Starfield Foreknowledge Walkthrough
Foreknowledge is part of the Further Into The Unknown mission in Starfield that steers the direction of the ending of…

Hogwarts Legacy Eye Chest Locations: How To Open Chests With Eyes
Eye Chests are different types of chests scattered across the castle and the surrounding regions in Hogwarts Legacy. They are…

How To Get To The Hospital Wing In Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy has a number of Floo Flame teleporters for you to discover and use to fast travel between its…

Hogwarts Legacy Demiguise Statues Locations
If you have been exploring every nook and cranny of the world in Hogwarts Legacy, you might have noticed some…

Hogwarts Legacy: In The Shadow of the Mountain Quest Guide
Sebastian Swallow, one of your Companions in Hogwarts Legacy, is determined to find a cure for his twin sister Anne….

Best Talents To Learn In Hogwarts Legacy
Talents in Hogwarts Legacy are the equivalent of skill points. After unlocking the talent system, players can invest talent points…

Hogwarts Legacy Best Builds For Your Character
Having the best build for your character in Hogwarts Legacy means combining different spells, talents, gear traits, and more. The…

Hogwarts Legacy Puzzle Doors Solution
The ancient castle of Hogwarts hides countless mysteries and trials for players. Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors are one such trial…

How To Get All Endings In Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy remains true to the ideals of the wizarding world letting players be good wizards and witches and also…

Hogwarts Legacy Beast Locations: How To Find And Tame
Magical Beasts but where to find them eh? The wizarding world of Hogwarts Legacy is filled with fantastical creatures, both docile…

Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Key Locations
If you have explored your common room in Hogwarts Legacy, you must have spotted a unique House Chest. These special…

Hogwarts Legacy Charles Rookwood’s Trial Walkthrough
As part of the main story in Hogwarts Legacy, players will undertake different trials from each of the four Keepers….

How To Defeat Ranrok In Hogwarts Legacy
Ranrok, the goblin, is the main villain in Hogwarts Legacy who wants to use ancient magic to occupy the Repository…

Hogwarts Legacy All Hogwarts Secrets Solutions
There are a few carefully hidden secrets in Hogwarts Legacy that you can uncover for various rewards. Chances are that…

Hogwarts Legacy Potions Locations Guide
What good is a wizard without his spells and potions? Granted that learning powerful spells like the Avada Kedavra spell or…

Should You Take Wanted Trait In Starfield?
If you want to increase damage while low on health and attract bounty hunters, then the Starfield Wanted trait is for you.

Starfield Raised Enlightened Vs. Universal – Which trait To choose?
Starfield let you choose one starting trait from Enlightened, Universal, and House Va’ruun at the beginning of the game.

How To Visit Your Dream Home And Pay Off Mortgage In Starfield
If you pick the Dream Home Trait during the Starfield character creation, you can visit your Dream Home and Customize it after paying the mortgage.

Hogwarts Legacy The Hall Of Herodiana Quest Guide
The huge castle of Hogwarts hides within itself uncountable secrets and puzzles that the great wizards of before have left…

How To Win Crossed Wands In Hogwarts Legacy
In Hogwarts Legacy, Crossed Wands is basically a dueling competition to decide who the best duelist is in the school….

Hogwarts Legacy Highlands Field Guide Pages
Like other areas in Hogwarts Legacy, you will find Field Guide Pages in the Highlands. You will find around 31…

Hogwarts Legacy Enemies: Types And Locations
Hogwarts Legacy brings to you an ancient world of magic and mystery that has all kinds of creatures and beasts….

Hogwarts Legacy Helm Of Urtkot Walkthrough
As you play through the storyline of Hogwarts Legacy, one of the main quests you will come across is “The…

How To Get Troll Bogeys In Hogwarts Legacy
Remember the troll in the bathroom in the first Harry Potter movie? When Harry pulls his wand out of the…

Baldur’s Gate 3 Bard College Of Valor Build And Subclass Guide
The College of Lore build for the Bard in Baldur’s Gate 3 uses his knowledge of old heroes and their acts of valor to inspire and buff the party.