How To Do Timed Attacks In Super Mario RPG 

Super Mario RPG has a neat feature called timed hits where you do extra damage by pressing the attack button right before your attacks hit.

The realm of Super Mario RPG seamlessly blends Mario’s iconic actions with turn-based RPG mechanics, offering an engaging and strategic battle experience. The critical element of this dynamic is the Timed Hits mechanic, where pressing buttons at a precise moment during an attack or defense increases its effects. You can elevate your combat prowess by mastering Super Mario RPG Timed Attacks.

Whether you are a seasoned RPG veteran or a newcomer to the Super Mario world, this guide will deliver detailed knowledge for you to excel in the game.

How to do a Timed Hit? 

A Timed hit increases the damage your character does to the enemy. Every special attack has a “timed hit” that varies according to move and attack type.  

For what is known, to get the perfect timed hit, press the attack button just before it hits the target’s hitbox. Perform a regular attack, and then press attack again as it is about to connect, and you will do a timed attack in Super Mario RPG. This is a critical hit where you deal extra damage to the target.

Every character has different moves and attacks; let’s discuss their perfect-timed hits accordingly. 

Mario Timed Hits 

Attack/MovePerfect Timed Hit
Jump Press Jump immediately as Mario lands on the enemy. 
Super Jump It’s similar to Jump, but you can land on a single enemy multiple times. 
Ultra Jump Similar to Jump, but inflicts damage to multiple enemies. 
Fire Orb Tap the Attack Button repeatedly to charge up the attack. 
Super Flame A similar but more robust version of Fire Orb; press the Attack Button repeatedly to charge it up 
Ultra Flame The AOE version of Fire Orb that charges the attack by hammering the Attack Button 
Mario Timed Attacks in Super Mario RPG

Geno Timed Hits 

Attack/MovePerfect Timed Hit
Geno Beam Press the Attack Button to charge the beam till you get five stars, then release 
Geno Blast Stronger version of Geno Beam; charge the beam till you see five stars 
Geno Flash The most robust version of Geno Beam; charge until you see five stars 
Geno Boost Keep pressing the Attack Button till the arrow starts to fade away. 
Geno Whirl Press the Attack Button once the disc leaves the screen to give 9999 damage. 
Geno Timed Attacks in Super Mario RPG

Bowser Timed Hits 

Attack/MovePerfect Timed Hit
Terrorize Rotate the analog stick/d-pad as Boo appears. 
Poison Gas Rotate the analog stick/d-pad as Cloud appears. 
Crusher Press the Attack Button immediately as Stalagmite is about to disappear. 
Bowser Crush Press the Attack Button repeatedly to increase the damage. 
Bowser Timed Hits in Super Mario RPG

Peach Timed Hits 

Attack/MovePerfect Timed Hit
Therapy Hit the Action Button as sparkles begin to disappear to boost health-restore 
Group Hug Similar to therapy, press Action Button to restore party health 
Sleepy Time Rotate the analog stick/d-pad to increase the impact on all the enemies. 
Come Back Press the Action Button when the star hits your ally to restore their health. 
Mute Rotate analog stick/d-pad to spread impact on all the enemies. 
Psych Bomb Press the Action Button when a bomb lands on an enemy’s head. 
Peach Timed Attacks in Super Mario RPG

Mallow Timed Hits 

Attack/MovePerfect Timed Hit
Thunderbolt Press the Attack Button immediately as storm clouds disappear and thunder fades. 
HP Rain Press the Action Button when clouds disappear to increase health. 
Thought Peek/Psychopath Press the Action Button when two spotlights meet the enemy to reveal his hidden thoughts. 
Shocker Press the Action Button as you hear the first sound. 
Snowy Rotate the analog stick/d-pad during the attack to increase the duration of the snowstorm. 
Star Rain Press Attack Button as the Super Star flattens the enemy 
Mallow Timed Hits in Super Mario RPG

How does a Timed Hit Affect the Game? 

Though a timed hit is not necessarily essential to beat the game, it makes things much more manageable. Increasing or blocking the damage gives you a more substantial chance to survive long in the game. You can do more damage per attack and negate more damage received which speeds up fights. 

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Namra is a gaming enthusiast and guides writer, always looking to play AAA titles on day one, while her favorites being Last of Us, Uncharted series, Spiderman, Final Fantasy, and Alan Wake.