baldur's gate 3 lost save

How To Retrieve Lost Save Files In Baldur’s Gate 3

Due to certain bugs, your save files can get lost in Baldur’s Gate 3. This can be frustrating when you have been playing for hours and suddenly there is no save file there. However, there are ways to recover your lost saves.

baldur's gate 3 gremishkas

How To Defeat Gremishkas In Baldur’s Gate 3

Gremishkas are odd little creatures in Baldur’s Gate 3 that react negatively to magic. They have an allergy to it due to which a random effect may go off if a spell is cast near them.

baldur's gate 3 kar'niss

How to Defeat Kar’niss In Baldur’s Gate 3

Kar’niss is a follower of the Absolute who will have the only working Moon Lantern in Baldur’s Gate 3. He’s a rough enemy to beat and he will have help. You need to approach killing him with a solid strategy in mind.