Warzone 2 DMZ Dog Tags Locations Guide
Bag ’em and Tag ’em is a tier-two mission from the White Lotus faction in the DMZ mode of Call…

The Last of Us Part 1 New Game Plus: What To Do After Finishing the Game?
In The Last of Us Part 1, after finishing the game you might think it’s the end of the road…

Starfield Two Tales, Two Cities Walkthrough
In Two Tales, Two Cities, you are requested to undertake an investigation regarding a recent series of vandalism in Starfield….

Skull & Bones Rumored To Have Restarted Development
Skull & Bones has now been delayed four times by publisher Ubisoft since its original announcement nearly four years back….

XCOM Chimera Squad Freeze Progeny Finances Walkthrough
It’s time to double down on the Progeny; we have their weapons, and now its time to target their finances….

Resident Evil 4 Rats Locations
There are three side quests associated with finding and killing rats in Resident Evil 4. One in the Village, the…

How to Get Honey in Valheim
In this guide we will teach you How to Get Honey in Valheim. This guide will cover all aspects of…

Mass Effect Andromeda Pet Locations Guide
While not really serving any purpose besides looking cute, players have the option to keep Pets in Mass Effect Andromeda….

The Duviri Paradox Interview: Drifters, Timelines, Cross Save, Orowyrm and More
One of the biggest and most long-awaited updates for Warframe, the Duviri Paradox update, is finally going to be coming…

AMD Raven Ridge 2200G, 2400G With Vega Graphics Unboxing (Images Included)
AMD Raven Ridge APUs are pretty interesting and we have seen how well these two upcoming chips can perform. The AMD…

Wolcen Lords of Mayhem Mage Builds Guide
Wolcen Lords of Mayhem has come out of early access, and with it several hordes of enemies waiting to be…

Warzone 2 DMZ Weapon Case Guide
Weapon Cases are one of many world activities that you can complete for valuable rewards in the new DMZ mode…

Halo Infinite Forerunner Artifacts Locations Guide
Halo Infinite has one of the biggest explorable open-world spaces of the franchise. So, it’s safe to say that there…

Borderlands 3 the Anvil Challenges Guide – Collectible Locations, Where to Find
You enter a new zone, The Anvil, to set Sir Hammerlock free from prison. Once you enter the Anvil, you…

ARK Aberration Karkinos Location and Taming Guide
Karkinos are aggressive creatures in Ark Aberration, mostly wandering around the waters in large numbers. They drop very useful resources such…

ARK Extinction Forest Titan Taming Guide
Forest Titan is another Titan that you can summon using the Forest Terminal in Ark Extinction. This aggressive boss has…

ARK Extinction Desert Titan Taming Guide
Desert Titan is one of the four Titans you can encounter in Ark Extinction. It is a pretty powerful creature that is…

ARK Genesis Megachelon Location And Taming Guide
Megachelon is a giant turtle that can grow resources on its back and can also act as a mobile base…

Ark Genesis Space Whale/Astrocetus Taming Guide
Astrocetus is a fantastic creature in Ark Genesis that has abilities like warping through hyperspace. This creature is found throughout…

Ark Genesis Bloodstalker Location And Taming Guide
Bloodstalker is an invertebrate creature in Ark Genesis. It is found in swamps, hiding in dense forests around them. It…

ARK Genesis Metal Locations Guide
Metal is an important resource used in constructing different tools and structures, and luckily, you can find it in abundance…

ARK Genesis Gem Locations Guide
Gems are an important resource used to craft different items and elements in Ark Genesis. Say if you want to…

How to Tame Ferox in ARK Genesis
Ferox is a shapeshifting creature that can transform itself from a small harmless version into an aggressive beast version. This…

ARK Genesis Tek Triceratops Location And Taming Guide
Tek Triceratops is a dinosaur recently added to the ARK Genesis DLC. It is called Trike. It is not an…

ARK Genesis Magmasaur Location And Taming Guide
Magmasaur is a fire-based creature in Ark Genesis that acquires its strength and charges up attacks through heat. Magmasaur performs…