Starfield Refurbished Goods Walkthrough
If you’re familiar with the vendor in the UC Exchange shop of Cydonia named Denis, the same guy who gave…
If you’re familiar with the vendor in the UC Exchange shop of Cydonia named Denis, the same guy who gave…
Having difficulty to figure out how to see the path to Waypoint in Starfield?
Landing bays contribute to your ability to get off and board your ship in Starfield on land. Although useful, they mostly serve a cosmetic purpose.
The Captain Locker in Starfield is a storage for storing items you don’t need during space exploration.
Shield generators can be a life saver in space combat in Starfield as they can protect you from enemy fire. Some are better than others and it’s important to know which is which.
Quantum Essence in Starfield allows you to recharge your powers and use them again whenever you consume this item. You can get it by killing Starborn.
Landing gears allow your ship to land safely and smoothly on a planet’s surface. Think of them as your ship’s legs on which it can stand.
The Va’ruun Heretic Writings is among the many contraband items in Starfield that you can sell for loads of credits.
Xenowarfare Tech is a piece of contraband in Starfield that you can sell for a lot of credits.
Starfield offers a plethora of ship weapons to choose from, although not all of them will be good.
Habs refer to everything related to your ship’s interiors in Starfield. They provide different functionality for your gameplay.
Cockpits in Starfield is where you’ll spend your time piloting your ship. They contain all the controls and such which allow you to pilot your ship in a better way.
If you have ever wondered if you can adopt kids in Starfield than there is some bad news for you. As far as it is known, the facility is not there but there are definitely hints to it.
Kepler R is a ship in Starfield which has feature that lets you travel faster than any ship.
Learning about the Ship Builder and function of different parts will help you build a better ship in Starfield.
Adaptive Frame is a crafting material that can be used to develop your own outpost in Starfield. Multiple research projects…
In traditional Bethesda fashion, Starfield allows you to access Console Commands and Cheats to do whatever you want: spawn weapons,…
During your frequent visits to the Jemison Mercantile general goods store, you are going to meet an Art Dealer who…
Foreknowledge is part of the Further Into The Unknown mission in Starfield that steers the direction of the ending of…
Humans are born with curiosity in their minds and it is what drives us towards questioning everything and uncovering the…
Crimson Fleet hails the title of Space Pirates in Starfield. They started off as a small group of bandits who…
Jemison Mercantile is a general goods vendor in Starfield and the first shop that you are going to run into…
If you are looking to increase your ship crew size in Starfield then look no further than the Ship Command Skill
The best place to sell your illicit items in Starfield is at the Den Station
A mega-corp that is hellbent on eliminating competition by hook or by crook. In this guide, we will look at how Ryujin Industries faction work and how you can manipulate it with your intelligence.