Elden Ring is a behemoth in terms of the scope and activities it offers to the players. There are a lot of NPCs in the game too, which play an important role in story development with their branching quest lines. Some of these NPCs also offer items to the players and can be classified as merchants.
Merchants are the NPCs players will find as they progress further into Elden Ring. Merchants offer many valuable items in exchange for Runes and buy players’ junk to free them of their equipment load (in exchange for Runes, obviously). In this Elden Ring guide, we will tell you about the locations of all the merchants in the game, along with the items players can buy from them and their rune costs. We have divided merchant locations region-wise so it’s easier for you to navigate. We have also added jump links so you can go directly to a region if you are looking for merchants in a specific region. Let’s start with merchants in Limgrave.
- Limgrave
- Weeping Peninsula
- Caelid
- Dragonbarrow
- Liurnia of the Lakes
- Volcano Manor
- Altus Plateau
- Mountaintops of the Giants
- Ainsel River
- Siofra River
- Roundtable Hold
Limgrave Merchant Locations

Limgrave is the starting area of Elden Ring that also contains the first legacy dungeon, Stormveil Castle. 10 merchants can be found in Limgrave, which offer unique items to the players
Merchant Kale (#1)
Merchant Kale sits in Ruins inside the Church of the Elleh in Limgrave. The location can also be seen on the map and is directly to the North of starting area.
A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below.
- Throwing Dagger (40 Runes)
- Telescope (500 Runes)
- Furlcalling Finger Remedy (1000 Runes)
- Cracked Pot (300 Runes)
- Crafting Kit (300 Runes)
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 1 (500 Runes)
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 2 (500 Runes)
- Missionary’s Cookbook 1 (1000 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Torch (200 Runes)
- Large Leather Shield (600 Runes)
- Chain Coif (1000 Runes)
- Chain Armor (1500 Runes)
- Chain Gauntlets (1000 Runes)
- Chain Leggings (1000 Runes)
- Note: Flask of Wondrous Physick (200 Runes)
- Note: Waypoint Ruins (200 Runes)
- Finger Snap Gesture
West Limgrave Nomadic Merchant (#2)
West Limgrave Nomadic merchant is located southeast of the Coastal Cave Entrance in West Limgrave. The location can be seen on the map above as well.
A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below.
- Armorer’s Cookbook 2 (600 Runes)
- Neutralizing Boluses (600 Runes)
- Stanching Boluses (600 Runes)
- Stimulating Boluses (1500 Runes)
- Broadsword (1800 Runes)
- Iron (900 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Shortbow (600 Runes)
- Club (600 Runes)
- Note: Land Squirts (200 Runes)
- Note: Stonedigger Trolls (400 Runes)
- Smithing Stone 1 (200 Runes)
Patches (#3)
Patches can be found inside the Murkwater Cave. First, players must defeat Patches as a boss, and once they decide to forgive him, he will start offering his wares. Patches’ exact location can be seen on the map above as well.
A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below.
- Ballista Bolt (300 Runes)
- Fan Daggers (160 Runes)
- Festering Bloody Finger (1000 Runes)
- Furlcalling Finger Remedy (1000 Runes)
- Glass Shard (100 Runes)
- Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot (600 Runes)
- Grace Mimic (100Runes)
- Great Arrow (300 Runes)
- Horse Crest Wooden Shield (1000 Runes)
- Margit’s Shackle (5000 Runes)
- Missionary’s Cookbook 2 (800 Runes)
- Parrying Dagger (1600 Runes)
- Sacrificial Twig (5000 Runes)
- Stonesword Key (5000 Runes)
- Estoc (3000 Runes)
Sorceress Sellen (#4)
Sorceress Sellen can be found at the location given on the map easily. You can find her in the Limgrave, inside a cellar in the Waypoint Ruins. Sorceress Sellen is renowned for selling the sorceries in Elden Ring.
A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below.
- Glintstone Pebble (1,000 Runes)
- Glintstone Stars (3,000 Runes)
- Glintstone Arc (1,500 Runes)
- Crystal Barrage (1,500 Runes)
- Scholar’s Armament (3,000 Runes)
- Scholar’s Shield (2,500 Runes)
- Glintblade Phalanx (2,500 Runes)
- Nod in Thought Gesture
East Limgrave Nomadic Merchant (#5)
East Limgrave Nomadic Merchant can be found next to the road between Fort Haight and Mistwood Ruins in East Limgrave. The location can be seen on the map above as well.
A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below.
- Festering Bloody Finger (1000 Runes)
- Sliver of Meat (500 Runes)
- Beast Liver (500 Runes)
- Lump of Flesh (800 Runes)
- Trina’s Lily (1000 Runes)
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 5 (1500 Runes)
- Armorer’s Cookbook 3 (2000 Runes)
- Hand Axe (600 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Trina’s Arrow (60 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Riveted Wooden Shield (600 Runes)
- Blue-Gold Kite Shield (1000 Runes)
- Smithing Stone 1 (200 Runes)
North Limgrave Nomadic Merchant (#6)
This Nomadic merchant can be found on the east side of the bridge connecting East Limgrave and Stormhill. The location can be seen on the map above as well.
A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below.
- Pickled Turtle Neck (800 Runes)
- Cracked Pot (600 Runes)
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 3 (500 Runes)
- Short Sword (600 Runes)
- Halberd (1200 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Bandit Mask (1500 Runes)
- Note: Flame Chariots (300 Runes)
- Smithing Stone 1 (200 Runes)
Knight Bernahl (#7)
Knight Bernahl can be found inside Warmaster’s Shack during the daytime only. This shack is in the Northern region of Limgrave and can be found with the help of the map above.
Knight Bernahl only sells Ashes of War to the players. A list of Ashes of War can be purchased from Knight Bernahl.
- Stamp (Upward Cut) (1500 Runes)
- Kick (800 Runes)
- Endure (600 Runes)
- War Cry (800 Runes)
- No Skill (800 Runes)
- Storm Blade (1800 Runes)
- Parry (600 Runes)
- Quickstep (800 Runes)
- Spinning Slash (1200 Runes)
- Impaling Thrust (1000 Runes)
Gatekeeper Gostoc (#8)
Gatekeeper Gostoc merchant can be found in a small room just before the main gate of Stormveil Castle. Gostoc follows players and loots their bodies upon death. Players need to obtain a Rusty Key to purchase items from him and then die. Gostoc has a lot of great items available for players to purchase.
- Caestus (800 Runes)
- Bandit Garb (1500 Runes)
- Bandit manchettes (1000 runes)
- Bandit Boots (1000 Runes)
- Buckler (1500 Runes)
- Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot (2000 Runes)
- Ruin Fragment (100 Runes)
- Ballista Bolt (300 Runes)
- Great Arrow (300 Runes)
- Stormhawk Feather (500 Runes)
- Furlcalling Finger Remedy (1000 Runes)
- Festering Bloody Finger (1000 Runes)
Sorcerer Rogier (#9)
Sorcerer Rogier is hiding inside the church in Rampart Towers of Stormveil Castle. He offers the players a few Ashes of War during this first encounter.
- Glintstone Pebble (1500 Runes)
- Carian Greatsword (2500 Runes)
- Spinning Weapon (1000 Runes)
Gatekeeper Gostoc (#10)
After defeating Godrick, The Grafted, Gatekeeper Gostoc appears near his head once players reload the area. Gostoc offers the same inventory as before, but this time, Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone adds time for a whopping 20000 Runes.
Weeping Peninsula Merchant Locations

The Southern part of Limgrave, also known as Weeping Peninsula, is home to two important merchants in Elden Ring.
Weeping Peninsula Isolated Merchant (#11)
Weeping Peninsula Isolated Merchant can be found in the Shack far west of the Weeping Peninsula. The location can be seen on the map above as well.
A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below.
- Lantern (1800 Runes)
- Arteria Leaf (1000 Runes)
- Stonesword Key (2000 Runes)
- Lost Ashes of War (3000 Runes)
- Zweihander (3500 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Great Arrow (300 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Ballista Bolt (300 Runes)
- Sacrificial Twig (3000 Runes)
- Note: Walking Mausoleum (600 Runes)
- Smithing stone 2 (400 Runes)
Weeping Peninsula Nomadic Merchant (#12)
Weeping Peninsula Nomadic merchant can be found right next to the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace. The location can be seen on the map above as well.
A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below.
- Kukri (60 Runes)
- Cracked Pot (600 Runes)
- Stonesword Key (2000 Runes)
- Bastard Sword (3000 Runes)
- Light Crossbow (1500 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Great Arrow (300 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Ballista Bolt (300 Runes)
- Red Thorn Roundshield (600 Runes)
- Round Shield (1000 Runes)
- Iron Helmet (1500 Runes)
- Scale Armor (2400 Runes)
- Iron Gauntlets (1500 Runes)
- Leather Trousers (1500 Runes)
- Crimson Amber Medallion (1500 Runes)
- Note: Demi-human Mobs (500 Runes)
- Smithing Stone 1 (200 runes)
- Smithing Stone 2 (400 Runes)
Caelid Merchant Locations
Home to scarlet rot and once governed by General Radahn, Caelid is home to 3 merchants in Elden Ring.

Caelid North Nomadic Merchant (#13)
This Nomadic merchant can be found near the Aeonian Swamp shore, east of Calid Highway North. The exact location is marked on the map.
This Nomadic Merchant sells the following items.
- Preserving Boluses (2500 Runes)
- Poisoned Stone (150 Runes)
- Poisoned Dart (120 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Fire Arrow (120 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Poisoned Stone Clump (250 Runes)
- Aeonian Butterfly (1500 Runes)
South Caelid Nomadic Merchant (#14)
This Nomadic merchant can be found along the southern portion of the Caelid Highway. Players must follow the road toward the Sellia gateway. Nomadic Merchants can be seen sitting on the right side of the campfire after the fork in the road.
A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below.
- Cracked Pot (1500 Runes)
- Stonesword Key (4000 Runes)
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 15 (4000 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Champion Headband (1000 Runes)
- Greathelm (1800 Runes)
- Champion Pauldron (1500 Runes)
- Champion Bracers (1000 Runes)
- Champion Greaves (1000 Runes)
- Note: Gravity’s Advantage (800 Runes)
- Flaming Arrow (120 Runes)
Gowry (#15)
Gowry is a sorcerer who can be found inside his shack located in the central Caelid. This place is between the Heart of Aeonia and the Church of Plague, and its exact location is marked on the map.
Gowry’s inventory only becomes available if players complete his request and progress Millicent’s Quest. He sells sorceries exclusively.
- Glintstone Stars (3000 Runes)
- Night Maiden’s Mist (5000 Runes)
- Night Shard (4000 Runes)
- Pest Threads (7500 Runes)
- Desperate Prayer Gesture
- Flock’s canvas Talisman (upon death only)
Dragonbarrow Merchant Locations

In the North of Caelid, Dragonbarrow is an endgame area having 2 merchants with unique wares.
Dragonbarrow Isolated Merchant (#16)
The Dragonbarrow isolated Merchant in Elden Ring can be found in an isolated merchant’s shack in the western part of Dragonbarrow on the marked location in the image.
A list of all the items players can buy from this merchant and the cost is below.
- Ritual Pot (3000 Runes)
- Lost Ashes of War (5000 Runes)
- Beast-Repellent Torch (1200 Runes)
- Land of Reeds Helm (1000 Runes)
- Land of Reeds Gauntlets (1000 Runes)
- Land of Reeds Greaves (1000 Runes)
- Land of Reeds Armor (1500 Runes)
- Serpent Arrow (120 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Gravel Stone (2000 Runes)
- Sacrificial Twig (3000 Runes)
- Dragonwound Grease (3000 Runes)
- Note: Gateway (1200 runes)
- Note: Hidden Cave (1200 Runes)
Gurranq, Beast Clergyman (#17)
Gurranq can be found in the Bestial Sanctum, North of Farrum Greatbridge. Gurranq only accepts Deathroot (key item) as payment for his wares and becomes aggressive upon receiving the 4th Deathroot. Players need to defeat Gurranq at this point to calm him down. He is also a part of D’s quest.
The list below is in order in which Gurranq rewards the players for each Deathroot.
- Clawmark Seal
- Bestial Sling
- Bestial Vitality
- Beast’s Roar
- Beast Claw
- Stone of Gurranq
- Beastclaw Greathammer
- Gurranq’s Beast Claw
- Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
Liurnia of the Lakes Merchant Locations

Liurnia of the lakes is the second main area of Elden Ring and can be accessed right after clearing Stormveil Castle. This wet region contains 10 merchants that players can interact with.
Sorcerer Thorps (#18)
Sorcerer Thorps can be found inside the Church of Irith, south of the lake-facing Cliff site of Grace. Sorcerer Thorp exclusively sells sorceries and only becomes available after donating 10 Runes.
- Starlight (2500 Runes)
- Glintstone Pebble (1000 Runes)
- Glintstone Arc (1000 Runes)
West Liurnia Nomadic Merchant (#19)
You can find this Nomadic merchant close to the Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace in the Liurnia of the Lakes. It is not difficult to find that merchant. The location can be seen on the map above as well.
A list of all the items players can buy from this merchant and the cost is below.
- Lantern (1800 Runes)
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 11 (1500 Runes)
- Estoc (3000 Runes)
- Astrologer’s Staff (800 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Kite Shield (1000 Runes)
- Astrologer Hood (1000 Runes)
- Astrologer Robe (1500 Runes)
- Astrologer Gloves (1000 Runes)
- Astrologer Trousers (1000 Runes)
Blackguard (#20)
Blackguard merchant can be found inside Boilprawn Shack, located Southwest of Academy Gate Town Site of Grace. Blackguard offers the following items to the players.
- Rya’s Necklace (1000 Runes)
- Boiled Prawn (600 Runes)
- Boiled Crab (600 Runes)
Miriel, Pastor of Vows (#21)
Miriel, the pope turtle, can be found inside Church of Vows, which is to the East of Raya Lucaria Academy, past the lakes. He offers the following sorceries to the players.
- Blessing’s Boon (4000 Runes)
- Carian Greatsword (10000 Runes)
- Magic Glintblade (3000 Runes)
- Swift Glintstone Shard (600 Runes, 1 Academy Scroll)
- Great Glintstone Shard (2000 Runes, 1 Academy Scroll)
- Glintstone Cometshard (12000 Runes, 1 Conspectus Scroll)
- Star Shower (10000 Runes, 1 Conspectus Scroll)
- Carian Slicer (1500 Runes, 1 Royal House Scroll)
- Glintblade Phalanx (2500 Runes, 1 Royal House Scroll)
- Lord’s Heal (8000 Runes, 1 Two Finger’s Prayerbook)
- Lord’s Aid (2500 Runes, 1 Two Finger’s Prayerbook)
- O, Flame! (6000 Runes, 1 Fire Monk’s Prayerbook)
- Surge, O Flame! (5500 Runes, 1 Fire Monk’s Prayerbook)
- Ancient Dragons’ Lightning Spear (8500 Runes, 1 Ancient Dragon Prayerbook)
- Ancient Dragons’ Lightning Strike (10000 Runes, 1 Ancient Dragon Prayerbook)
- Black Flame (7500 Runes, 1 Godskin prayerbook)
- Black Flame Blade (6000 Runes, 1 Godskin Prayerbook)
- Assassin’s Approach (2000 Runes, 1 Assassin’s Prayerbook)
- Darkness (3500 Runes, 1 assassin’s Prayerbook)
- Giantsflame Take Thee (13000 Runes, 1 Giant’s prayerbook)
- Flame, Fall Upon Them (10000 Runes (1 Giant’s Prayerbook)
Raya Academy Isolated Merchant (#22)
You can find this Isolated merchant east of Grace’s Main Academy Gate site, behind a portal. Isolated Merchant of Raya Lucaria Academy has the following wares for players to purchase.
- Festering Bloody Finger (1500 Runes)
- Fanged Imp Ashes (2000 Runes)
- Trina’s Lily (1000 Runes)
- Eye of Yelough (1500 Runes)
- Stonesword Key (3000 Runes)
- Lost Ashes of War (4000 Runes)
- Fevor’s Cookbook 2 (3500 Runes)
- Saint Trina’s Arrow (160 Runes)
- Meteor Bolt (120 Runes)
- Blue Cloth Cowl (1000 Runes)
- Blue Cloth Vest (1500 Runes)
- Warrior Gauntlets (1000 Runes)
- Warrior Greaves (1000 Runes)
- Sacrificial Twig (3000 Runes)
- Note: The Preceptor’s Secret (1200 Runes)
- Note: Revenants (800 Runes)
- Note: Frenzied Flame Village (800 Runes)
Sorceress Sellen (#23)
Sorceress Sellen moves to Raya Lucaria Academy once the players progress her quest line (assist her). She offers the same wares for the same number of runes as before.
North Liurnia Nomadic Merchant (#24)
You will come across this Nomadic merchant in North Liurnia. To find this Nomadic Merchant, players must go to Bellum Church. There is a big hole in the ground right next to the church. Drop down the hole and proceed forward to find this merchant.
A list of all the items players can buy from this merchant and the cost is below.
- Rune Arc (4,000 Runes)
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 13 (2,000 Runes)
- Composite Bow (3,500 Runes)
- Blue Crest Heater Shield (1,500 Runes)
- Rift Shield (1800 Runes)
Smithing Master Iji (#25)
Smithing Master Iji merchant sits on the road leading to Caria Manor. His location is to the West of Raya Lucaria Academy, near the Road to the Manor Site of Grace.
Iji offers the following items to the players.
- Carion Filigreed Crest (5000 Runes)
- Somber Smithing Stone 1 (2000 Runes)
- Somber Smithing Stone 2 (3000 Runes)
- Somber Smithing Stone 3 (4000 Runes)
- Somber Smithing Stone 4 (6000 Runes)
- Iji’s Mirrorhelm (drops upon death)
Preceptor Seluvis (#26)
Percepter Seluvis can be found inside Seluvis’s Rise in The Three Sisters area of the Caria Manor. Seluvis offers a lot of sorceries and items, but a few can only be purchased upon progressing his side quest.
- Carian Phalanx (12000 Runes)
- Carian Retaliation (9000 Runes)
- Glintstone Icecrag (7500 Runes)
- Freezing Mist (6000 Runes)
- Finger Maiden Therolina Puppet (2 Starlight Shards)
- Jarwight Puppet (3 Starlight Shards)
- Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet (5 Starlight Shards)
- Dung Eater Puppet (5 Starlight Shards)
- Seluvis’ Potion
- Magic Scorpion Charm
- Amber Draught
- Preceptor’s Set (drops upon death)
Pidia, Carian Servant (#27)
Pidia is an old man who is serving at the Caria Manor. He can be accessed after defeating Royal Knight Loretta in Caria Manor. Go to the western part of The Three Sisters and drop down on wooden ramparts to access the building housing this merchant. Talk to Pidia a couple of times before he agrees to sell the players his wares.
A list of all the items players can buy from this merchant and the cost is below.
- Budding Horn (1500 Runes)
- Old Fang (800 Runes)
- Slumbering Egg (600 Runes)
- Ritual Pot (1500 Runes)
- Celestial Dew (5000 Runes)
- Larval Tear (3000 Runes)
- Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook 7 (2500 Runes)
- Ash of War: Carian Retaliation (3000 Runes)
- Ripple Blade (3500 Runes)
- Black Leather Shield (500 Runes)
- Nepheli Loux Puppet (drops upon death)
Altus Plateau Merchant Locations

A home to gods in Elden Ring, Altus Plateau offers 2 merchants spread across its golden fields.
Leyndell Hermit Merchant (#28)
This Hermit merchant is found in Leyndell Royal Capital, at Hermit Merchant’s Shack, near the Northwest region of the outer wall. If the players visit the location at nighttime, the merchant is replaced by Bell Bearing Hunter.
A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below.
- Rune Arc (4,000 Runes)
- Golden Sunflower (300 Runes)
- Perfume Bottle (2,000 Runes)
- Sentry’s Torch (7,000 Runes)
- Distinguished Greatshield (5,500 Runes)
- Prophet Blindfold (1,000 Runes)
- Prophet Robe (1,500 Runes)
- Upper-Class Robe (2,400 Runes)
- Prophet Trousers (1,000 Runes)
- Consort’s Trousers (1,500 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Golden Arrow (120 Runes)
- Great Arrow (300 Runes)
- Golden Great Arrow (500 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Golden Bolt (120 Runes)
- Ballista Bolt (300 Runes)
Altus Plateau Nomadic Merchant (#29)
Altus Plateau Nomadic merchant is in the west of the region beside the Forest-Spanning Greatbridge Site of Grace.
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Bolt (30 Runes)
- Lightning Bolt (160 Runes)
- Red Crest Heater Shield (2500 Runes)
- Scorpion Kite Shield (2000 Runes)
- Crossed-Tree Towershield (3800 Runes)
- Tree Surcoat (3500 Runes)
- Note: Unseen Assassins (2000 Runes)
- Note: Imp Shades (1200 Runes)
- Stonesword Key (4000 Runes)
- Gravel Stone (2000 Runes)
- Festering Bloody Finger (2000 Runes)
- Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook 2 (2000 Runes)
Volcano Manor Merchant Locations

Home to a shard bearer and devourer of gods, Volcano Manor, is an extremely bleak place in the Western region of the Altus Plateau. Two merchants can be found in this place of death and treachery.
Mt. Gelmir Nomadic Merchant (#30)
This Nomadic merchant can be found at one of the edges of the mountain in Mt. Gelmir. The map can be used to find the exact location of the merchant.
A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below.
- Stonesword Key (5000 Runes)
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 20 (3000 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Great Arrow (300 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Explosive Bolt (160 Runes)
- Ballista Bolt (300 Runes)
- Explosive Greatbolt (800 Runes)
- Guilty Hood (500 Runes)
- Confessor Hood (1000 Runes)
- Confessor Armor (1500 Runes)
- Confessor Gloves (1000 Runes)
- Confessor Boots (1000 Runes)
Recusant Bernahl (#31)
Recusant Bernahl can be found inside the drawing room of the Volcano Manor. Bernahl only appears here once his quest is properly progressed.
Bernahl offers the same inventory as before, adding a couple more Ashes of War.
- Eruption (8000 Runes)
- Assassin’s Gambit (6500 Runes)
Mountaintops of the Giants Merchant Locations

This frozen endgame area offers only 1 merchant for the players to interact with.
Mountaintops East Hermit Merchant (#32)
Mountaintops East Hermit Merchant is found south of Stargazer’s Ruins, on the Mountaintops of the Giants. To reach this destination, head west from the ruins and follow the cliffs towards the bridge located on the south.
A list of all the items you can buy from this merchant and the cost is given below.
- Rune Arc (8000 Runes)
- Thawfrost Boluses (1200 Runes)
- Stonesword Key (5000 Runes)
- Missionary’s Cookbook 7 (7500 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Great Arrow (300 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
- Ballista Bolt (300 Runes)
- Lightning Greatbolt (500 Runes)
- Vagabond Knight Helm (1000 Runes)
- Vagabond Knight Armor (1500 Runes)
- Vagabond Knight Gauntlets (1000 Runes)
- Vagabond Knight Greaves (1000 Runes)
Ainsel River Merchant Locations

One of the two great rivers in The Lands Between and home to Lake of Rot, Ainsel River hides 1 merchant in its bosom.
Ainsel River Hermit merchant (#33)
This Hermit merchant can be found in the stone ruins, sitting at the campfire in the Southeast region of Ainsel River. The following items can be purchased from him.
- Gravity Stone Fan (200 Runes)
- Gravity Stone Chunk (300 Runes)
- Lost Ashes of War (3000 Runes)
- Celestial Dew (7500 Runes)
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 16 (2500 Runes)
- Perfumer’s Cookbook 4 (3000 Runes)
- Prisoner Iron Mask (1000 Runes)
- Prisoner Clothing (1500 Runes)
- Prisoner Trousers (1000 Runes)
Siofra River Merchant Locations
Siofra River can only be accessed after defeating Starscourge Radahn. It houses two merchants with a massive assortment of supplies.
Imprisoned Merchant (#34)
Imprisoned Merchant can be found at the end of a dark cave inside the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum. From the Mausoleum Midway Point site of grace, go North to find this cave. Beware of powerful foes in this area.
Imprisoned Merchant offers the following wares to the players.
- Burred Bolt (200 Runes)
- Bloodrose (300 Runes)
- Dwelling Arrow (160 Runes)
- Festering Bloody Finger (2000 Runes)
- Stanching Boluses (1200 Runes)
- Stonesword Key (5000 Runes)
- Rune Arc (8000 Runes)
- Lost Ashes of War (5000 Runes)
Abandoned Merchant (#35)
Abandoned merchant can be found in the center of the Siofra River region. He can be located by listening to the music he is playing. Use a wooden scaffolding nearby to drop into his room.
Abandoned Merchant sells the following items to the players.
- Soap (400 Runes)
- Nascent Butterfly (1500 Runes)
- Stonesword Key (2000 Runes)
- Larval Tear (3000 Runes)
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 17 (1000 Runes)
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 18 (6000 Runes)
- Shotel (2500 Runes)
- Arrow (20 Runes)
- Dwelling Arrow (160 Runes)
- Bolt (40 Runes)
Roundtable Hold Merchant Locations

Roundtable Hold is the safety hub for players to go and have a moment of respite. This area also offers a lot of NPCs, 5 of which are merchants.
Smithing Master Hewg (#36)
Smithing Master Hewg is the first blacksmith players come across on their journey. He not only strengthens their armaments and armor, but Hewg also offers a couple of items to the players.
- Smithing Stone 2 (270 Runes)
- Smithing Stone 3 (520 Runes)
Merchant D (#37)
Merchant D can be found near the roundtable, and he has a unique quest line. As a merchant, D offers the following incantations to the players.
- Litany of Proper Death (2500 Runes)
- Order’s Blade (3000 Runes)
Twin Maiden Husk (#38)
Twin Maiden Husk accepts Bell Bearings from the fallen NPCs and adds their inventory to their shop. However, they also offer some unique items exclusive to their shops, listed below.
- Rune Arc (5000 Runes)
- Dagger (400 Runes)
- Scimitar (600 Runes)
- Stonesword Key (4000 Runes)
- White Cipher Ring (1000 Runes)
- Memory stone (3000 Runes)
- Host’s Trick-Mirror (5000 Runes)
- Furled Finger’s Trick-Mirror (5000 Runes)
- Blue Cipher Ring (1000 Runes)
- Knight Armor (4500 Runes)
- Knight Gauntlets (3000 Runes)
- Knight Greaves (3000 Runes)
- Knight Helm (3000 Runes)
- Battle Axe (800 Runes)
- Finger Seal (800 Runes)
- Longsword (1000 Runes)
- Longbow (1200 Runes)
- Rapier (1000 Runes)
- Mace (800 runes)
- Heater Shield (1500 Runes)
- Short Spear (600 Runes)
- Black Flame’s Protection (2500 Runes)
- Law of Causality (5000 Runes)
- Lord’s Divine Fortification (3500 Runes)
Brother Corhyn (#39)
Brother Corhyn can be found standing next to a statue beside the roundtable. He offers incantations to the players.
- Urgent Heal (1000 Runes)
- Heal (1500 Runes)
- Flame Sling (800 Runes)
- Catch Flame (600 Runes)
- Cure Poison (1000 Runes)
- Flame Fortification (3000 Runes)
- Magic Fortification (3500 Runes)
- Rejection (1500 Runes)
- Great Heal (9000 Runes, upon moving to Atlas Plateau)
- Lightning Fortification (7500 Runes, upon moving to Atlas Plateau)
- Discus of Light (11000 runes, after joining Goldmask)
- Immutable shield (13000 Runes, after solving Radagon’s statue puzzle)
Finger Reader Enia (#40)
Finger Reader Enia delivers godly weapons, armor, and shields to the players once provided with their remembrance. You can always duplicate remembrance to obtain multiple items from Finger Reader Enia. Below is a list of all the items she has.
- Axe of Godrick (Remembrance of the Grafted)
- Grafted Dragon (Remembrance of the Grafted)
- Carian Regal Scepter (Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen)
- Rennala’s Full Moon (Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen)
- Starscourge Greatsword (Remembrance of the Starscourge)
- Lion Greatbow (Remembrance of the Starscourge)
- Winged Greathorn (Remembrance of Regal Ancestor)
- Ancestral spirit’s Horn (Remembrance of Regal Ancestor)
- Rykard’s Rancor (Remembrance of the Blasphemous)
- Blasphemous Blade (Remembrance of the Blasphemous)
- Scarlet Aeonia (Remembrance of the Rot Goddess)
- Hand of Malenia (Remembrance of the Rot Goddess)
- Bastard’s Stars (Remembrance of the Naturalborn)
- Ash of War: Waves of Darkness (Remembrance of the Naturalborn)
- Axe of Godfrey (Remembrance of Hoarah Loux)
- Ash of War: Hoarah Loux’s Earthshaker (Remembrance of Hoarah Loux)
- Maliketh’s Black Blade (Remembrance of the Black Blade)
- Black Blade (Remembrance of the Black Blade)
- Giant’s Red Braid (Remembrance of the Fire Giant)
- Burn O Flame! (Remembrance of the Fire Giant)
- Dragon King’s Cragblade (Remembrance of the Dragonlord)
- Placidusax’s Ruin (Remembrance of the Dragonlord)
- Fortissax’s Lightning Spear (Remembrance of the Lichdragon)
- Death Lightning (Remembrance of the Lichdragon)
- Marika’s Hammer (Elden Remembrance)
- Sacred Relic Sword (Elden Remembrance)
- Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear (Remembrance of the Blood Lord)
- Bloodboon (Remembrance of the Blood Lord)
- Talisman Pouch (2 Great Runes)
What Happens if you kill Merchants in Elden Ring?
Players can kill all the merchants in Elden Ring (minus a few exceptions) if they wish to. But unlike the rest of the NPCs, Merchants can’t be brought back to life by atonement at the Church of Vows. Only the merchants associated with some quest lines can be revived, but most drop their Bell Bearings upon death. Kale, the first-ever merchant players come across, can’t be revived at all (contrary to popular belief)
These Bell Bearings can be offered to Twin Maiden Husk at the Roundtable Hold, allowing players to access the complete inventory of the merchant in question, making purchasing all the items from one spot easier.
There are 40 merchants in Elden Ring scattered across its 13 regions. Finding all of them is a bit of a headache, but we have listed all of them region-wise for the players to easily access them. Each merchant for each region is marked and listed numerically.