How To Find and Defeat Ancient Hero Zamor In Elden Ring
The Ancient Hero of Zamor is a boss which you will encounter at different locations in Elden Ring. This particular…

All Flame Pillar Locations In Elden Ring
There are two optional boss fights in Siofra River underground region and the Nokron region. Both of these bosses are…

What To Do With Weathered Dagger In Elden Ring
In Elden Ring, Fia’s questline requires you to find the owner of the Weathered Dagger. The following guide will hence…

Elden Ring Lightning Strike Location
The Elden Ring Lightning Strike is one of the deadliest spells in the Elden Ring. Having a large AoE, it…

Elden Ring Morning Star Location
The Morning Star Hammer is one of those weapons that’s neither associated with a dungeon nor a boss in Elden…

Where To Find The Unseen Blade In Elden Ring
Just like the weapons and armor in Elden Ring, spells also play an important role in the game. Unseen Blades…

How To Use Wild Strikes In Elden Ring
The Elden Ring has a unique mechanic that involves using Ashes of War. This mechanic allows the players to boost…

Elden Ring Hand Of Malenia Katana Location Guide
Hand of Malenia, a strength-dexterity-scaling katana, is the perfect companion of any Samurai or bleed-damage build. The following guide will…

Elden Ring Sacred Tear Locations Guide
Sacred Tears are key consumables in Elden Ring that can be used to enhance the HP or FP restoring powers…

How To Get Mimic Tear Ashes in Elden Ring
To survive the treacherous environments of The Lands between, FromSoftware decided to help players by introducing Spirit Ashes. As you…

All Bell Bearing Hunter Locations in Elden Ring
Repeating Bosses in FromSoftware games is not a new thing. In Elden Ring as well, there are many bosses that…

Village of Albinaurics Location In Elden Ring
The Village of Albinaurics is a creepy dark village on the side of a cliff in Liurnia. The village is…

Elden Ring Regal Ancestor Spirit Boss Guide
Regal Ancestor Spirit is another optional boss that you are going to find in Nokron, Eternal City. In this guide,…

How To Reach Mohgwyn Palace In Elden Ring
In a game vast as Elden Ring, finding all the hidden locations can be a daunting task, especially considering that…

Elden Ring Mirage Rise Phantom Crests Locations Guide
If you’ve been trying to complete the Mirage Rise puzzle but can’t get a hold of the required 3 Phantom…

How to Find And Use Vyke’s Dragonbolt in Elden Ring
Vyke’s Dragonbolt is one of Dragon Cult Incantations and is obtained after winning an intense fight against Vyke, the Roundtable…

How to Reach Siofra Region In Elden Ring
As if the surface map of Elden Ring wasn’t big enough, there are underground regions to explore as well and…

Elden Ring All Flail Locations, Which Is The Best?
Flail Weapons in Elden Ring, are quite effective for close-ranged encounters like those with the bosses. Though most of these…

Best Spears to Wreak Havoc In Elden Ring
Spears in Elden Ring can be a great choice of weapon. It is probably the best Melee weapon category players…

Where to Find Flame Of Frenzy for Elden Ring Lord of Frenzied Flame Secret Ending
Elden Ring has many endings for its players, and they can be difficult for you to find if you don’t…

Elden Ring Redmane Castle Location And How to Enter
Redmane Castle is a legacy dungeon in Elden Ring and is home to one of the greatest boss battles, Starscourge…

How to Get Crimson Hood in Elden Ring
A red cloak from a land far away gifted to the unwanted ones so that they won’t ever return, Crimson…

Where to Find Godslayer’s Greatsword in Elden Ring
Elden Ring has a plethora of unique weapons, and the best ones are relatively hard to find on your own….

Where to Find Ritual Sword Talisman in Elden Ring
Talismans are accessories in Elden Ring that can help improve various stats. The Ritual Sword Talisman does this by increasing…

Where to Get Cipher Pata in Elden Ring
What if I tell you that there is a Fist weapon in Elden Ring that has zero weight? The name…