God Of War Ragnarok: Defeating Svipdagr And Sisters Of Illska
In God of War Ragnarok, a total of 12 Berserkers stand between you and the Fit for a King favor. Among these…
In God of War Ragnarok, a total of 12 Berserkers stand between you and the Fit for a King favor. Among these…
In addition to the Blades of Chaos and the Leviathan Axe Kratos is able to wield a third weapon in God of War: Ragnarök;…
While completing the Weight of Chains favor in God of War: Ragnarok. You will encounter a locked Watchtower in Svartalfheim. Your objective…
God of War features several Armor sets that Kratos can equip throughout his journeys in the nine realms. Each armor…
Kratos first encounters Thor during the Surviving Fimbulwinter mission right after he takes down bear Bjorn and returns to his…
Finding and completing Yggdrasil Rifts in God of War Ragnarok can net you great rewards.
The Secret of the Sands favor requires you to free a Hafgufa, a giant jellyfish that somehow became trapped under…
You will come across several types of blockades while exploring the nine realms in God of War: Ragnarok. These blockades…
Across the Realms is a favor that tasks you to find four ingredients in four different realms in God of…
Like many other games, God of War Ragnarok presents its players with an extensive skill tree consisting of a hefty…
Runic Summons are special abilities in GoW that are a great way to enhance the ability of Kratos and his…
A Stag for All Seasons Favor (Side Quest) for Ratatoskr in God of War Ragnarok involves finding all four of…
The Mystical Heirloom is a relic in God of War: Ragnarok. Its primary use is to awaken and then defeat…
There are a number of special items and collectibles that you can find while exploring all nine realms in God…
Alva is a light elf boss that you will encounter early on in God of War: Ragnarok. She wields two…
The Jewels of Yggdrasil are more collectibles to find in God of War: Ragnarok. They are needed to repair the…
Multiple times in God of War Ragnarök, Kratos will come across puzzles that’ll require him to use his brain instead…
In God of War Ragnarok, Berserkers are reckless ghostly enemies much like the Valkyries featured in the previous iteration of…
King Hrolf Kraki is the final Berserker you face as part of the Fit for a King favor in God…
Just like the previous game, God of War Ragnarok gives Kratos a couple of weapons to play with, each having…
Skjothendi, the Unerring, is one of the 12 Berserker bosses that you vanquish as part of the Fit for a King favor…
You will be traveling back and forth between all nine realms in God of War: Ragnarok to either find collectibles,…
Beigadr, the feared is an optional mage boss in God of War Ragnarok that you can fight after interacting with…
Path of Destruction is another favor for you to complete in God of War: Ragnarok. This side quest involves slaying…
Hjalti the Stolid is among the 15 Berserker bosses in God of War Ragnarok that need to be defeated to…