The Shrines in the Hyrule Field would be one of the first ones you are able to find in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. This Region is located at the center, the heart of Hyrule Kingdom.
While the Hyrule Field Shrine locations might be one of the first that you discover, there are a total of 18 of them. Since there are quite a few of them in number, you might need to invest loads of time into finding them.
Nevertheless, finding and completing Shrines region by region is one of the most effective ways to cover all of them. If you’re planning to start finding all of the Shrines in the Hyrule Field region of Zelda: TotK, then you have come to the right place.
Where to find Hyrule Field Shrines in Zelda: TotK
The Hyrule Field Shrines are all found on the Surface, which means that you are saved from the trouble of going to the Sky. However, there are a total of 18 Shrines in the Hyrule Field Region, which might take a considerable amount of time to find and complete.

1) Ishodag Shrine
The Ishodag Shrine is located on the outskirts of the Hyrule Castle Town Ruins, right beside the bridge to its east. The path leading west from the Lookout Landing settlement is joined by two more paths.
This path runs right between Mount Gustaf and the Quarry Ruins, leading to a bridge not far up ahead. Remember not to mistake this bridge for the one from Mount Gustaf.
The Ishodag Shrine is located on the surface at coordinates -0877, 0423, and 0049. There are two ways you can reach this location.
You can either start from the Lookout Landing Skyview Tower and glide northwest towards the coordinates or simply take the path leading northwest from it, traveling on the ground.
2) Jiosin Shrine
The Jiosin Shrine is located at the center of the Hyrule Field region, directly south of the Lookout Landing settlement. It is located at the coordinates -0240, -0374, and 0026.
You can reach the Jiosin Shrine by following the path leading east from the Lookout Landing and then curving towards the south. The Shrine is found right in the middle of the path, so it shouldn’t be that hard to miss.
Alternatively, you can also follow the path leading north from the Ranch Ruins, turning towards the Ranch Ruins Cave, then stretching south towards the Jiosin Shrine.
3) Jojon Shrine
The Jojon Shrine is located just beside the western border of Lanayru Wetlands, but is still a part of the Hyrule Forest region in Zelda: TotK. This Shrine is found inside a cave at the center of Crenel Peak.
The Shrine itself is located at the coordinates 1205, 0315, and 0028. You can reach this location by moving in the northwestern direction from the Moor Garrison Ruins.
If you are coming from another part of the map, then there are one of three bridges you can take to reach here. To the Shrine’s north is the Thims Bridge, to its west the Orsedd Bridge, and to its south the Rebonae Bridge.
There’s not much you can find on this island after crossing the bridge anyways, so you can start traveling to the Shrine directly following the coordinates.
4) Kamizun Shrine
The Kamizun Shrine is located in the southern region of Hyrule Field, at coordinates -0176,-1557, and 0023. This Shrine is found right between the Forest of Time and East Post Ruins, with the forest to its west and the ruins to its east.
If you are coming from the east, then you will have to cross a bridge that stretches across the Squabble River. Approaching from the north, you can take the path leading south from the Whistling Hill cave and then head east.
If approaching from the west, then you must follow the path leading directly ahead of the Great Plateau Foothill Cave. Surprisingly, the Kyokugon Shrine is also located here.
5) Kyokugon Shrine
The Kyokugon Shrine is also located in the southern region of Hyrule Field, directly west of the Kamizun Shrine, at coordinates -0710, -1550, and 0006 in Zelda: TotK.
This Shrine is found in the Great Plateau Foothill Cave, located just north of the Forest of Spirits and south of Lake Kolomo.
To reach this Shrine, all you have to do is take the path leading south from the Exchange Ruins and you will arrive directly at the entrance to the cave.
After that, it’s only a matter of breaking walls and following coordinates until you find the Kyokugon Shrine
6) Kyononis Shrine
The Kyononis Shrine is located in the northern parts of the Hyrule Field Region, just north of Lookout Landing at coordinates -0205, 0451, and 0021.
This Shrine is located in the Hyrule Castle Town Ruin, just past the Central Square next to the Hudson Sign.
To reach the Kyononis Shrine, you can head either to the Lookout Landing settlement or to the Lookout Landing Skyview Tower.
From there, take the path leading north until you reach the Central Square. From there, take the path to the right which curves upward, leading directly to the Kyononis Shrine in Zelda: TotK.
7) Mayachin Shrine
The Mayachin Shrine is located in the central parts of the Hyrule Field region, sandwiched between the Windvane Meadow and the Exchange Ruins. The coordinates of this Shrine are -0705, -0868, and 0031.
To reach the Mayachin Shrine, you can take the path that leads northeast from the Aquame Lake – the one that crosses through the Hyrule Field Skyview Tower.
Once at the Exchange Ruins, you can scout the trees’ canopy to find the Mayachin Shrine in Zelda: TotK.
8) Ren-Iz Shrine
The Ren-Iz Shrine is located in the northeastern parts of the Hyrule Field region, in the Crenel Hills at coordinates 0747, 0823, and 0081. This location is on the same island as the Jojon Shrine and is just north of the Crenel Peak.
To reach this location, you can either enter the island through the Thims Bridge in the east, the Orsedd Bridge in the west, or the Rebonae Bridge in the south.
Once at the center where the three paths meet, you can make your way north to reach the Crenel Hills. The Ren-Iz Shrine is located at the top of Crenel Hill’s central peak.
9) Riogok Shrine
The Riogok Shrine is located in the southwestern corner of the Hyrule Fields region, just south of Coliseum Ruins and at coordinates -1440, -1616, and 0089.
To the west of the Riogok Shrine is the Diggdog Suspension Bridge, while to its east is the Hopper Pond. To reach the Riogok Shrine, you can take the path leading west from the Forest of Time, right across the Forest of Spirits and the Hopper Pond.
The Riogok Shrine is located at the base of the cliff to the left of the Hopper Pond.
10) Sepapa Shrine
The Sepapa Shrine is located on a small island at the northern end of the Hyrule Field region at coordinates 0220, 1083, and 0028. This Shrine is just east of the Serutabomac Shrine discussed next.
The Sepapa Shrine’s island is connected to the mainland with two bridges, one in the north towards the Rauru Hillside, and another in the south towards the Romani Plains.
The Shrine itself is found on a small hill in the northern corner of the island connecting to the Hyrule Castle Moat. You can access the island through either one of the bridges depending on your location.
11) Serutabomac Shrine
The Serutabomac Shrine is also located at the northern end of the Hyrule Fields region, at coordinates -0179, 1170, and 0280. The Shrine is located at the northern edge of Hyrule Castle.
To reach this shrine you must first enter the Hyrule Castle. You can do that by entering through the Royal Hidden Passage, or by gliding towards the coordinates from the Lookout Landing Skyview Tower.
12) Sinakawak Shrine
The Sinakawak Shrine is located in the northwestern parts of the Hyrule Field region, at coordinates -1413, 0756, and 0089. This is just to the western edge of the Hyrule Ridge region.
To reach this Shrine, you must take the path leading west from the Lookout Landing settlement, Crossing the bridge ahead of the Ishodag Shrine (discussed earlier) until you reach the North Hyrule Plain.
Right before the path connects to another one, you can look in the south to find the Shrine right behind the New Serenne Stable.
13) Susuyai Shrine
The Susuyai Shrine is located in the central parts of the Hyrule Fields region at coordinates -0785, -0434, and 0018. This is just south of the Passeri Greenbelt area and north of Mount Daphnes.
To reach the Susuyai Shrine, first, start from the Lookout Landing settlement and take the path to the east.
When it joins to the two other paths, take the one leading south, which will take you directly to the Shrine. The Shrine is located next to a couple of boulders in the area.
14) Tadarok Shrine
The Tadarok Shrine is the southernmost shrine you can find in the Hyrule Field region, located all the way at the bottom of the River of Dead, at coordinates -1085, -2188, and 0128.
This location is at the base of Mount Hylia, just south of the Temple of Time Ruins.
To reach this location, you must make your way south of the Great Plateau until you reach the entrance of the River of the Dead Waterfall Cave. Entering this cave is a little bit tricky though.
You first have to stand at the edge of the cliff with the waterfall below you. Then, jump when you are ready, deploying your paraglider shortly afterward.
After that, you can head inside the waterfall and continue along the way until you reach the Tadarok Shrine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
15) Tajikats Shrine
The Tajikats Shrine is located in the west of the Hyrule Field region, at coordinates 0343, -1009, and 0016 in Zelda: TotK.
The Shrine is located at the base of Wasting Hill, with nothing much next to it except the Whistling Hill cave and the Teniten Shrine (discussed next).
To reach this location, you can either take the path that leads directly west from the Exchange Ruins, ignoring all the crossroads that come.
Just before you reach the bridge leading to Batrea Lake, you are supposed to take a left, heading north. It won’t be long after that when you reach the Tajikats Shrine.
Alternatively, you can also start from the Ranch Ruins and make your way southeast across the Bottomless Pond, turning right just before the bridge leading to Nabi Lake.
16) Teniten Shrine
The Teniten Shrine is also located in the west of the Hyrule Fields region, just west of the Tajikats Shrine (discussed previously), at coordinates -0075, 1115, and 0021.
This location is just south of Whistling Hill and northeast of Lake Kolomo. To reach this location, you can start from the Hyrule Garrison ruins and take the path leading southeast.
When you come to a crossroads, take the path to the right that stretches towards the south later. From there, it won’t be long till you reach the Teniten Shrine.
17) Tsutsu-Um Shrine
The Tsutsu-Um Shrine is located in the southwestern parts of the Hyrule Field region at coordinates -1423, -1349, and 0068 in Zelda: TotK. This Shrine is located just a bit north of the Riogok Shrine (discussed previously).
As such, the way to reach this location would be similar. To reach this Shrine, you can take the path leading away from the Diggdog Suspension Bridge and take a left at the crossroads. You will be able to see the Tsutsu-Um Shrine on top of the hills to your left.
Alternatively, you can also take the path leading directly west from the Forest of Time to reach the Tsutsu-Um Shrine.
18) Yamiyo Shrine
The Yamiyo Shrine is the last Shrine of the Hyrule Fields region, located at coordinates 0342, 0481, and 0029 in Tears of the Kingdom.
This location is just east of the Hyrule Castle Town Ruins, right next to the Orsedd Bridge stretching over the Hylia River.
To reach this location, you can start from the Lookout Landing settlement/Skyview Tower and take the path leading west. When you come to a crossroads, take a left onto the path leading north across Mable Prairie and Romania Plains.
Then, just before the Orsedd Bridge, you will come to another crossroads, from where you can take a left. The Yamiyo Shrine is located in an open field not far along this path, so it should be easy to find.
Alternatively, you can also follow the path leading directly east from East Castle Town, and then head south to reach the Yamiyo Shrine in Zelda: TotK