Fingerslayer Blade is a key item in Elden Ring associated with Ranni’s Questline. It is also known as the Hidden Treasure of Nokron and can only be obtained once you have unlocked the path to Nokron, the Eternal City.
Finding Fingerslayer Blade is difficult and convoluted, as the game doesn’t tell you how to reach Nokron and where to look for this unique key item. In this guide, we will help you with both tasks so you can obtain this elusive item to further your progress toward obtaining the Dark Moon Greatsword.
How to Unlock Nokron, the Eternal City
Before proceeding any further, we recommend visiting Caria Manor and entering Ranni’s service by meeting at her tower in the Three Sisters area. Once you have gone through Liurnia of the Lakes and level up enough, visit Caelid and fight Radahn.
This is one of the most difficult boss battles in the base game, and we recommend following our detailed guide to beat Radahn easily. Once Radahn is defeated, a cutscene shows a meteor falling in the woods of the Limgrave area.
Follow the marker on the map to find the location of the meteor inside the Mistwood area. You will notice a series of rock platforms that you can use to descend with the help of your horse, Torrent. This will take you to the eternal city of Nokron.
Fingerslayer Blade Location

Finding Fingerslayer Blade inside Nokron is a difficult task as it is well hidden at the bottom, known as Night’s Sacred Ground. To reach this area, start from the first grace until you encounter the first boss, Mimic Tear. Defeat this boss and continue left to reach Ancestral Woods’s site of grace. This grace can be found on a ledge to the left once you enter the area with huge blue torches.

From this grace, go forward and jump down on the roof. Once you reach the edge, look down and jump once again to land on the ledge. Turn right and then take a left. A prompt, “Night’s Sacred Ground,” will appear on the screen, ensuring that you are going in the right direction.

Jump on the roof to the right with a body and an item. Keep going forward until you see a roof in the distance with some mimic tear enemies. Use the roof in between to cross the gap and defeat the enemies. There is a small path on the upper left corner of this roof.

Use this path to proceed and then drop down. Cross the bridge to reach a room with a massive ball enemy. Drop down in the room and exit it by using the door to the left of your entrance. Turn to go down the stairs and turn left to find the Night’s Sacred Ground site of grace.

The next step involves running past all the enemies to enter the room at the other end. You can also try to defeat the enemies for runes, but it is ill-advised. Once you reach the room, open the treasure chest to obtain the Fingerslayer Blade.

If you can’t open the treasure chest or it says that you are not destined to open it, this means you haven’t started Ranni’s Questline yet. Return to her at the Three Sisters and enter her service to open the treasure chest, or it will remain locked.
How to Use the Fingerslayer Blade in Elden Ring
Fingerslayer Blade has only one use in the game. You can only hand it over to Ranni to progress her quest. This item can’t be equipped or used as a weapon. Once you give Fingerslayer Blade to Ranni, she will give you the Carian Inverted Statue, which you can use to obtain the Cursemark of Death for two different endings.
However, giving Fingerslayer Blade to Ranni will also end Seluvis’s quest, and he will die. If you haven’t received Magic Scorpion Charm from Seluvis yet, we recommend getting it before handing over the blade to Ranni.
You can also betray Ranni by keeping the Fingerslayer Blade. However, this will lock you out of her quest and she won’t talk to you again until you absolve yourself.