In the world of Elden Ring, not all weapons are created equally. Some are not only superior to others in stats, but they also carry a lot of history which makes them ultra-special. Such is the case with Legendary Armaments.
These 9 special weapons are not only unique but extra rare too. Due to their association with the main characters in the game, finding and learning about these weapons rewards players with a trophy/achievement. In this guide, we will tell players about the locations and stats of every Elden Ring Legendary Armament.
Every Legendary Armament Location in Elden Ring
There is a total of 9 Legendary Armaments (unique weapons if you may) in Elden Ring that can be obtained in various ways. Some can simply be looted while others require players to defeat a particular boss to obtain the legendary armament. We will be explaining the process of acquiring all 9 Legendary armaments in detail below.
- Bolt of Gransax
- Dark Moon Greatsword
- Devourer’s Scepter
- Eclipse Shotel
- Golden Order Greatsword
- Grafted Blade Greatsword
- Marais Executioner’s Sword
- Ruins Greatsword
- Sword of Night and Flame
Bolt of Gransax

A legendary armament that was once wielded by the dragon Gransax, Bolt of Gransax is a spear that can be obtained by exploring Leyndell, the royal capital. This is the only missable legendary armament if the players decide to progress through Crumbling Farum Azula before acquiring it (can be obtained on the next playthrough).
To obtain this spear, go to the Erdtree Sanctuary site of grace (which can only be accessed after defeating Godfrey, the first golden lord). From there turn back and go outside. Climb down the stairs and use the elevator inside the building to reach the lower levels. Go down further via stairs and look to your left to notice a massive spear statue buried in the ground.
Turn left from the bottom of the stairs to reach the balcony. There are a couple of difficult enemies there. Jump on the railing and drop down on the spear below. Make sure to time it well as this jump can easily be missed. Climb the spear carefully to find Bolt of Gransax at its very top.
Bolt of Gransax requires 20 points in Strength stat (D scaling) and 40 points in Dexterity stat (D scaling). Its unique skill is called Ancient Lightning Spear which allows the players to throw their swords at enemies as red lightning spears.
Dark Moon Greatsword

This legendary sword can be obtained by completing Ranni’s side quest which is both long and complex. We will be listing the brief steps to obtain Dark Moon Greatsword but if you want a complete guide, please check our guide which covers Ranni’s side quest in detail.
- Defeat Starscourge Radahn in Caelid
- Go to Ranni’s Rise in Caria Manor and join her cause
- Ascend to Nokron from Mistwood Forest to obtain Fingerslayer Blade
- Deliver the blade to Ranni and use teleporter in her house to go to Ainsel River
- Pick up Ranni’s doll and talk to it multiple times at any site of grace.
- Follow its instructions to defeat Baleful Shadow
- Use the Discarded Palace Key (obtained from previous battle) to open a chest in Grand Library (Raya Lucaria)
- Take the Dark Moon Ring to Ranni after defeating Astral the Naturalborn. She will give Dark Moon Blade to players as a reward.
Dark Moon Blade requires 16 points in Strength stat (D scaling), 11 points in Dexterity stat (D scaling), and 38 points in Intelligence stat (C scaling). Its unique skill is called Moonlight Greatsword which allows players to fire ice shards in addition to bonus magic damage.
Devourer Scepter

This legendary armament can be obtained by defeating Knight Bernahl at the Warmaster Shack in central Limgrave. Only do this if you are not interested in his side quest. Devourer Scepter can be obtained during the late game when Bernahl invades players as Recusant in the Crumbling Farm Azula (near Dragon Temple Rooftop site of grace).
Devourer Scepter requires 24 points in strength stat (D scaling), 20 points in Dexterity stat (D scaling), and 25 points in Faith stat (D scaling). Its unique skill is called Devourer of Worlds which allows players to siphon HP from their opponents by driving Devourer Scepter into the ground.
Eclipse Shotel

This legendary curved sword can be obtained by finding a treasure chest inside Castle Sol. This castle is in the Northern region of Consecrated Snowfield (Mountaintop of the Giants). From the main gate of Castle Sol, go straight and climb the stairs to the right. Keep going up and then run straight to enter a small house in front. Beware of a lot of powerful enemies here.
Leave the house and keep going straight to enter the next building (past the stairs). This building is called the Church of the Eclipse. Interact with the dead body at the base of the altar to obtain Eclipse Shotel.
Eclipse Shotel requires 10 points in Strength stat (E scaling), 25 points in Dexterity stat (D scaling) and 30 points in Faith stat (D scaling). Its unique weapon skill is Death Flare which imbues the sword with Death Blight and deals Holy Damage to enemies.
Golden Order Greatsword

This legendary sword crafted by Radagon can only be obtained by defeating Misbegotten Crusader inside the Cave of Forlorn. This cave is in the Consecrated Snowfield area of Mountaintop of the Giants. The exact location of the cave is marked on the map, and it can be accessed by going North from Consecrated Snowfield Catacombs.
Golden Order Greatsword requires 16 points in Strength stat (E scaling), 21 points in Dexterity stat (D scaling) and 28 points in Faith stat (C scaling). Its unique weapon skill is known as Establish Order which allows players to create a Holy explosion followed by waves of golden light attacks.
Grafted Blade Greatsword

This ugly amalgamation of multiple swords can only be obtained by defeating a boss. The boss in question is called Leonine Misbegotten and players can encounter him in Castle Morne, in the Southern part of the Weeping peninsula. The exact location of Leonine Misbegotten is marked on the map, and he can be found in Southern most part of Castle Morne. Go South from Beside the Rampart Goal site of grace is to find this boss near the shore.
Upon his death, Leonine Misbegotten drops Grafted Blade Greatsword as a reward for the players. This legendary armament requires 40 points in Strength stat (C scaling) and 14 points in Dexterity stat (E scaling). The unique weapon skill for Grafted Blade Greatsword is called Oath of Vengeance which increases all attributes by 5 for 60 seconds.
Marais Executioner Sword

This legendary sword can be obtained by defeating its owner, Elmer of the Briar. He is the final boss of the Shaded Castle region. This castle is in the Northern region of Altus Plateau. To reach Shaded Castle, simply travel north from the Grand Lift of Dectus site of grace.
Shaded Castle is full of poison and Cleanrot Knights that can pose a serious threat to the players. Upon defeating Elmer of the Briar, he drops his favorite sword for the players to loot.
Marais Executioner Sword requires the following stats to be wielded properly. Strength 24 (C scaling), Dexterity 14 (E scaling), and Arcane 23 (D scaling). Its unique skill is called Eochaid’s Dancing Blade which allows players to throw the sword at enemies to deal multiple hits damage.
Ruins Greatsword

A legendary colossal sword crafted from the remains of a meteor, Ruins Greatsword can be obtained by defeating a duo of bosses in Redmane Castle. These bosses are Misbegotten Warrior and Crucible Knight who blocks the path of players at Redmane Castle Plaza.
This boss fight can only be attempted by going to Redmane Castle (Southeast of Caelid) when Radahn Festival is not happening (before or after Radahn). These bosses won’t appear once the festival commences.
Ruins Greatsword requires a whooping 50 points in Strength stat (B scaling) and 16 points in Intelligence (E scaling). Its unique skill is called Wave of Destruction which delivers a devastating gravitational slam on the floor.
Sword of Night and Flame

This legendary sword, which was once considered the most valuable treasure of Caria Manor, can be obtained from a treasure chest in the lower level of Caria Manor. To find Sword of Night and Flame, travel to Manor Lower Level site of grace. From this location, go out the door to the right to reach a branching bridge. Turn left from the first bridge and right from the second one.
From the third bridge, look left and drop down on the rooftop of a ruined house. Drop down again and then use the ladder to go inside the house. Open the treasure chest to the left to obtain the Sword of Night and Flame.
This legendary sword requires the following stats. Strength 12 (E scaling), Dexterity 12 (E scaling), Intelligence 24 (D scaling) and Faith 24 (D scaling). Its unique skill is called Night and Flame Stance that allows players to deal both magic damage (normal attack) and fire damage (heavy attack).
These are all the 9 Legendary Armaments players can find in Elden Ring to unlock the “Legendary Armaments” trophy/achievement. However, in some instances, this trophy/achievement gets bugged and doesn’t unlock. For completionists, this can be a major headache but worry not as we know a workaround.
How to fix Legendary Armaments Achievement Bug
If you are unable to unlock the achievement/trophy for collecting all Legendary Armaments, all you need to do is travel to any site of grace and drop all 9 of your Legendary Armaments on the ground. Pick them up the dropped weapons and this should fix the bugged trophy/achievement.