Where To Find Wing Of Astel In Elden Ring
Wing of Astel is a really cool curved sword that scales well with attributes such as dex and int in…

How To Get The Elden Lord Set In Elden Ring
The Elden Lord Armor Set is your prized possession for defeating the game. This armor set is worn by the…

Where To Find Coded Sword In Elden Ring
Elden Ring has so many weapons simply hidden away in the massive world. One of these weapons is the Coded…

How To Get The Fingerprint Stone Shield In Elden Ring
For strength-scaling characters, the Fingerprint Stone Shield is a pretty good choice in Elden Ring. This Greatshiled will weigh you…

How To Get The Icon Shield In Elden Ring
The unforgiving nature of Elden Ring makes it important that you consider getting a Greatshield like the Icon Shield to…

How To Get The Twinblade In Elden Ring
Elden Ring provides players with various weapons that have unique stats and allow for different play styles. The Twinblade can…

How To Get Blessed Dew Talisman In Elden Ring
The Blessed Dew Talisman is a pretty handy accessory to have in Elden Ring, especially for players who are looking…

How to Get Elden Ring Leyndell Knight Armor Set
Leyndell Knight armor set is the armor of the large lightning knights in the Royal Capital Leyndell. It is one…

Elden Ring Ruin-Strewn Precipice Walkthrough
Elden Ring has many minor dungeons, and many of these are hidden away in areas where players won’t even look…

Elden Ring Tree Sentinel Boss Guide
The Tree Sentinel boss battle in Elden Ring is placed directly southeast of the Site of Grace at the Church…

Elden Ring Samurai Builds Guide
For the people who always had the fantasy of becoming a samurai, Elden Ring present them with the perfect opportunity….

How to Fix “Inappropriate Activity Detected” in Elden Ring
While Elden Ring has been making quite a name for its great story and gameplay, it has not been smooth…

How To Get Gravitas Ash Of War In Elden Ring
Gravitas is one of the many Ashes of War in Elden Ring that can be looted after defeating a boss. As…

Best Bleed Weapons In Elden Ring
Bleed is one of, if not the best, status effects in Elden Ring. There are a huge variety of weapons…

Elden Ring Academy Crystal Cave Walkthrough
Elden Ring is the first open world From Software game, and it has many dungeons that players can explore to…

Elden Ring Remembrance Guide
Remembrances are the souls of bosses you defeat in Elden Ring. They hold the powers of their namesake bosses and…

Elden Ring The Shaded Castle Walkthrough
The Shaded Castle is one of the many dungeons in the Altus Plateau region of Elden Ring. It is one…

Best Bows In Elden Ring
Elden Ring features several types of weapons and each type has dozens of weapons to find. If you are looking…

How To Cure Madness In Elden Ring
The Madness status effect is a deadly ailment you might have already encountered while exploring the Frenzied Village in the…
Where To Go After Stormveil Castle in Elden Ring
Stormveil Castle is the first legacy dungeon in Elden Ring and that makes it the first go-to place for all…

Best Spirit Summons In Elden Ring
In Elden Ring, there are many spirit ashes you can find and call to aid you in battle. Spirits also…

How To Guard Counter In Elden Ring
Guard Counter is an innovative mechanic introduced in Elden Ring that is a combo of protection and a heavy attack….

Elden Ring Demi-Human Queen Gilika Boss Guide
Demi-human Queen Gilika is an optional field-type boss in Elden Ring. Defeating her is not a requirement to advance the…

How to Defeat Recusant Henricus in Elden Ring
The following guide will help players to defeat Recusant Henricus in Elden Ring. The guide will highlight the attack patterns…

How To Cure Poison In Elden Ring
Poison is one of the many status effects in Elden Ring that you need to be aware of. You might…