Leveling up in Elden Ring gets tougher as you progress. Enemies become stronger, and those early-game foes that showered you with Runes barely dent your progress. To overcome this hurdle, some players turn to Rune farming – a method to quickly earn Runes.
One particularly effective Rune farm resides in Mohgwyn Palace, a hidden endgame area. Here, a giant Crow swoops and strolls through the blood-red lake. This unsuspecting bird is your ticket to a Rune windfall.
This guide will show you exactly how to find the bird farm and how to exploit it for maximum Rune gain. By following these steps, you’ll have a steady source of income to power up your character and conquer even the most challenging areas of Elden Ring.
How to get to the bird farm location in Elden Ring?

Once you have reached Mohgwyn Palace, reach the Site of Grace on the edge of the cliff below. This will be overlooking the Bloody Lake.
The map below shows you the location of the Site of Grace. That is your bird farm spot.
Rest at the Site of Grace and carefully approach the cliff’s edge. Look below and see a Giant Crow moving around in the lake.
Equip a bow and then shoot an arrow at the giant bird to gain attention. The high-level crow enemy will charge at you after getting aggroed but will die in the abyss below. This bird cannot fly.
You will earn 11,000 runes for killing the Giant Crow. You can increase this amount to 13,000 runes by equipping the Golden Scarab talisman.
How to Farm Runes?

To exploit the bird farm, you must return to the Site of Grace and rest in Elden Ring. When you wake up, the Giant Crow will have respawned. Shoot another arrow to earn another 11,000 runes or more, depending on the use of the talisman.
Keep farming the Giant Crow for as long as you want. The whole exploit takes hardly 20 seconds to complete. You can potentially farm over 60,000 runes in an hour.
How to reach Mohgwyn Palace?
The first thing to do is reach Mohgwyn Palace, which is easier said than done. It is a high-level location with enemies that can take you out in just a few hits. You have two ways to get to Mohgwyn Palace. Let’s start with the easiest method and move to the hard one.
Method 1: Complete White Mask Varre’s Quest

The first method is by completing the White Mask Varré quest line. Once you have defeated Godrick the Grafted, you will find Varre right near the entrance of Rose Church. You need to talk to him to continue the quest and invade three players at his request.

For the last part of the quest, you need to return to Varre to get the Lord of Blood’s Favor. For this, he will send you to soak the white cloth in the blood of any maiden corpse. You can either head to the Church of Inhibition, the Chapel of Anticipation, or kill Irina in South Limgrave to complete the favor.
Once you have the stained cloth, return to Varre and exhaust his dialogue. He will give you a Pureblood Knight’s Medal. You can then use the medal to find your way to the Mohgwyn Palace.
Method 2: Mountain Tops of the Giant Teleporter
If you have missed Verre, you can still go to the bird farm location by getting to the Mohgwyn Palace and going to the Waygate Teleporter in the Mountain Tops of the Giant. You will find it on the west side of the river.
Once there you need to get access to Consecrated Snowfield. For this, you need to complete the Haligtree Secret Medallion. When you have the medallion, get to the Waygate and interact with it to use the portal in the Yelough Anix Ruins that will take you inside the Mohgwyn Palace.