Battlefield 1 Beta Dates Revealed, August 31 to September 8
A Czech gaming site that received a press release from EA Poland has revealed the Battlefield 1 beta dates. The…
Wishlist And Critic Reviews Coming To Epic Games Store
Having launched in a fairly bare-bones state, the Epic Games Store has grown considerably over the past year. That being…

New Xbox One Update Adds A Useful Function For Xbox Game Pass Users
Xbox Game Pass is a service that offers more than 100 games and it is likely that you have found…

How To Get To The Lake Of Rot In Elden Ring
Survive the dreaded Lake of Rot in Elden Ring with the help of our guide.

Ark Ragnarok Wyvern Egg Locations
Wyvern eggs are randomly dropped by wyverns in Ark Ragnarok. These eggs can be used to make extraordinary kibble for…

How To Get The Grafted Blade Greatsword In Elden Ring
Defeat the Leonine Misbegotten in Elden Ring to collect the legendary Grafted Blade Greatsword.

Ark Ragnarok Bee Hive and Honey Locations
Honey is one of the best food replacements, but has a limited supply in Ark Ragnarok. You can use it…

Ark Ragnarok Desert Drops Locations
Five loot crate drops in the desert area appear in Ark Ragnarok that contain different useful items. Four appear in…

How To Get To The Rose Church In Elden Ring
Find the Rose Church to start invading other players in Elden Ring.

How To Get The White Mask In Elden Ring
Kill the White Mask Invaders in Mohgwyn Palace to obtain the last piece of the puzzle, the White Mask.

Ark Ragnarok Oil Vein Locations: How To Get Oil?
The oil veins are a valuable resource code in Ark Ragnarok that can be used to extract oil. To extract…

Ark Ragnarok Rockarrot Locations
The Rockarrot plant holds up to 150 Rockarrots in a crop plot in Ark Ragnarok. You should know that this…

Ark Ragnarok Artifact Locations: Where To Find All Artifacts?
Artifacts in Ark Ragnarok are found in dangerous caves throughout the map. One different thing about this DLC is that…
Cyberpunk 2077 Is A “Tricky” Urban Environment That Makes Witcher 3 Look Flat
Cyberpunk 2077 is the upcoming game from CD Projekt Red. The game itself is apparently far away from launch but,…

Pokemon BDSP Ralts Location, How to Evolve, Type and Abilities
Ralts is a humanoid Pokemon that looks like a little girl with green hair. In this guide we will provide…

How to Unlock Nopon Coin Xchange in Xenoblade Chronicles 3
In Xenoblade Chronicles 3, you can obtain Nopon coins by simply exploring. There are two different types of Nopon Coins,…

Assassin’s Creed: Unity Creed Points Farming Guide – Easy Creed Points
In Assassin’s Creed: Unity, you are rewarded with special points called Creed Points every time you perform certain actions. Most…

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Jeritza Guide
Jeritza is a playable character in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes who is affiliated with the Church of Seiros and…

Yooka-Laylee Coming to Nintendo Switch on December 7, Studio Loves Switch
After a long wait, we finally have a release date for Yooka-Laylee Nintendo Switch. According to Playtonic, the game is releasing…

NBA 2K21 MyCareer Walkthrough
For NBA 2k21, we have a brand new MyCareer story where you can build your player, play through drafting, and…

How To Get Golden Lie In Lies of P
Lying excessively can lead you to the Golden Lie.

The Cycle: Frontier Magic-Grow Fertilizer Location
Magic-Grow Fertilizer is an uncommon item in The Cycle: Frontier that can be found across several locations throughout both of…
Battlefield 1 Glitch Causes The Resolution To Drop To 160x90p On Consoles
Just two days remain before we can get our hand on Battlefield 1 and there are some who are already…

Resident Evil Village All Goats of Warding Locations Guide
RE 8 Village has many different collectibles that you can find throughout the game. One of these is the Goats…
GTA 5 Aircrafts Locations Guide – Where to Find Aircrafts, How to Buy GTA 5 Online Planes
Maybe it’s due to the fact that Grand Theft Auto V is so vast that we need a huge stock…