NBA 2K24 Timing Stability Tips: How To Green Every Shot
Mastering the ability to land shots in the green window in NBA 2K24 requires effort but we have some handy timing stability tips to help out.

Octopath Traveler 2 Steam Tank Obsidian Boss Guide
Steam Tank Obsidian is the final boss of Partitio’s Chapter 4 in Octapath Traveler 2, which crosses your path in…

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon Hyper Training Guide
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon increase Pokemon IVs and stats by a simpler method by Hyper Training. This method gives…

Smart Cleaner Armored Core 6: Boss Guide
While doing Infiltrate Grid 086 mission in Armored Core 6, you will encounter a mechanical boss called EC-0804 SMART CLEANER.

AH12 HC Helicopter: Armored Core 6 Boss Guide
While doing Illegal Entry and Survey the Uninhabited Floating City mission, you will encounter a boss called AH12: HC Helicopter.

Octopath Traveler Mattias Boss Guide
During chapter 4 in Octapath Traveler, near the end of Ophilia’s story, you will encounter Mattias. He has several defensive…

Elden Ring Margit The Fell Omen Boss Guide
Margit, the fell omen, is an optional yet tough boss of the Stormveil Castle in the Elden Ring. Though it…

How To Get Octopath Traveler 2 Battle-Tested Weapons?
Battle-tested weapons are the most powerful gear in Octopath Traveler 2. These weapons don’t have a negative tradeoff in exchange…

Best Teams To Rebuild In NBA 2K23
NBA 2K23 has a Franchise mode where you can manage and rebuild teams. Each of these teams will share its criteria for…

Remnant 2 Dual Archetypes: How Multiclass Works
Archetypes in Remnant 2 give players different playstyles that can be altered. However, if you want to synergize the benefits…

How To Wake Up The Sleepy Fisherman in Octopath Traveler 2?
The Late Riser side quest in Octopath Traveler 2 requires you to put a fisherman to sleep so he can…

Elden Ring: How to Escape Subterranean Inquisition Chamber
You will get sent to the Subterranean Inquisition Chamber if you die against two minibosses in Elden Ring. You won’t…

Fallout 76 Wastelanders Ally: Past Expiration Walkthrough
One of the Ally missions for Sofia Daguerre will require that you retrieve Serum Z from the West Tex Research…

8 Best Pokemon Magikarp Jump Friendship Items
Friendship Items in Pokemon: Magikarp Jump will make making friends with support Pokemon a lot easier and will let you…

Pokemon Let’s Go Evolution Chart Guide
Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee features most of the original Gen-1 Pokémon: there should be around 80 Normal Pokémon…

Elden Ring Dragon Build: Stat, Weapons, Armor, And More
A Dragon Build in Elden Ring is one of the most unique builds you can make. They aren’t as straightforward…

Side with Stone Lord or Guild in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Should you side with the Stone Lord or the Guild in Baldur’s Gate 3? The choice is yours to make.

How to Find and Defeat Ansar in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Ansur the Dragon in Baldur’s Gate 3 was used to be a hero now turned enemy that you will encounter beneath the Wyrm’s Rock Fortress in one of the most exhilarating clashes of the whole game.

Nioh Character Builds Guide – Best Builds, Best Weapons, Guardian Spirits, Skills
Nioh Character Builds Guide with equipment recommendation to help you find multiple ways using which you can build your character…

Best Sims 4 Expansion Packs
You can install different Expansion Packs for Sims 4 to enhance the overall gameplay. You will find different expansion packs,…

Where To Find All Crafting Materials In Remnant 2
If you want to survive and thrive in Remnant 2, then you’ll need to craft and upgrade your gear. Doing…

Animal Crossing New Horizons Nook’s Cranny Guide
Playing Animal Crossing, the first essential building you will be making is a small store that allows you to buy…

Diablo 4 Rogue Class Overview
Rogue in Diablo 4 is the strongest class, able to deal massive damage to enemies using skills like Twisting Blade…

Lost Ark Abyss Dungeons Guide
All MMOs have a variety of dungeons, and some of the dungeons are level-specific. This guide will tell you how…

Hogwarts Legacy Floo Flames Locations: How To Fast Travel
The Hogwarts Legacy Floo Flames will help you quickly cover three major regions: the world map, Hogsmeade, and Hogwarts. Powered…