Eclipse Shotel is a Curved Sword in Elden Ring that is considered one of the best legendary weapons in the game. You will find this weapon in the latter part of the game.
This weapon does not rank much in terms of Attack Power and Damage Negation and is not considered greatly viable because it is ineffective against bosses. However, the Eclipse Shotel is a unique armament and can be acquired for the sake of just adding it to your inventory.
This guide will give you complete details about finding the legendary armament Eclipse Shotel in Elden Ring.
Eclipse Shotel location in Elden Ring
The Eclipse Shotel is easy to find as you do not need to fight a boss or engage with any NPC to obtain it. It is simply present on a corpse lying on an altar in the Church of Eclipse of Castle Sol.

In order to find Eclipse Shotel, you need to go to the Mountaintops of the Giants and get inside Castle Sol.
You can find it in the Church of the Eclipse there. But getting there is not that simple because first, you will need to go all the way through Leyndell, the Capital City.
From there, in the northeast corner of the mountains, you will find Castle Sol. Now from the main gate of Castle Sol, you will need to move straight, and you will see wooden stairs right in front. Use the stairs and get onto the platform. Use the stairs in the corner of the wooden platform to go up.
Now move straight and enter the building right in front of you. Use the stairs going up and get out from the other side of the building.
From there, you can see the door to the Church of Eclipse right in front of you. Move forward, climb stairs, and you will enter the Church of Eclipse where you can activate its Site of Grace.
You can find Eclipse Shotel on a corpse towards the front of the church.
Eclipse Shotel Skill
Eclipse Shotel comes with a unique skill called Death Flare, which is responsible for death ailment on enemies. The Death Flare unique skill costs 16 FP to use and is not chargeable. You cannot infuse this weapon with any Ash of War in the game.
Moreover, you can’t enchant this weapon with magic. You can only upgrade this weapon using the Somber Smithing Stone.
Eclipse Shotel upgrades and stats
The Eclipse Shotel executes a Slash attack to cause Physical and Holy Damage. In its Standard State, it has 77 grading for the Physical and Holy attack stats both. As for the Guard Stats, they are Physical 35, Holy 50, and 25 for Magic, Fire, Light, and Boost.
It is best with Str, Dex and Fai stats having E, D, and D scaling respectively. The requirements for these stats are given below:
- Faith 30
- Strength 10
- Dexterity 25
As mentioned above, the Eclipse Shotel can be upgraded using the Somber Smithing Stones from its Standard State to +10 State. However, keep in mind that upgrading the Eclipse Shotel only improves its Attack Stats and the Stat Scaling while the Guard Stats for damage negation stay the same.
The upgrade stats for this weapon are given below:
Upgrade | Physical | Holy | Strength | Dexterity | Faith |
Standard +1 | 88 | 88 | E | D | D |
Standard +2 | 99 | 99 | E | D | D |
Standard +3 | 110 | 110 | E | D | D |
Standard +4 | 121 | 121 | D | D | D |
Standard +5 | 132 | 132 | D | D | C |
Standard +6 | 143 | 143 | D | D | C |
Standard +7 | 155 | 155 | D | D | C |
Standard +8 | 166 | 166 | D | D | C |
Standard +9 | 177 | 177 | D | C | C |
Standard +10 | 188 | 188 | D | C | C |