Diablo 4 Double Swing Barbarian Build Guide
The Double Swing Barbarian build is perfect for slicing through your enemies in Diablo 4. This skill becomes more fun…

Two Key PS5 Features All But Cofirmed
Sony’s PlayStation 5 is not far off if we go by the latest rumors, speculations, and leaked information. While there…

4 Best Sons Of The Forest Base Locations
Setting up a base that acts as a haven will be crucial to your survival on the vicious island of…

Call Of Duty: Mobile Censors You From Saying “Jesus”
Call of Duty: Mobile has a profanity filter that functions rather differently (or strangely) than what you would normally expect….

SCUM Cooking Guide – Stone Knife, How To Cut, Fireplace, Cooking Meter (Cooking Tips)
As is the case with survival games, SCUM has a pretty extensive Menu System which means that crafting stuff can…
The Division 2 to Appear at X018 Along With 2 More AAA Blockbusters
Microsoft’s X018 event is nearing so are hearing plenty about it. The latest comes from a Tweet posted by someone…

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Assault Rifle Build (Update 2.0)
The best build for beginners.

Best Early-Game Weapons In Elden Ring
There are several weapons you can find to use as good early-game weapons in Elden Ring. It all depends on…

Pokemon Shield Applin Location, How to Evolve Tips
Appletun is a rare Pokemon exclusive to Pokemon Shield. To get Appletun, you need to evolve it using an Applin….

How To Build A Defensive Wall In Sons Of The Forest
There are all sorts of dangers living on the island in Sons of the Forest. You will initially start off…

Final Fantasy 16 Soul Stingers Notorious Mark Hunt Guide
Soul Stingers is one of many Notorious Marks on the Hunt board in Final Fantasy 16 that unlocks during the…

Valkyria Chronicles 4 Accessories Locations Guide
Like any other RPG, you cannot have the full experience without empowering your characters. As it stands, there is a…

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Prized Mushroom Location and Farming Tips
When playing Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, players will come across many different types of resources and their own unique ways…

How To Get And Use The Golden Order Principia In Elden Ring
Find the Golden Order Principia to learn the dirty secrets of the Golden Order in Elden Ring.

How To Get Lubricant In Starfield
Lubricant is an essential resource for crafting important weapon mods.

Fire Emblem Engage Lookout Ridge Event Guide
Players that have purchased the DLC for Fire Emblem Engage might be wondering how they can trigger the Lookout Ridge…

Pokemon Sword and Shield Galarian Ponyta / Rapidash Guide
This guide talks about the Galarian Ponyta, and its evolution, the Galarian Rapidash that are found in Sword and Shield….

Destiny 2 A Matter of Time Quest Guide
The Season of Dawn in Destiny 2 brings a whole new story and quests that have you racing against the…
Battlefield 5 Leveling Guide – How to Level Up Fast
Leveling up classes in Battlefield 5 is tied to weapons and equipment unlocks. It is fun too! Read down below…

How to Level Up Fast in Thymesia
Thymesia features tremendously brutal and incredibly fast gameplay, so you’ll have to be on your toes to make it through….

How To Investigate Ahmad’s Office In Assassin’s Creed Mirage
Ahmad’s office is a location in AC Mirage where you will learn some clues regarding Ahmad’s disappearance in the game.

Best Class C Ships In Starfield
This list of the best Class C Ships will help you decide which one to get.

EA’s Xbox One Sales “Projections Are Inaccurate”, Microsoft Clarifies
During EA’s recent earnings call, the company revealed its sales predictions for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and according to…

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Ahmad Ibn Musa Investigation Walkthrough
The Ahmad Ibn Musa Investigation in AC Mirage ends with the assassination of Doctor Hassan.

PS5 Pre-Order Now Available At Play Asia For $699.99
Everyone is now waiting for the price of PlayStation 5. While Sony Interactive Entertainment hasn’t confirmed anything officially yet, Play…