Where To Find Electric Coil Stick In Lies of P
Become Thor with this electric damage dealing mace.
Become Thor with this electric damage dealing mace.
Jeweled Cryptic Vessel is a collectible in Lies of P that you need to find, decode and then use the hint to locate the treasure.
Hidden Moonstones aren’t really that well hidden.
The Crafted Cryptic vessel in Lies of P is the first cryptic vessel you will come across. This makes it…
Specter in Lies of P is a godsend gift from the developers to tackle some of the most annoying and difficult bosses. This guide will teach you how you can summon a specter to aid you in the battle.
Old Cryptic Vessel is a collectible that provides you with a hint to a secret treasure. Let us find what is in store for us at the end.
As a nod to the original Pinocchio, Portrait of a Boy in Lies of P grows a wooden nose.
An extra quartz in Lies of P never hurts. Well, you can find it by solving Mechanical Cryptic Vessel puzzle by following our detailed guide here. Did we also mention a unique apparel in addition?
Quartz in Lies of P have one use, unlocking P-Organ upgrades.
Lies of P has a total of 25 bosses, meaning 2500 rounds of frustration and anger. But worry not, we will guide you on how to tackle these monstrosities easily and in order.
To get your desired ending in Lies of P, you will need to understand how humanity works.
Weapons in Lies of P feature special moves and secret abilities, known as the Fable Art of the weapon. Every…
Having difficulty upgrading boss weapons to the fullest? Don’t worry as we got you covered with our detailed guide on finding all the Full Moonstone of the Covenant in Lies of P.
Technique Crank in Lies of P alters the technique stat of blade handles so their locations are useful for upgrades.
Free from the Puppet String ending in Lies of P might not turn P into a boy but he gains his freedom.
Real Boy is the bad ending of Lies of P and we can help you stay away from it.
The Atoned is a very fast and agile boss that can outpace and outmaneuver you in Lies of P. Although she’s easier than others, but still poses a challenge.
Rise of P is the true ending of Lies of P and unlocking it requires specific steps to take.
Laxasia, The Complete is a nightmare of a boss in Lies of P that can turn your day really bad.
Your submarine journey ends in disaster and you end up on Black Seaside in Lies of P.
Relic of Trismegistus in Lies of P has you traveled a steampunk submarine, what could be cooler?
The Door Guardian is a hulk of a boss in Lies of P that can tank extraordinary amounts of damage.
The Corrupted Parade Master boss fight has you face the Parade Master again in Lies of P. Except this time, this boss is on steroids.
In Lies of P, Simon Manus is the one responsible for the curse affecting humans. He has destroyed Krat and now sets his sights on other worlds to destroy them too.
Lies of P offers multiple endings that can only be unlocked by fulfilling various requirements. So be prepared to be a good puppet or not and follow this guide to see how everything turns out in the end.