Potential Princess Sightings – Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Potential Princess Sightings takes you on a grand adventure across the stables in Hyrule to clear Princess Zelda’s name.

How To Get Sturdy Thick Stick In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
The Sturdy Thick Stick is a wonderful base for fused weapons as it provides additional durability in Zelda: TotK.

How To Get Sturdy Long Stick In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
While having low base damage, the Sturdy Long Stick is one of the best base items to create fused weapons in Zelda: Totk.

How To Get Knight’s Halberd In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Knight’s Halberd is an ideal weapon for those in Zelda: TotK who want to live on edge. It deals massive damage when you are down to your last heart.

How To Get Zora Longsword In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
A weapon of Zora warriors, this longsword is one of the best early-game weapons in Zelda: TotK.

How To Get Boat Oar In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Boat Oar can be your last line of defense against enemies in Zelda: TotK.

How To Get Lizal Boomerang In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Lizal Boomerang is a one-handed weapon that deals massive damage and always returns to the owner.

Elden Ring Scythe Builds Guide
Scythes are one of the many weapons you can equip in Elden Ring. These long-reaching and bleed-inducing weapons can be…

8 Best Tips To Level Up Fast in Borderlands 2
Borderlands 2 offers a vast world filled with loot, challenges, and levelling up. But for those eager to reach the…

How To Get Galvaknuckles In Black Ops 2 Tranzit?
Black Ops 2 Zombies’ Tranzit throws hordes of the undead your way. To survive the relentless onslaught, a powerful weapon…

How To Identify Items In Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous?
While playing Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, you will come across endless treasures and loot scattered across battlefields and hidden…

How To Stop Blood Loss In Elden Ring?
Blood Loss (or Hemorrhage) is a status effect in the Elden Ring that can quickly turn the tide of battle…

Persona 5 TV Quiz Show Guide
Persona 5 helps you improve your stats knowledge with different events and mini-games. One such opportunity is a TV Quiz…

Strengthened Lizal Bow Locations – Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Strengthened Lizal Bow carries massive firepower and is one of the best long-ranged weapons in Zelda: TotK.

Traveler’s Bow Locations – Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
The most basic bow in the game, Traveler’s Bow, is also one of the best early game options for ranged fighting.

Grizzlemaw-Bear Fabric – Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Turn your paraglider appearance to match the ferocity of a Grizzle-Maw with the help of Grizzle-Maw bear fabric.

Shield Of The Mind’s Eye – Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Shield of Mind’s Eye provides maximum defense while sacrificing minimum visibility in Zelda: TotK.

How To Get Fire-Breath Lizalfos Tails – Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Fire-Breath Lizalfos Tail is a rare and important upgrade material in Zelda: TotK.

How To Get Strong Zonaite Longsword In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Strong Zonaite Longsword is a weapon of choice for zonai construct soldiers, and it offers massive destructive power to handle early-game sections.

How To Get Traveler’s Claymore In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Traveler’s Claymore is an early-game longsword that you can fuse with monster parts to wreak havoc in Zelda: TotK.

How To Get Lizal Reaper In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Lizal Reaper is a powerful fusion of Lizalfos Horn and a normal sword i Zelda: TotK.

How To Get Zora Spear In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
A Spear made to protect the Zora’ Domain from invaders, this weapon offers great early-game damage and durability in Zelda: TotK.

How To Get Dragonbone Boko Bow In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Drgaonbone Boko Bow is the ultimate version of Boko Bow which deals massive damage in Zelda: TotK.

Where To Find Soldier 3 Blade In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
A fusion of a sword and a Soldier Construct III horn, Soldier 3 Blade offers immense attack power and durability in Zelda: Totk.

How To Get Soldier’s Bow In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Soldier’s Bow is a weapon of choice for Hylian Soldiers and one of the best early-game weapons.