Baldur’s Gate 3 Eye Surgery Choice: Should you do it or not?
In this guide we will let you overcome the moral dilemma of losing one thing in favor of the next. Letting Volo operate on your eye is not a good idea in Baldur’s Gate 3. However, the reward certainly makes the whole process worthwhile.

How To Recruit All Companions In Baldur’s Gate 3
Time to collect the shiniest and legendary Pokémon, we mean, companions in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Where To Find And Rescue Halsin In Baldur’s Gate 3
The manbear in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a symbol of peace and is totally worth the effort.

How To Get Through The Gnarled Door In Baldur’s Gate 3
Soldiers! March your way through the Gnarled Door in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Black Ops 2: Mob of the Dead – Sniper Jump Scare Easter Egg Guide
Just keep looking for a surprise in Black Ops 2.

Black Ops 2: Mob of the Dead – All Perk Locations
Perks are essential to surviving higher rounds in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies, especially if you plan on taking…

Palworld: Pure Quartz Locations
Finding Pure Quartz could never get easier than this

How To Get And Use Grappling Gun In Palworld
Zip around like Batman and grapple from mountain to mountain.

How Stat Growth Works In Dragon’s Dogma 2
In Dragon’s Dogma 2, the change in stats you will see after switching between the Vocations or Classes is a bit different.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Best Yodarha Build
Despite his size, Yodarha in Granblue Fantasy Relink is one of the fastest characters and we have the perfect build to go with his agility.

How To Fix Dead Island 2 Multiplayer Not Working
The Dead Island 2 multiplayer experience allows you to face the zombie apocalypse in a team of up to three…

Granblue Fantasy Relink Ultimate Difficulty: How Does New Game Plus Work
Unsure how to unlock the final difficulty in Granblue Fantasy Relink and if this Ultimate difficulty is even worth it or not?

How To Get Ambrosia In Granblue Fantasy Relink
If you are looking for a lot of Mastery Points or MSP in Granblue Fantasy Relink, then you will need to get the Ambrosia.

Granblue Fantasy Relink All Wee Pincer Locations
Collect all the crabs in GBF Relink for some rewards and trophies.

How To Upgrade Swords In The Witcher 3
Geralt’s Swords are the main ways he disposes of the monsters and humans he encounters on his adventures. This means…

What To Do With The Magic Acorn In The Witcher 3?
Gain bonus skill points.

How To Trigger And Complete Novigrad, Closed City Quest In The Witcher 3
The two parts quest can get confusing as it can trigger at different locations.

The Witcher 3 Best Steel Swords You Should Consider
Let’s select the best Steel Sword for you in the Witcher 3.

The Witcher 3 Possession Quest Guide
Let’s help the poor Jarl and life the curse from him.

The Witcher 3 Blacksmith Locations And Their Levels
Every Blacksmith location in The Witcher 3.

The Witcher 3 Cabaret Quest Guide
One of Dandelion’s adventures in The Witcher 3.

The Witcher 3 King’s Gambit Quest Guide And Choices
Choose Cerys or Hjalmar?

The Witcher 3: The Last Wish Quest Guide
Ready to see if your love for Yennefer is true?

Black Ops 2 – Mob Of The Dead: All Skull Locations
Get a free Blundergat Wonder Weapon for finding all five Skulls.

The Witcher 3 Of Swords And Dumplings Quest Guide
The Witcher 3 Of Swords and Dumplings will test your negotiation skills. We are here to help.