The Godslayer’s Greatsword is a Colossal Weapon in Elden Ring that deals physical and fire damage. This is easily one of the best weapons in the game but if it isn’t built right, you won’t be able to take full advantage of what it has to offer.
In this guide, we’ll look at an extremely strong Blackflame Godslayer’s Greatsword build that leverages this weapon’s unique and highly powerful Ash of War and dials it up to 11. In the guide below, we’ll go over the stats, talismans, and more.
Elden Ring Blackflame Godslayer’s Greatsword Build Overview
- Class: Confessor
- Flask Spread: 3 to 1 ratio of HP and FP
- Stats: Dexterity, Faith, and Strength (primary); Vigor, Mind, and Endurance (secondary)
- Weapons: Godslayer’s Greatsword
- Shield: Inverted Hawk Heater Shield or Fingerprint Stone Shield
- Ash of War: The Queen’s Black Flame and Shield Crash
- Incantations: Golden Vow and Flame, Grant Me Strength
- Spirit Summons: Lhutel the Headless or Spirit Jellyfish or Mimic Tear or Dung Eater Puppet Armor: Bull-Goat Set or Omen Set
- Flask of Wondrous Physick: Flame Shrouding Cracked Tear and Opaline Hardtear
- Talisman: Shard of Alexander, Fire Scorpion Charm, Warrior Jar Shard, and Carian Filigreed Crest
Best Stats Choice
Stats at level 60
Stat | Blackflame Build |
Faith | 26 |
Mind | 17 |
Dexterity | 26 |
Strength | 18 |
Endurance | 16 |
Vigor | 18 |
Intelligence | 9 |
Arcane | 9 |
Stats at level 100
Stat | Blackflame Build |
Faith | 36 |
Mind | 21 |
Dexterity | 37 |
Strength | 20 |
Endurance | 22 |
Vigor | 25 |
Intelligence | 9 |
Arcane | 9 |
Stats at level 150
Stat | Blackflame Build |
Faith | 40 |
Mind | 21 |
Dexterity | 54 |
Strength | 22 |
Endurance | 36 |
Vigor | 38 |
Intelligence | 9 |
Arcane | 9 |
Best Weapons for Godslayer’s Greatsword Build

The main weapon for this build is the Godslayer’s Greatsword. This Elden Ring weapon scales primarily with Dexterity and Faith, so the stat distribution focuses mainly on those two attributes. Godslayer’s Greatsword can be found once you defeat the Godskin Apostle. Simply head to the back of the boss arena to locate this weapon inside a chest.
The Godslayer Greatsword is a late-game weapon, and as such, you’ll only be able to fully utilize this build during that portion of the game. Before you acquire this weapon, any Dexterity scaling weapon will work just fine.
Best Shield

Depending on how much carry weight you have to spare, you can choose the Inverted Hawk Heater Shield or the Fingerprint Stone Shield. The former is a medium-sized shield, while the latter is a Greatshield.
The Inverted Hawk Heater Shield can be found in the Siofra River area, while the Fingerprint Stone Shield is inside the Forsaken Cathedral.
Best Ashes of War Picks

The Godslayer’s Greatsword has a unique Ash of War called The Queen’s Black Flame. This ability is the bread and butter of this build, as it powers out a large amount of fire damage through a wide-reaching attack. Queen’s Black Flame is a fire-based attack that can be buffed significantly.
You can equip the shields with their default skills, but if you want more out of this build you can opt for Shield Crash, which lets you get out of tricky situations with ease.
Best Incantations To Choose

Incantations grant you special buffs that make your builds more powerful. For the Godslayer’s Greatsword Build, we recommend the following two Incantations:
- Golden Vow: Golden Vow increases all your damage output by +15% for 80 seconds.
- Flame, Grant Me Strength: This incantation raises both your standard and fire-based damage output by +20% for 30 seconds.
Best Spirit Summons Picks

The type of Spirit Summons you use doesn’t significantly affect the outcome of this build and the one you do select boils down to your personal preference. Below we’ve listed four summonses that we think will work the best for the Goslayer’s Greatsword Builds:
- Dung Eater Puppet: The Dung Eater Puppet is a tanky single-unit summon that deals bleed damage to enemies. His large health pool makes him a worthy addition to your arsenal.
- Mimic Tear: The Mimic Tear summons a replica of your build that fights alongside you, in essence, this allows you to double down on your damage output.
- Lhutel the Headless: Lhutel the Headless is a tank that works slowly, with harder-hitting attacks and a huge health pool that makes him perfect for tanking enemy attacks while you use the Queen’s Black Flame
- Spirit Jellyfish: The Spirit Jellyfish tends to move around a lot more, which is perfect for distraction. It inflicts the poison status effect on your enemies, giving you a slight head-up during most combat situations.
Best Armor for Godslayer’s Greatsword Build in Elden Ring

We recommend going with either the Bull-Goat Set or the Fire Prelate Set. Both these armor sets provide great amounts of protection and have some of the highest poise in the game. High Poise lets you pull off the entirety of the Queen’s Black Flame since the animation is quite long and the odds of you getting attacked during it are quite high.
You can acquire the Bull-Goat Set by killing Great Horned Tragoth at the Ruin-Strewn Precipice Overlook while the Fire Prelate set is routinely dropped by Fire Prelate enemies in the Mountaintops of the Giants area.
Stats | Fire Prelate Set | Bull-Goat Set |
Damage Negation | ||
Physical | 36.5 | 38.5 |
Physical (Strike) | 32.7 | 38.2 |
Physical (Slash) | 35.0 | 34.9 |
Physical (Pierce) | 35.0 | 34.9 |
Magic | 26.5 | 26.1 |
Fire | 37.4 | 26.5 |
Lightning | 25.6 | 28.9 |
Holy | 26.2 | 25.3 |
Resistance | ||
Immunity | 159 | 170 |
Robustness | 150 | 197 |
Focus | 215 | 110 |
Vitality | 120 | 130 |
Poise | 96 | 100 |
Best Flask of Wondrous Physick Choice

The Flask of Wondrous Physick allows you to use two temporary buffs in a single-use Flask. For the Godslayer’s Greatsword build, we recommend the following:
- Flame Shrouding Cracked Tear: The Tear increases your fire damage by +20%
- Opaline Hardtear: The Opaline Hardtear reduces all your incoming damage.
Best Talismans Godslayer’s Greatsword Build In Elden Ring

Talisman allows you to buff your builds in several ways, there are a total of four Talisman slots that you can unlock and use. For the Godslayer’s Greatsword build, these are the best Talisman:
- Shard of Alexander: The Shard of Alexander boosts the power of your Ashes of War by +15%.
- Fire Scorpion Charm: This Talisman increases your fire damage by +12% but it also comes at the cost of you taking +10% increased damage.
- Warrior Jar Shard: The Warrior Jar shard further boosts the power of your Ashes of War by +10%.
- Carian Filigreed Crest: This Talisman reduces the FP cost of all Ashes of War by +25% which will allow you to pull off Queen’s Black Flame more frequently.