Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4 are shrines dedicated to Lilith, created by the Ancients. Discovering an Altar of Lilith gives a character stat boost to all of the player’s characters within that realm; hardcore or eternal. For example, unlocking an altar in Hardcore applies the bonus to all Hardcore characters, but not regular ones, and vice versa. The sand-filled Kehjistan region of Diablo 4 contains 31 Altars of Lilith that hold sweet rewards for the ones who find these statues/ shrines.
The main purpose of visiting these altars is to get Renown for the zones in which they are found. On top of that, these statues give you a handful of experience (XP) for your character, which helps level it up gradually.
Diablo 4 Kehjistan Altar of Lilith Locations
Finding all of the 31 Altar of Lilith locations in Kehjistan is pretty easy, once you know where to look. This guide has the breakdown of all these altar locations with respect to different regions in the Kehjistan zone.
We have also provided a map of all the Altar of Lilith locations in the Kehjistan region of D4 so you can follow them in order of our listing.

Amber Sands Altar of Lilith locations (1-8)
Altar #1
This Kehjistan Altar of Lilith in D4 is situated in the southwest portion of Amber Sands, northwest of the Sunken Library Dungeon. You will spot it near some rock structures after walking on a long narrow pathway.
Your current character set will get +2 Dexterity in addition to you getting +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #2
This one is situated on the left side of the Tomb of the Saints Dungeon entrance. You should look for it leaning on a green tree leaves beside the seashore.
Your recent character set will get +2 Intelligence in addition to you getting +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #3
It is situated on the southern edge of Amber Sands. You can spot it right beside the entrance of the Sunken Library dungeon.
There will be a +5 increase to the max no of Obols your characters can hold upon visiting this one.
Altar #4
This Altar of Lilith in Diablo 4 is situated in the middle part of Amber Sands of Kehjistan, northwest of the Collapsed Vault Dungeon. It will be resting on a plateau not very high from the ground.
Your recent character set will get +2 Willpower in addition to you getting +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #5 Altar of Ruin Stronghold
This altar is situated in the eastern part of the Altar of Ruin Stronghold. From the Altar of Ruin Waypoint in Kehjistan, make your way north until reaching a huge fire well. The altar will be on the left side of the well.
Your recent character set will get +2 Intelligence in addition to you getting +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #6
This one is situated in the northernmost part of Amber Sands. Go northeast from the Shivta Ruins Dungeon, and look for the altar by getting inside the doorway of a big room having no walls.
Your current character set will get +2 Dexterity and you get +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #7
It is situated in the eastern part of Amber Sands. Go south from the Inferno dungeon, and look for this altar leaning on a decently cut rock.
Your current character set will get +2 Dexterity with you getting +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #8
This altar happens to be in the southeast of its region. You can get access to it by going east from the Collapsed Vault dungeon and looking for it on the right side of a room with a broken roof.
All of your characters in the present realm will get a +2 Strength boost as well as +3800 XP.
Scouring Sands Altar of Lilith locations (9-15)
Altar #9 Alcarnus Stronghold
This Altar of Lilith in Kejistan happens to be in an alcove between two houses, eastwards from the stronghold.
You will be getting a +2 Dexterity boost in all your character sets core stat as well as +3800 XP.
Altar #10
This Diablo 4 Kehjistan Altar of Lilith is situated in the west of Tarsarak Waypoint. You can spot it saving itself from falling into a pit below the surface.
You will receive a +5 to the max number of Murmuring Obols your characters can hold.
Altar #11
This altar happens to be in the northeast, on the entrance path of Seared Basin. You can see it in the corner of the plateau with tiles structure, southeast of Sirocco Caverns dungeon.
You will be getting a +2 Dexterity boost in all your character sets core stat as well as +3800 XP.
Altar #12
This altar is situated in the southernmost portion of Scouring Sands. You will spot it right beside the entry place of the Abandoned Mine works dungeon.
Your current character set will get +2 Willpower in addition to you getting +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #13
This one happens to be in the northeast of the Tarsarak Waypoint. You can look for it in an unfinished stone building.
All of your characters in the present realm will get a +2 Strength boost as well as +3800 XP.
Altar #14
This one is situated on the boundary of The Accursed Wastes region. It will be found beside the sand wall, northwest of Fading Echo Dungeon.
Altar #15
This one is situated near the borders of Crusader’s Monument. You can look for it in the area surrounded by rock walls, north of the Halls of the Damned dungeon.
The currently possessed character set will get +2 Intelligence in addition to you getting +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Caldeum Altar of Lilith locations (16-17)
Altar #16
This altar is situated in the eastern part of Caldeum. You can spot it on top of the tall hill, east of Renegade’s Retreat dungeon.
You can expect to receive a +2 Dexterity stats bonus for your current character set and +3800 XP for yourself after visiting this altar.
Altar #17
It is situated in the north of Denshar Waypoint. It is placed safely inside a wooden gate on top of the well, northeast of the Deserted Underpass dungeon.
After visiting this one, you will receive a +5 to the Max No of Murmuring Obols your characters can hold.
Ragged Coastline Altar of Lilith locations (19-22)
Altar #18
This altar happens to be in the Winding Canyons area. You can spot it nearly bathing in the sea waves, northwest of the Forgotten Ruins dungeon.
Visiting this altar gets you a +5 holding capacity for the Max Obols your characters can carry.
Altar #19
This one is situated on the edge of the coastline, with just a few rocks way to the sea. You can see it in an alcove, eastwards to the Heretics Asylum dungeon.
The current character set in your possession will get +2 Willpower in addition to you getting +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #20
It happens to be in the southern portion of Ragged Coastline. For visiting it, you need to look for a cave-like structure with two eyes that present the outer scenery, northwest of the Corrupted Grotto Dungeon.
All character set of yours will get a +2 Strength boost and you will get +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #21
This Altar of Lilith is situated near the middle of the Ragged Coastline zone in Diablo 4. For visiting it, you need to look for a grassland with lots of green plants. The altar will be resting beside the small hill.
The currently possessed character set will get +2 Intelligence in addition to you getting +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #22
The 22nd Altar of Lilith in Kehjistan region of Diablo 4 is between the borders of Caldeum and Ragged Coastline. You can spot it in the pedestrian area of a castle, north of Putrid Aquifer Dungeon.
Your character set will be granted a +2 Strength stat boost and you will get +3800 XP for interacting with this statue.
Southern Expanse Altar of Lilith locations (23-28)
Altar #23
This Altar of Lilith is situated in the northern part of the Southern Expanse in Kehjistan. You can look for it in an area surrounded by stone columns, west of the Conclave Dungeon.
You will receive a +2 Dexterity stats boost for your current character set and +3800 XP for yourself after visiting this altar.
Altar #24
It is situated in the Pale Sands area, northeast of Gea Kul Waypoint. You should look for it lying beside some rock hills, a few steps outside the main entrance of Gea Kul town.
Visiting this altar gets you a +5 holding capacity for the Obols your characters can carry.
Altar #25
This one happens to be in the Shrine of Terror area. You can spot it on the upper surface beside a water body, east of the Hakan’s Refuge dungeon.
The currently possessed character set will get +2 Intelligence in addition to you getting +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #26
The 26th Altar of Lilith of Kehjistan region in D4 is situated in the southernmost part of the region. You should look for it near the water body, on the main path leading to the Gea Kul Waypoint.
You can expect to receive a +2 Willpower stats bonus for all characters and +3800 XP for yourself after visiting this altar.
Altar #27
This one happens to be on the southeastern corner of the region, near the border of Omath’s Redoubt Stronghold. You can spot this altar inside the shade of palm trees beside the lake.
You will receive a +2 Strength stats boost for all characters and +3800 XP for yourself after visiting this altar.
Altar #28 Omath’s Redoubt Stronghold
This altar of Lilith in D4’s Kehjistan region is situated on the western edge of Omath’s Redoubt stronghold. You can access it in the western room of the huge castle, near the Crumbling Hekma Dungeon.
Your character set will be granted a +2 Strength stat boost and you will get +3800 XP for interacting with this statue.
Fields of Hatred Altar of Lilith locations (29-31)
Altar #29
It is situated on the northwestern edge of Fields of Hatred, in the Shallow Mudcracks. You can spot it near some palm trees in the sandy area.
Your character set will be granted a +2 Intelligence stat boost and you will get +3800 XP for interacting with this.
Altar #30
This one is situated in the southernmost area of the region. You can look for it on a plateau with some trees, just from a jumping distance to the deep waters.
The current character set will get +2 Strength in addition to you getting +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #31
This Kehjistan Altar of Lilith happens to be in the Pallid Oasis area. You can spot it across a small bridge way to the hill. You will receive +2 Willpower for the current character set and +3800 XP for yourself after visiting this altar of lilith.