The Regional Phenomena is a giant main quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom that requires you to explore multiple regions across the map.
You must visit 4 regions of the Hyrule map and recruit the sages to help you on the quest. You will search for signs of Princess Zelda’s whereabouts and Purah directs you to explore these regions.
This quest begins after you scan the first Skyview Tower during the main Quest Crisis at Hyrule Castle. To proceed through the story, you must complete Regional Phenomena in Zelda: TotK.
This is a long one, and you’ll be at it for quite some time. Luckily, we have compiled a handy little guide for you to follow.
Regional Phenomena – Which Temples to Do First
You will need to visit four main regions of the Hyrule world and complete four main quests there. These can be done in any order, but for the sake of ease, we have made a sequence to follow. You will begin in Hebra, proceed to Eldin, then to Lanayru, and finally to Gerudo.
Hebra – Tulin of Rito
To get to Hebra, you must proceed to the Northwest to Lindor’s Brow Skyview Tower. Use Ultrahand to create planks for the rock wall of the tower. Then, climb it up top and activate the tower. Now, fly North over the canyon until you reach Lucky Glover Gazette.

From here, throw a Hylian Pine Cone into the campfire at the Lucky Clover Gazette to create a gust of air. Use it over the broken bridge to reach Rito Village.
You will now need to finish Tulin of Rito Village and recruit Tulin. To do so, you must dispel the storm around the village. This can be done by activating the wind temple, but some tasks are leading up to it. We have compiled a detailed article on this quest to help you in your endeavor.
Eldin – Yunobo of Goron City

To get to Eldin, get to Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower. To get on top, use Recall on the falling debris and then jump to the top of the tower. Drop through the hole, activate the switch to be launched up, and then fly North.
Go as far as you can while flying and then go on foot to Goron City.
Here, you must find Yunobo and investigate the marbled rock roast. Ultimately, you must activate the Fire Temple and complete the tasks leading up to it. In the end, you will get Yunobo’s services. Consult our guide to learn how to complete this quest.
Lanayru – Sidon of the Zora

Fast travel back to Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower and then get launched towards the Upland Zorana Skyview Tower. You won’t get there all the way, so cover as much area as possible via flight. When you get there, climb up the walls to the tower.
Use Splash Fruit to clear the sludge at the tower and proceed further. Activate it and fly over to Zora’s Domain.
This quest is complicated because you must complete other quests before and during it. Before you can do Sidon of the Zora, complete The Sludge-Covered Statue. Complete it and then move on to the Sidon of the Zora questline.
You will complete the Water Temple at the end and rid Zora’s Domain of its sludge problems. In the end, you will get Sidon’s services.
Gerudo – Riju of Gerudo Town

The final area to visit is Gerudo. To get there, fast-travel to Lookout Landing and then proceed Southeast. Your goal is to get to Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower. From there, get to the shrine in the oasis known as the Mayatat Shrine. Activate it and find the whirlwind nearby. It will lift you in the air and you can then glide to the next shrine in the middle of the Sandstorm.
This shrine will guide you to Gerudo Town since it is close to it. You’ll need to go underground to find the townspeople, as everyone has taken shelter there.
Riju of Gerudo Town is the final questline to finish in Regional Phenomena in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. In this quest, you’ll work to dispel the sandstorm in the town.
To do so, you’ll need to activate the Lightning Temple. You will get Riju’s services afterward as well.
Report back to Purah
After finishing all four questlines, it is time to report back to Purah. Fast travel back to Lookout Landing and meet Purah. She will be on top of the research tower.
Talk to her, and it will finish the Regional Phenomena main quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.