Wartales Rat Infestation Guide

Wartales Rat Infestation Guide

Rat Infestations in Wartales are occasional objectives given to the players in different game locations. Spotting a rat infestation is…

How To Respec In Wartales

How To Respec In Wartales

Similar to most of the RPGs out there, Wartales also allows the players to try the respec feature to reassign…

Wartales Professions Guide

Wartales Professions Guide

The Shiro Games’ creation, Wartales is much more than merely killing a bunch of adversaries and doing bounty hunting. Wartales…

wartales best starting party

Wartales Best Starting Party

Wartales offers five starting party choices when players step into the game for the first time. Some players really do…

Best Wartales Ranger Build

Best Wartales Ranger Build

The Ranger class in Wartales has the best mobility among all other classes. Not only do they get bonus movement…