Shin Megami Tensei V Endings Guide
The ending of any RPG is a significant part of the game; Shin Megami Tensei V is no exception in…

Cyberpunk 2077 Best XP Farming Locations 2.0
The old XP glitches are gone.

Final Fantasy 16 Ruin Reawakened, Svarog Notorious Mark Hunt
Ruin Reawakened, Svarog, belongs to S-rank hunts in Final Fantasy 16 which means you must use any advantage over it…

Detroit: Become Human Partners Walkthrough Guide – 100% Completion, Bar Visit, Crime Scene, Reporting To Hank
You can also check out our Detroit: Become Human Guides Section for our full coverage of the game including 100%…
FIFA 16 Ultimate Team – How to Earn More Coins Early
How to farm extra coins in FIFA 16 Ultimate Team by completing Manager Tasks, trading, and coin boosters. Earning coins…

How To Get The Blue Silver Set In Elden Ring
The Blue Silver Set is a medium-weight armor set that boosts your defenses against both physical and magical attacks in…

Final Fantasy 16 Chronolith Trials Guide
Chronolith Trials in Final Fantasy 16 needs players to use a specific Eikon ability and kill multiple waves of enemies…

Company Of Heroes 3 US Forces Build Order
US Forces are the most diverse and well-balanced faction in Company of Heroes 3. This faction has a lot of…

Two Point Hospital Blighton Guide
The 3rd hospital in Two Point Hospital’s World 4 is called Blighton. To access it, the user must achieve 1 Star Level for both…

Borderlands 3 Tone Will Be Similar To The First Game, Gearbox Confirms
Borderlands 3 is already in the works and Gearbox has been teasing the game for quite a while. Fans are…

7nm AMD Vega Based Radeon Instinct Graphics Cards In The Labs, Target Machine Learning
The next step forward in the AMD GPU roadmap is to move Vega to the 7nm process and that is…

Lost Ark Best Ships Guide
To help you out with picking the best ship in Lost Ark, we’ve prepared this guide where we’ll show you…
Borderlands 3 Devil’s Razor Challenges Guide – Collectible Locations, Where to Find
Devil’s Razor is another world map that features a number of Crew Challenges. There are nine crew challenges in Borderlands…

Diablo Immortal: How to Fix Keyboard Not Working
The much-awaited Diablo Immortal was released this week, but some users reported that they are having issues with their Keyboard…

Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference Dated for June 9
Microsoft has now confirmed that its E3 press conference will be held on June 9, 2019. The press conference will…
Sony Adds 13 New Playstation Now Games To Service’s Catalogue
Sony has added thirteen new Playstation Now games to the service’s catalogue, giving subscribers to the service more games to…

How To Solve The Mechanical Cryptic Vessel In Lies of P
An extra quartz in Lies of P never hurts. Well, you can find it by solving Mechanical Cryptic Vessel puzzle by following our detailed guide here. Did we also mention a unique apparel in addition?

How To Get Nickel In Starfield
Nickel is a staple resource you’ll need for various research projects and item crafting.

Divinity Original Sin 2 Ranger Class Guide – Ranger Builds, Best Races, Attributes, Abilities, and Talents
Ranger is a class which utilizes its long range to deal damage from afar. League of Legends player would be…

Best Starfield Stealth Build
Sneaking around to avoid enemies in Starfield is a completely viable option, provided you have made the proper Stealth build for it.

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon Melemele Island Trials Guide – Hau’oli Outskirts, Iki Town, Route 1
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon Melemele Island Trials Guide will help you with the beginning of the game so that…

Temtem Cerneaf Locations, How to Catch, Evolve and Stats
Cerneaf is a strange yet fascinating Nature-type plant-animal hybrid Temtem that uses its encephalic leaves to produce healing components by…

How to Unlock Outfits in Deathloop
In Deathloop, Colt and Julianna both have different abilities and weapons that can be upgraded. Along with all this, you…

Best Perks In Modern Warfare 2
Perks were always an essential part of the weapons in Call of Duty, and Modern Warfare 2 is no different….

How to Evolve Riolu in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Location and Stats
If fighting-type Pokemon are your thing, surely you must be interested in Riolu. We have prepared this guide to give…