How To Get Bolt Of Gransax In Elden Ring

Bolt of Gransax is a powerful armament that does not require Faith in Elden Ring. It allows you to fire a lightning bolt for huge damage.

Bolt of Gransax is one of the nine legendary armaments in Elden Ring. This spear weapon allows you to engage enemies from a long distance and you can inflict severe damage on dragon-like enemies due to its powerful lightning attack.

To get your hands on this beautifully looking spear, it is important to get the weapon before burning the Erdtree, as this item is missable in Elden Ring. However, before learning the way to obtain the spear, it is crucial to know the Bolt of Gransax’s location in Elden Ring.

Bolt of Gransax location in Elden Ring

Elden Ring Bolt of Gransax map

On the Altus Plateau, north of Limbgrave, lies a Royal Capital legacy dungeon named Leyndell. The Bolt of Gransax is buried deep within it. You’ll want to walk through the level to the Avenue Balcony location of grace in the city center to climb up the gigantic dragon statue’s wing.

You’ll see a balcony with a ladder as you rise. Climb the staircase to reach the grace site of the West Capital Rampart.

After that, you’ll have to climb down the mountain’s giant roots into the city. Ignore the Erdtree Guardians who stand in your way.

A side entrance can be found in the Erdtree Sanctuary Cathedral. This is where you may undertake a boss fight with Shade of Godfrey, a First Elden Lord.

Godfrey’s Shade is a typical Souls enemy that is fast-paced and violent, with well-timed assaults. He is a large man with a large weapon.

As with many of Elden Ring’s encounters, the safest tactic is to summon aid or keep at a safe distance from Godfrey.

After eliminating Godfrey, escape through the western exit of the cathedral and take the elevator down. Take the stairwell down from the elevator and look to your left for a crack in the balcony.

A massive replica of the Bolt of Gransax may be found here. Looking below, you can see a spear stuck in the platform. After jumping down, walk up the replica spear to collect the real weapon at the top.

The Bolt of Gransax is a powerful armament in Elden Ring. You may use this weapon by pressing L2 (PS) which will fire a lightning bolt at the adversary to deal massive damage. The advantage of this weapon is that it does not need Faith to use.

However, you can miss Bolt of Gransax if you defeat Maliketh, the Black Blade in Elden Ring. You must acquire this weapon before moving to Crumbling Farum Azule to fight the boss.

Bolt of Gransax upgrades and stats

The basic stats of this spear shows that you can cause 98 physical and 63 lightning damage at the start level. However, you can deal massive damage with the progression after obtaining a +10 standard rank with Bolt of Gransax.

The upgrade stats indicate the physical damage increase to 240 while the lightning damage increases to 154. It means you can take on even the toughest enemies with Bolt of Gransax in Elden Ring.

To upgrade the Bolt of Gransax, you require the much-needed Somber Smithing Stones in Elden Ring. These upgrades help you deal extra 20 percent damage to the dragon-type enemies while receiving a 10 percent boost against Ancient dragon foes.

Moving on to the stat, it takes 40 Dexterity and 20 Strength to use. Remember to combine the weapon with points in Mind.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...