How To Catch Nacli In Pokemon Scarlet And Violet
Nacli is a new addition to the Pokemon series with the release of 9th-gen Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. It looks…
Nacli is a new addition to the Pokemon series with the release of 9th-gen Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. It looks…
Iron Moth belongs to the Fire/Poison category in Pokémon SV. It has many similarities with the Iron Hands. It is also…
Iron Jugulis is one of the Paradox Pokemon introduced in Pokemon SV. That means the Pokemon has no evolutions. It…
Squawkabilly is another addition to the family of newly introduced Pokemon in Pokemon SV. Although it has no evolutions, it can…
Tinkatink is one of the newly introduced 9th-gen Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Tinkatink is a Steel-type Pokemon in…
Tarountula is a String Ball Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet. The thread it produces is as strong as a wire…
The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet release has brought many amazing species into the spotlight. The Tandemaus is a creature that…
This Legendary Pokemon is made up of fire and is part of the Dark Quartet in the region of Paldea. Chi-Yu creates a sea of lava and burns its enemies to the ground.
Wiglett has serious similarities to Diglett in terms of design. This is because they are distant cousins and may be a divergent evolution to the classic Pokemon in SV.
Koraidon is a dragon and fighting type Pokémon with legendary rarity in Pokemon SV. You get it in the beginning…
Varoom excels as both a Poison and Steel-type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Master him, and you will get an evolution into Revavroom at level 41 for greater control of the battlefield.
Flittle is a new Pokemon added in Pokemon SV, which was unavailable before Generation 9. This Pokemon possesses Psychic abilities and evolves into Espathra…
Dreepy is a Rare Pokémon that can only be seen near water and wetlands in the Paldea region. Keeping this in mind, you must search in the specified areas, and if you have any luck, you’ll find ‘em
Hydreigon is a Pseudo Legendary Pokemon that you’ll get by taking a Zweilous up to a certain level in Pokemon SV.
Do you want a tanky Pokemon in SV? Then the Stonjourner may be the solution for you.
Donphan is one such Pokémon that received Paradox forms in Pokemon SV: Iron Treads and Great Tusk. Great Tusk and Iron Treads are exclusive to Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, respectively.
Tinkatuff is a cute but deadly hammer-wielding Fairy-Steel Pokemon that was newly introduced to the series in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This tiny Pokemon packs a big punch in a small package.
Cetitan is an Ice-type Terra Whale Pokemon from the Field Egg Group in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. It is the evolved…
Ditto is a must-have Pokemon in SV for a few reasons. Firstly, because of its power and strength. Secondly, and most…
Veluza is one of the many surprise entries in Pokemon SV that emerges from the depths of the ocean. It is…
Bramblin is a 9th-generation Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet and belongs to the Grass/Ghost type. It looks like a tumbleweed,…
The Great Tusk (Paradox Donphan) is part of the newly introduced Paradox category in Pokemon SV. You might find that Great Tusk has a high resemblance to the Armor Pokemon, Donphan. But both are not related.
In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Miraidon is one of the legendary Pokémons you can acquire. His type is electric and is a dragon, making him very potent against water-type Pokémons in battle.
The Iron Valiant is a paradox pokemon in SV meaning it can’t be evolved like other pokemon. However, it is a good base pokemon and worthy to get.
Ice Stone is an evolutionary item in Pokemon SV that is required to evolve Pokemon like Cetoddle, Eevee, and Crabrawler….