How To Get The Cobble Crusher In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
The Cobble Crusher is a two-handed sword that belongs to the Goron region in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The…

How To Get The Boko Reaper In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Boko Reaper is another weapon that has to be crafted (or fused) using two different items in The Legend of…

How To Get The Boulder Breaker In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
The Boulder Breaker is another handy weapon to not only smash enemies but also break down rocks and stones that…

How To Get Biggoron’s Sword In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Following its debut appearance in Ocarina of Time, Biggoron’s Sword returned in Breath of the Wild and can now be…

Payday 3 How To Use ECM Jammer
While not the best, the electronics-disrupting gadget has its uses.

How To Get The Energized Neck Coil In Remnant 2
Stuck in a situation where enemies surround you, Don’t worry; the Energized neck Coil amulet in Remnant 2 will help you blast them away.

How To Get The Twisted Arbalest In Remnant 2
The Twisted Arbalest is a long gun that throws energy discs as projectiles to cut down enemies in half in…

Cyberpunk 2077 Send In The Clowns Walkthrough
Clowns? You’ll be taking out Tygers here instead.

Spider-Man 2 Cultural Museum Locations Guide
A Spider-Man of culture.

Alan Wake 2: Room 665 (Oceanview Hotel) Walkthrough
Oceanview Hotel is a maze that you must navigate to reach Room 665.

Can You Manually Save In Alan Wake 2?
Save Rooms are back.

How To Get Kero Sewers Secret Chest In Super Mario RPG
Kero Sewers secret chest has a special item that can help you get Frog Coins.

Super Mario RPG Leveling Guide
The Super Mario RPG Remake highlights iconic characters who unite against formidable threats. As the game gets tougher, so will…

How to Level Up Heavy Armor Fast in Skyrim
How to reach level 100 fast for Heavy Armor skill in Skyrim.

How To Do Timed Attacks In Super Mario RPG
Super Mario RPG has a neat feature called timed hits where you do extra damage by pressing the attack button right before your attacks hit.

How to get Gas Masks in MW3 Zombies
A gas mask proves viable in destroying the Aether Nest locations in the MW3 Zombies. While the simplest way is…

MW3 Zombies: How to Revive Dead Players
In Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies, you will need to keep your teammates on their feet to complete…

Best Suits To Unlock In Batman: Arkham City
Arkham City’s wardrobe was a massive improvement over Arkham Asylum.

Batman: Arkham City Harley’s Bomb Locations
Disarm the bombs in under 3 minutes.

MW3 Zombies 3-Plate Armor Vests Locations Guide
Playing under-protected in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies is frustrating when you’re trying to mow down hordes…

MW3 Zombies Pawn Cellphone Location Guide
Pawn is among the four mini-bosses you must look for to unlock a secret vault in Call of Duty Modern…

MW3 Zombies Chessboard Easter Egg Guide
The hidden vault in Shahin Manor, which can be unlocked by solving a chessboard puzzle in MW3 Zombies. The vault holds its exciting loot and rewards.

Should You Drink Formula Gruna In Baldur’s Gate 3?
Drink the Formula Gruna to get the Explosive Blood feature.

Should Gale Use Netherese Orb In Baldur’s Gate 3?
Letting Gale use his Netherese Orb can completely change the ending.

Baldur’s Gate 3 All Zaith’Isk Outcomes
Everything you need to know about Zaith’isk outcomes so you can make the right choice.