No true RPG is complete without a detailed and robust character customization system. Baldur’s Gate 3 is no different and staying true to its D&D roots, it presents players with a highly detailed character creation system. Frankly, Baldur’s Gate 3 character creation might actually be a bit too overwhelming for newcomers to the genre.
Luckily, we are here to guide you through the character creation process of BG3 and explain what options are present and how each of them impacts the journey that awaits you.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Character Creation options
Baldur’s Gate 3’s Character Creator can feel a tad bit overwhelming at first because of the plethora of options available to you. We will break down the Character Creator into several different sections with each section having its sub-section to help you understand the various options with ease.
The purpose of this guide is to explain each part of the character creator in BG3 and not actually help you create one. That is up to you, after all, what’s the point if you don’t make the character YOU want to play as?
Origin is the very first section of character creator where you will choose your Character’s origin in Baldur’s Gate 3. If you choose one of the 7 default Origin Characters, they have their Origin, Backstory, Race, and Class fixed beforehand and they can’t be changed. Except for The Dark Urge who has his/her own Origin story but you can customize his/her Race and Class.

The default Origin Characters to choose from in BG3 are
The Custom Character is where you have the most creative freedom, giving you total control of each aspect from your Baldur’s Gate 3 character’s appearance to his/her Origin, Race, and Class down to his/her Abilities. The origin characters mentioned above will still be available to you to recruit as companions if you make a custom character.
Race has an impact on several things in Baldur’s Gate 3. It will give you certain dialogue options that are unique for each Race, these race unique dialogs can impact the way certain events unfold in the game.
Additionally, even in dialogues where you don’t have unique dialogue options, you may be treated differently because of the certain race you chose, the characters you’re interacting with may have preconceived notions about you because of your race.
Besides dialogues, races have Racial Features, some of these races have all the features initially, and some unlock racial features as you level up.
As for the total number of races, there are 11 Base Races to choose from with 31 Sub Races. Sub Races also have specific Racial Features, and they also have a little impact on the dialogues as well but not as much as your Base Race.

Here’s a brief overview of all 11 base Races with their features and Sub Races you can select during character creation in Baldur’s Gate 3
Elves are well known for their love of art and nature, their magical abilities, and their mastery of weapons.
- Movement: 9m per turn.
- Keen Senses: Proficiency in Perception.
- Darkvision: 12m visibility in the dark.
- Elven Weapon Training: Efficient in wielding Short & Long Swords and Bows.
- Fey Ancestry: Prone to being Charmed on Throws and Sleep Magic Spells.
- Sub-races: Elves have Wood & High Elves sub-races.
Forever scrutinized because of their Origin but Stoic Natural Survivors courtesy of their Arcane capabilities.
- Movement: 9m per turn.
- Hellish Resistance: Only takes 5% Fire Damage.
- Darkvision: 12m visibility in the dark.
- Sub-races: Tiefling hasAsmodeus, Zarie & Mephistopheles sub-races.
Drows are the dark twins of Elves. They live beneath the surface and worship demonic entities which has granted them more powers than their Elf counterpart.
- Movement: 9m per turn.
- Drow Weapon Training: Blessed in operating Short-sword, Hand Crossbow, and Rapier.
- Fey Ancestry: Immune to sleep spells and charm throws.
- Superior Darkvision: 24m visibility in the dark.
- Sub-races: Drows have the Seldarine & Lolth-Sworn sub-races.
Creative, Fierce, and Innovative, Humans are the most common race in the world of Baldur’s Gate 3. Suitable for any Class and subclass.
- Movement: 9m per turn
- Human Versatility: Increased Carrying Capacity and additional Skill availability.
- Civil Militia: Can operate various Ranged, Small, and Heavy weapons. Can also utilize Light
- Armor and Shields.
- Sub-races: None.
Fearless warriors hailing from the Astral Plane. Sworn enemies of the Mind Flayers. They also have Psionic abilities which gives them an edge in battle.
- Movement: 9m per turn
- Martial Prodigy: Capable of wielding all kinds of Swords. Also able to use Light and Medium Armors.
- Astral Knowledge: Ability to master all Skills of an Ability.
- Psionics: Githyanki has the Psionic abilities of the Jump, Mage Hand, and Misty Step Spells.
- Subraces: None.
Half-Elves are the perfect blend of Humans and Elves with creativity, curiosity, and adaptability at their core.
- Movement: 9m per turn.
- Civil Militia: Half-Elves can wield various Ranged, Small, and Heavy weapons. They can also utilize Light Armor and Shields.
- Darkvision: 12m visibility in the dark.
- Fey Ancestry: Immune to Sleep Spells and Charm Throws.
- Subraces: Half-Elves have the High, Drow, and Wood sub-races.
Dwarves are some of the toughest fighters, smiths, and miners in the region.
- Movement: Per turn 7.5m.
- Dwarven Combat Training: Capable of wielding Light Class Hammers and Battle Axes.
- Dwarven Resilience: Poison resistance and gain Advantage when performing Saving Throws against Poison Damage.
- Darkvision: 12m visibility in darkness.
- Subraces: Golden Dwarf, Shield Dwarf, and Duergar Dwarf.
Dexterous small fighters. They bring luck and bravery to the table.
- Movement: 7.5m per turn.
- Luck: Lucky against foes during the roll.
- Brave: Their braveness can give them an edge in saving Throws.
- Sub-Races: Strongheart Halfling and Lightfoot Halfling.
Gnomes are a curious and resourceful race who wander into uncharted territories for their benefit.
- Movement: 9m per turn.
- Gnome Cunning: Gnomes have an edge on saving Throws that are Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma based.
- Sub-Races: Gnomes have Deep, Rock, and Forest sub-races.
A self-reliant race that values its own people and abilities above everything else. Dragonborns were enslaved by dragons.
- Movement: 9m per turn.
- Draconic Ancestry: Breath weapon and damage resistance are fused to an element (Poison, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Acid) depending on the chosen sub-race.
- Breath Weapon: Use your action to exhale destructive energy based on your Draconic Ancestry
- Sub-Races: Dragonborns have the most sub-races. Copper, Gold, Green, Black, Blue, Brass, Bronze, Red, Silver, and White.
Emotion-filled brutish creatures with a burning rage inside.
- Movement: 9m per turn.
- Relentless Endurance: Instead of dying your hit point is brought back from zero to one.
- Darkvision: 12m visibility in the dark.
- Menacing: Ability to Intimidation anyone.
- Savage Attacks: Extra Damage on Critical Hits with Melee Weapons.
- Sub-Races: None.

Class in Baldur’s Gate 3 is the sole deciding factor in how you will tackle combat and what skills you have at your disposal. Each class has its strengths and weaknesses. There are a total of 12 Classes and 46 subclasses in the game making it difficult to decide which is the best class in BG3.
Just because you picked one class doesn’t mean you are stuck with it. There is an option to multiclass in Baldur’s Gate 3 and branch out so you can have the skills of a Druid along with a Bard if you wish.
Barbarians are a Strength-based unarmed fighter class that is strong and great for close-range
combat. Their Subclasses are unlocked at level 3. Barbarian class proficiency includes Shields, Martial & Simple weapons, with Light & Medium Armor.
- Berserker
- Wildheart
- Wild Magic
A spell-casting class, their powers are music and speech. The Bard class bolsters teammates and mock enemies. They specialize in persuasion, performance, and charisma. Bard proficiencies include Hand Crossbows, Rapiers, Long & Short Swords, & Light Armor.
- Lore
- Valor
- Swords
Clerics are Wisdom-based casters who channel the power of their chosen god out of 21 gods and 7 domains into magical feats for any play style. The Cleric class proficiencies include Light & Medium Armor, Simple Weapons, & Shields.
- Life
- Light
- Trickery
- Knowledge
- Nature
- Tempest
- War Domain
Druids use element magic and can turn into beasts using their wild shaping ability. Druids are also a wisdom-based class.
Druid class proficiencies in BG3 include Daggers, Javelins, Clubs, Maces, Sickles, Spears, Quarterstaffs, & Schimitars, with Light & Medium Armor & Shields as well.
- Land
- Moon
- Spores
Fighters have proficiency in almost all weapons and armor types, fighters vary from frontline to ranged combat specialist depending on your style.
Fighter class proficiencies include Simple & Martial weapons, with all types of Armor & Shields.
Monks are a Dexterity-based class capable of disassembling their enemies with stuns, unarmed strikes, and other abilities. Monk class proficiencies include Short Swords & Simple Weapons.
- Open Hand
- Shadow
- Four Elements
Paladins use their connection with the divine to fuel their abilities and spells, they are a more combat-focused version of clerics, they are mostly frontline fighters with a secondary focus on spells.
Paladin class proficiencies include Simple & Martial weapons, with all types of Armor & Shields.
- Ancients
- Vengeance
- Oathbreaker
- Devotion
Naturally gifted scouts and trackers, their natural relation with animals and nature serves them well in exploring and hunting, Rangers are also wisdom-based spell casters. Their proficiencies include Simple & Martial weapons, with all types of Armor & Shields.
- Hunter
- Beast Master
- Gloom Stalker
Rogues have great command on stealth which can cause serious damage to foes. They are a dexterity-based class. Rogue class proficiencies include Hand Crossbows, Simple Weapons, Rapiers, Long & Short Swords, with Light Armor.
- Arcane Trickster
- Assassin
- Thief
Sorcerers are charisma-based casters. Their powers are naturally drawn from their family or bloodline. Sorcerer class Proficiencies include Daggers, Staff, & Light Crossbows.
Warlocks are also Charisma-based casters, their power comes from pacts made with powerful deities.
- The Fiend
- The Great Old One
- The Arch fey
Wizards are the Einsteins of the magical world. Their power is the by-product of rigorous study, research, and their growing spell book. Wizard class proficiencies include Staffs, Daggers & Light Crossbows.
- Abjuration
- Conjuration
- Divination
- Enchantment
- Evocation
- Necromancy
- Illusion
- Transmutation

Background carries its weight in the interactions you will have in Baldur’s Gate 3. It will give extra options during interactions. There are total 11 backgrounds in the game, each one is different and unique.
Acolytes dedicate their life serving a temple and its god to achieve greatness and learn useful secrets. They have Insight and Religion skills by default.
Charlatans are indifferent and self-serving manipulators, they don’t care about the others around them. They have Deception and Sleight of Hand skills by default.
As the name implies Criminals break the law and utilize their illegal connections for their work, they are masters of stealth, deception, and cunning. They have Deception and Stealth skills by default.
Entertainers are support-style people who can motivate, sway and mock others in the game. They have Acrobatics and Performance skills by default.
Folk Hero
Man of the people, Folk Heroes are your typical hero archetypes who protect the helpless and fight against tyranny. They have Animal Handling and Survival skills by default.
Guild Artisan
Guild Artisans are masters of their craft which has granted them access to merchant guilds which helps them out with special privileges and protection. Guild Artisans have access to Insight and Persuasion skills from the start.
Born in the higher echelons of society as a socialite, Nobles are raised and accustomed to privilege and power. Nobles have History and Persuasion skills.
Brought up in the wild far away from civilization with survival as their bread and butter. Outlanders are total outsiders. Outlanders can make use of Athletics and Survival skills from level 1.
Sages are naturally curious, they seek to learn rare information and strive for more knowledge to achieve greatness. Sages are proficient in Arcana and History skills.
Natural-born fighters, with battlefield experience. Soldiers are smart, brave, and resourceful. Soldiers come with Athletics and Intimidation skills.
Raised on the streets, Urchins aren’t equipped with traditional knowledge but their street smarts and experience make them competitive. Urchins have Sleight of Hand and Stealth proficiencies.
Baldur’s Gate 3 highlights abilities you should focus on for each class with a little star next to it and you can level up those abilities first if it’s too overwhelming.
When wielding strength-based weapons, your strength is linked to your athletic ability, leap distance, height carrying capacity, and damage.
Having a high dexterity stat in the game is incredibly valuable as it affects your abilities in acrobatics, sleight of hand, and stealth. It also impacts your Armor class in Baldur’s Gate 3, determining how difficult it is for enemies to hit you, and your initiative bonus, dictating where in the combat order your character falls.
By increasing your dexterity, you can improve both your armor class and initiative, making you harder to hit and quicker to act in battle.
The Constitution skill does not affect any other skills, but it serves as the foundation for determining your health pool. For every positive modifier and point you have in Constitution, you gain an additional hit point for each level you progress.
Additionally, having a higher Constitution makes it easier to maintain concentration when hit by spells that require it.
Intelligence is your character’s ability to understand the game’s world, in addition to understanding Arcana, Religion, History, and Nature of the world as well. Intelligence also impacts your character’s aptitude to discover various rooms, areas, traps, and useful items.
Wisdom contributes to how naturally your character will note changes in people’s behavior and spot things in the world.
Charisma is the most important ability when it comes to out-of-combat interactions. Charisma directly affects Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion and Performance skills. Having a high charisma increases proficiency in these skills and allows you to influence characters in dialogues, reduce merchant prices or avoid fights altogether.
We are sure now you’re primed with enough knowledge regarding character creation to start your epic journey in Baldur’s Gate 3. Just remember this order (Origin > Race > Class > Sub-Class > Background > Abilities). The character creation and customization can be easily done with this order in mind. You can also reset your abilities as well.