How To Get Alkanes In Starfield
Alkanes is a rare resource you will need to craft some essential items.
Alkanes is a rare resource you will need to craft some essential items.
Set up the HOTAS and get a fantastic spaceship-flying experience.
Nothing more satisfying than a handgun-inflicted headshot.
Trample Steam is a buildable object in Black Ops 2 Buried. It reminds us of the Trampoline device from Die…
Change the look and feel of your spaceship.
Visit the Vladimir house in Starfield and get your hands on an amazing weapon.
Sneaking in Starfield will help you avoid unwanted enemies as well as getting damage from them. This works off your stealth skill and will allow you to avoid detection in the game.
Build the best Fighter Ship to get rid of enemies in space battles.
What is better than a spaceship in Starfield? A free spaceship!
Lubricant is an essential resource for crafting important weapon mods.
There is an opportunity to get yourself a powerful new weapon by taking care of an informant.
These spider-like creatures roam the abandoned areas of Mars and Tau Ceti II planets. Being one of the most difficult foes, they pose a serious threat to the approaching players.
Siphon a planet dry.
Designing or upgrading your ship requires knowledge of the ship modules.
Equipping your companions with new and powerful weapons and armor in Starfield can significantly increase your chances of winning combats.
Adding the best crew is necessary in Starfield but it requires you to increase your ship crew size.
Cross Saves are a lifesaver for people who like to game on various machines.
This is not your average entertainment drug.
This list of the best Class C Ships will help you decide which one to get.
A relationship test in the form of a mission.
Iron is a vital resource that you will need for various Research Projects and Crafting.
You can get the Starborn Armors by either completing the New Game Plus multiple times or using a trick.
Who killed the scientist? Was it the AI Rogue, Juno, or the two Ryujin Operatives?
Plant incriminating evidence against Laredo to help out Ryujin Industries.
Andreja is a companion worth making an effort for in Starfield. Once you finish her quests for romance and marriage, she is yours for eternity.