How To Get Stars Of Ruin In Elden Ring
Stars of Ruin is one of the many spells that sorcerers and spellcasters can use against enemies in Elden Ring….

Where to Find Green Turtle Talisman in Elden Ring
This guide will tell you where to find the Green Turtle Talisman in Elden Ring and discuss what buffs it…

Elden Ring Merchant Locations Guide
Elden Ring is a behemoth in terms of the scope and activities it offers to the players. There are a…

Elden Ring Sellia Hideaway Dungeon Walkthrough
This walkthrough will discuss the Sellia Hideaway Dungeon in Elden Ring and go over the reward you receive from the…

Elden Ring Ainsel River Location, Walkthrough and Items
The Ainsel River has a cave system that stretches quite a bit. There is lots of stuff that can be…

Elden Ring Fire Giant Boss Guide and Cheese Methods
Fighting bosses that are thrice the size of a beast can be tough to tackle and can make you vulnerable…

Where to Find Spellblade Set in Elden Ring
In Elden Ring, there are many armor sets that players can choose from. Each armor set has its own pros…

How To Get The Banished Knight Set In Elden Ring
The Banished Knight Armor Set is a heavy-weight armor set in Elden Ring. This armor is worn by knights who…

Elden Ring Somber Smithing Stones Locations Guide
While Smithing Stones can upgrade basic weapons, Somber Smithing Stones are used for upgrading the unique armaments in Elden Ring….

Where to Find Gravel Stone Seal in Elden Ring
One of the 9 Sacred Seals in Elden Ring, Gravel Stone Seal can be found in Leyndell, The Royal Capital.

Where to Find Ghost Glovewort 8 in Elden Ring
Need to find Ghost Glovewort 8 to upgrade your Spirit Summon? We have got the locations for you.

Elden Ring: Caelid Location, Bosses, Dungeons, Merchants And More
It’s easy to get lost in Caelid in Elden Ring. Our guide will help you wilth everything important in this region.

How To Get Noble’s Set and Crimson Hood In Elden Ring
Whether you want a Crimson Hood or Navy Hood for Noble’s Set in Elden Ring, this guide has locations for both.

How To Get The Bull-Goat Set In Elden Ring
In this guide we will tell you each step you need to take to get Bull-Goat Armor in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring Black Knife Tiche Ashes Location
You will be able to reach Ringleader’s Evergoal during Ranni’s Questline to get this Spirit Ashes.

Elden Ring: Master Lusat Location and His Armor
You can find Master Lusat as part of Sorcerer Sellen questline. You will have to go to Sellia Hideaway in Caelid.

Every Whip in Elden Ring And How To Get Them
There are some cool Whips in Elden Ring and we have ranked them so that you can choose the best one.

How To Get Carian Knight’s Shield In Elden Ring
Let’s get the shield carried by the Knights of Carian Royal Family.

How To Get Beast Crest Heater Shield In Elden Ring
How about a shield that has a beast engraved on it? Beast Crest Heater Shield is a recommended one to have early in Elden Ring.

Cyberpunk 2077 Braindance Editor Guide
In this Cyberpunk 2077 Braindance Editor guide, we’ll help you get started and learn more about the Braindance Editor in…

Cyberpunk 2077 Stamina Tips
In these Cyberpunk 2077 Stamina Tips, we will discuss everything there is to know about stamina consumption costs and give…

How To Fix Cyberpunk 2077 Ray Reconstruction Greyed Out Option
Ray Reconstruction is a fancy new tech in Cyberpunk 2077 for Nvidia users to never feel the need to leave their rooms for some sunlight.

Cyberpunk 2077 You Know My Name Walkthrough
The You Know My Name quest in Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the infiltration and stealth focused missions in the game. You crash a party in a club to gather intel.

Cyberpunk 2077 Get It Together Walkthrough
You will meet Mr Hands from the base game again in Get It Together quest in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. This time, you get to work for him and gain entry to the Black Sapphire Club.

Starfield First to Fight, First to Die Walkthrough
The main question during the First to Fight, First to Die mission in Starfield is that should you kill Paxton Hull or not?