There are multiple ways to gain Renown in Diablo 4, including completing the side quests, activating Waypoints, and completing Dungeons. One efficient way of gathering Renown is interacting with the Altar of Lilith found in all the major zones of the map. The Hawezar zone in Diablo 4, for that matter, contains 34 Altars of Lilith.
These altars are not mere statues that add flavor to the game but also provide useful core stats to the characters. Visiting an Altar of Lilith in D4 gives you experience (XP) for your character, which helps level it up progressively. You also get 10 Renown towards that region’s total which will in turn allow you to unlock more bonuses.
Interestingly, when you visit an Altar of Lilith for the first time, all your D4 characters get free permanent bonuses, including any one of the following:
- +2 Dexterity
- +2 Intelligence
- +2 Willpower
- +2 Strength
Most of the altars are easily found just with the help of map markers, but finding some of these can be a pain especially those which are inside strongholds or tricky hiding places.
This guide comprises all the locations of the Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4 within the Hawezar region, having in-depth information about each altar’s surroundings to have an idea of the exact positions.
Diablo 4 Hawezar Altar of Lilith locations
Let us start from the southern part of the Hawezar zone, and then move progressively to the others. The map we have shared marks all the Altar of Lilith locations in D4 and the order in which we will go over them.

Rotspill Delta Altar of Lilith Locations (1-3)
Altar #1
The first Altar of Lilith in Hawezar in Diablo 4 is situated on the east coast of the region, just to the eastern side of the Ancient Reservoir dungeon. You can spot it in some bushes beside the coast, near the Flooded Burial Pit cellar.
Visiting this altar gets you +2 DEX.
Altar #2
This altar happens to be on the western edge of the Rotspill Delta region, toward the southeast of the dungeon called Haunted Refuge. Walk a few steps southeast from the dungeon, and then search for the altar hidden in the rocks in the area of some green trees.
Visiting this altar gets you +5 Max Obols capacity for your characters.
Altar #3
This altar is situated on the east coast of the Rotspill Delta, near the Belfry Zakara Dungeon. From the dungeon, make your way northeast to the shore and look for the altar beside a yacht carrying a sculpture.
You will get a +2 Willpower stat boost by visiting this altar.
Forsaken Coast Altar of Lilith Locations (4-6)
Altar #4
This altar happens to be in the Exile’s Heap area, west of the Fetid Hive cellar. The altar is positioned right beside two big trees with some grassy area.
You will be given a +2 Willpower stat boost for visiting this altar.
Altar #5
This altar is situated in the Manhunter’s Hollow area, near the Faceless Shrine Dungeon. Go northwest from this dungeon to reach the altar, which will be positioned in waters with some trees.
You will be given a +2 Intelligence stat boost for visiting this altar.
Altar #6
This Altar of Lilith in Diablo 4 happens to be on the southeastern shore of the Hawezar zone, near the Tidal Burrow cellar. Start your journey from the Faceless Shrine dungeon and keep walking until you reach the altar chilling with some bushes. The Backwater Waypoint in Hawezar is on the same coastline, to the north.
You will be given +5 Max Obols capacity for each of your possessed characters.
Toxic Fens Altar of Lilith Locations (7-10)
Altar #7
This altar is located northwest of the Haunted Reckage region, near the Shoreside Shack cellar. Walk a few steps northwards from Ghoa Ruins dungeon, and look for the altar surrounded by some green plants.
You will get a +2 Intelligence stat boost and +3800 XP by visiting this altar.
Altar #8
This altar is situated near Swarmed Mineshaft cellar, east of Vyeresz Stronghold. Keep walking to the north from Ghoa Ruins dungeon until reaching near the borders of Blightmarsh region. The altar will be accessible beside some rocks and a bushy area.
You will get a +2 DEX stat boost and +3800XP by visiting this altar of lilith.
Altar #9
This altar finds its home near the ending part of Molting Shore, toward the southeast of the Ruins of Eridu Dungeon. You will see it resting on a small piece of rock beside the coast.
You will get a +2 Strength stat boost as well as +3800 XP by visiting this altar.
Altar #10
The last altar of this region is situated near the Toxic Mine cellar, south of the Ruins of Eridu dungeon. You can spot it glowing in a wide area covered by some bushes.
You will get +5 Max Obols holding capacity for all of your current characters after visiting this altar.
Altar# 11 Vyeresz Stronghold
This altar of Lilith is situated inside the Vyeresz stronghold, south of the Shadowed Plunge Dungeon. Complete the stronghold to unlock the waypoint. Then, you can start your journey from the Vyeresz Waypoint and reach the Temple Ruins. The statue will be accessible from these ruins.
You will get a +2 DEX stat boost and +3800 XP from this altar.
Fethis Wetlands Altar of Lilith Locations (12-15)
Altar #12
This altar can be located at the end of the Molting Shore region, near the Cursed Cabin cellar. You can spot this one laying under the rocks beside the coast, along with a large tree. Thundering Serpentcaller roams this area.
You will get +5 Max Obols holding capacity for all of your current characters after visiting this altar.
Altar #13
This altar is situated in the Plains of Attrition area, south of Blind Burrows dungeon. It will be accessible beside some woods on the plain land.
You will get +5 Max Obols holding capacity upon your visit to this altar.
Altar #14
This altar is situated in the middle of the Fethis Wetlands region, in the Light’s Wane area. You can spot it under the shade of a tree by going southwest from Maugan’s Works Dungeon.
You will be given a +2 Willpower stat boost and +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar #15
This altar of Lilith happens to be the last one in the region, present in The Devouring Moor area. You can reach it by starting your journey from the Swamped Hideout cellar and going westwards, on the corner with some woody rocks.
You will be granted a +2 Strength stat boost as well as +3800 XP by visiting this altar.
Blighmarsh Altar of Lilith Locations (16-19)
Altar #16
This one is situated on the southeastern part of Blightmarsh, near the Bleak Basement cellar. You will see the altar tucked in a tomb-like structure surrounded by woods.
The game gives you +5 Max Obols holding capacity upon your visit to this altar.
Altar #17
This altar happens to be in the middle of Blightmarsh, in the Morass of Misery. You can spot it by going east from the Serpent’s Lair Dungeon and searching for it inside a triangular hollow wood structure.
You will gain a +2 Strength stat boost as well as +3800 XP upon visiting this altar.
Altar #18
This altar is located on the left side (west) of the Haunted Refuge Dungeon, near the Slimy Cavern cellar. Approaching this one is possible by heading to the intersection of the borders of Rotspill Delta and The Writhing Mire, inside an alcove-like structure under the tree branches. Be careful, as you may also face a three-headed Serpent while trying to go inside the structure.
You are given a stat boost of +2 DEX and +3800 XP for interacting with this altar.
Altar #19
This altar is situated on the northernmost corner of the Blightmarsh region. If you travel from the Iron Hold dungeon, you can access this altar by going northeast and looking for it in old trees.
You will be given a stat boost of +2 Willpower and +3800 XP for visiting this altar.
Altar# 20 Ruins of Rakhat Keep
This altar is situated on the upper (northern) side of the region. The Ruins of Rakhat Keep has three dungeons in a small area, so you can take any one of them as a reference. If you are coming here after finishing the campaign, you will have already unlocked the Ruins of Rakhat Keep waypoint.
Just take the waypoint to get to the area, keep climbing to the upper regions of the Rakhat Keep until you see an area where you need to jump across to a broken section. In that section, behind a wall you will find the altar.
This altar of Lilith in D4 gives you +5 Max Obols holding capacity for all your characters.
The Writhing Mire Altar of Lilith (21-24)
Altar #21
This altar of Lilith is situated on the southern edge of the region, near the Swamp Nest cellar. You can approach it beside the trunk of a huge tree, on the path leading to the Ancient Reservoir dungeon.
You are given a stat boost of +2 DEX and +3800 XP for interacting with this altar.
Altar #22
This altar is located near The Tree of Whispers waypoint. It will be chilling under the shade of an ancient tree, ready to be interacted with.
You will gain +5 Max Obols holding capacity for all your characters for interacting with it.
Altar #23
This altar of lilith in Diablo 4 is situated on the southern side of the Fetid Mausoleum Dungeon. You can spot it under a large tree, on the path leading to Eriman’s Pyre stronghold.
You will receive a +2 Strength stat boost plus +3800 XP upon visiting this altar.
Altar #24
This altar happens to be on the southeast of the Fetid Mausoleum dungeon. Four trees, on the north of the Sunken Hut cellar, will be surrounding it.
A +2 Strength stat boost plus +3800 XP can be expected to be received upon visiting this altar.
Dismal Foothills Altar of Lilith Locations (25-28)
Altar #25
This altar is situated on the north of Iron Hold dungeon, on the southern part of Dismal Foothills. You can interact with this altar on the left side of a wooden shack, on the path leading to Bloodpox Infestation.
You can expect to get +5 Max Obols holding capacity for all the characters in your possession.
Altar #26
This altar is located between the Cinder Shack and Tormented Pit cellars. It will be placed beneath two interlinked tree branches.
You will receive a +2 Strength stat boost in addition to +3800 XP upon visiting this altar.
Altar #27
This altar happens to be on the north of Wejinhani Waypoint in the Kareka Floodplain area. The Light’s Refuge Dungeon is on the western side of this altar’s position, which is a rock alcove beside a river.
Visiting this statue earns you +5 Max Obols holding capacity for all your current characters.
Altar #28
This altar is located under a huge tree’s deep shade, on the northeast of Heathen’s Keep Dungeon. You can spot its position near the borders of the Dobrev Taiga region.
You will gain a +2 Intelligence stat boost and +3800 XP by visiting this altar.
Altar #29 Eriman’s Pyre Stronghold
This altar of lilith is situated in the Eriman’s Pyre Stronghold, in the north of the region. You will see it on the opposite side of some rock structures, right beside the Oblivion Dungeon.
You will be given a +2 Intelligence stat boost as well as +3800 XP upon visiting this altar.
Umir Plateau Altar of Lilith Locations (30-33)
Altar #30
This altar of Lilith happens to be in The Fallow Tillage area, near Commandeered Lodge cellar. It will be clearly visible between two rocks, once you reach the path leading to the Earthen Wound Dungeon.
A +2 Strength stat boost in addition to +3800 XP will be received upon visiting this altar.
Altar #31
This altar is located northwest of the Earthen Wound dungeon. Its position is beside a deep Cliffside on the path leading to the Scouring Sands region.
You will be given a stat boost of +2 Willpower as well as +3800 experience points for visiting this altar of Lilith.
Altar #32
This altar is found in the east of Zarbinzet Waypoint. You can look for it between two streams of a waterfall.
Not only do you get +2 Intelligence but also +3800 XP after interacting with this statue.
Altar #33
This altar is located in the northern part of the Umir Plateau, east of the Holy Refuge cellar. You can spot it beside a statue with three distinct grave-like structures.
Not only do you get +2 DEX but also +3800 XP after interacting with this statue.
Altar #34 Crusader’s Monument Stronghold
This altar of Lilith is located on the backside of an old tree, which will be situated itself on a balcony in the northernmost part of the Crusader’s Monument Stronghold in Diablo 4. Interacting with this altar of Lilith gets you and all your characters +2 Willpower as well as +3800 XP