: Shaolin Shuffle Fighting Styles Guide
Beat zombies with these kung Fu fighting styles in Shaolin Shuffle!

How To Persuade Emilio Hadek In Starfield
During the Out on a Limb mission, you need to Persuade Emilio to get the data Kelton asks you, but Persuading Emilio is not that easy in Starfield.

Best Power Sources For Outposts In Starfield
Turning the lights on.

The Witcher 2: The Harpy Contract Walkthrough
Getting the Harpy traps is a must to complete this Contract.

The Witcher 2 Triss Romance Guide
Choose the right options and romance Triss multiple times.

Animal Crossing New Horizons April 2024 Guide
April had fun events like Bunny Day: bugs, sea creatures, and villagers’ birthdays in Animal Crossing New Horizons.