Germany Forces Streamers to Get Twitch Broadcasting License or Face Fine
Germany may have just shown how outdated its media laws are with a new ruling that called Twitch a “radio…

Watch How FIFA 17 Fares Against FIFA 16 Thanks to FrostBite Engine
We now have a new video outlining the differences between EA Sports FIFA 16 and the upcoming FIFA 17. EA…
Fe is Inspired By The Last Guardian’s Predecessor, Shadow of the Colossus
Fe is a story without words, it is a very unique and ambitious experience. According to Zoink Games, it is…

Zoink Games Will Consider Fe for Nintendo NX
Zoink Games, the Swedish developer behind Fe, is currently busy working on the game. The studio is yet to confirm…

Titanfall 2 Xbox One Controller Spotted On Amazon
Microsoft or Respwan Entertainment has yet to announce any limited edition controllers or consoles for Titanfall 2. But that does…
Resident Evil Umbrella Corps Has Below 100 Current Players on Steam on Average
We first heard of Resident Evil Umbrella Corps in July last year when a trademark owned by Capcom was spotted….
There Were Almost Female Soldiers in Battlefield 1
There were almost female soldiers in Battlefield 1, if a statement by DICE is accurate. The game, which takes place…

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare: There’s No Sound In Space, So Its Simulated by Your Space Suit
If you happen to have the slightest of knowledge on how space works, you would also know that technically there…
GTA 6 Is Still In Early Stages Of Development, Rockstar Targeting 2019/2020 Release
It has been three years since the release of GTA V – ample time for fans to ponder over what…

Quake Champions Weapons and Abilities Dissected Out of E3 2016 Trailer
A new Quake game was hinted at last month, and during Bethesda’s E3 2016 media briefing Quake Champions was officially…
GTA 6 to Include Las Venturas and San Fierro; Vice City Remains a Possibility
It goes without saying that we will not hearing about Grand Theft Auto VI – GTA 6 – or whatever…
Devil May Cry 5 Leaked! Reveal Expected at E3 2016
We know you have had this gut feeling before, and so have we… only this time, it is coupled by…
All Non-English Overwatch Quotes Translated in One Place; Widowmaker, Genji, Mei, D.VA, Zarya and More
Overwatch quotes is a phrase that is being searched a lot on the internet these days, the reason being twofold….

Get Battlefield Hardline Getaway DLC Free on Xbox Now!
if you had fun with the last free Battlefield Hardline DLC, you are going to love this one, the new…
Tekken 7 For PC And Xbox One Is Happening, If This Tweet is to be Believed
Bandai Namco has officially announced that Tekken 7 is a PlayStation 4 exclusive game, however, a representative of the company…

The Last Guardian Combat, Exploration and Puzzles Discussed by Fumito Ueda
After reiterating once in March and again in April that The Last Guardian will release this year after all, genDESIGN…

Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Campaign Introduces a Central Hub Which is Fully Explorable
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare is much different from the past entries in the series and that doesn’t just include…
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Zombies Promise, Can Infinity Ward Live Up To?
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is Infinity Ward’s first attempt at zombies mode. They tried a unique bonus mode in…

Yes, E3 2016 Will Have A Mafia 3 Demo
Mafia 3, the third game in the Mafia series, was only announced last April, but we’ve been getting a ton…
Resident Evil 7 at E3 Gets Another Reveal Evidence
We may be seeing Resident Evil 7 At E3, if the Patreon page of Unseen64 writer Liam Robertson is accurate….
This Dark Souls 3 Mod Lets You Become an Overpowered Boss
A new Dark Souls 3 mod is in the works that lets players feel that what it is like to…
Sony Understands Crash Bandicoot’s Demand, Nothing to Share at this Time
Crash Bandicoot is a mirage we’ve been chasing for over a decade. It is console’s Half Life 3 and lately…
Sony Ending Playstation Vita Production In 2019, Playstation Exits Handheld Market
Sony has announced that they will be ending Playstation Vita production in 2019, after years of production. The company doesn’t…
Decline Of Nintendo 3DS is Due to Smartphones, Study Suggests
A research firm named Influence Central has conducted a new study that suggests that decline of Nintendo 3DS in the market…

PlayStation Network Maintenance Starts On May 25
SONY will perform its regular PlayStation Network maintenance on Wednesday May 25, the company announced on its official website. The…