Fortnite Nintendo Switch Port Is In Works, Iron Galaxy Hints
Recently there’s been a lot of rumors regarding Fortnite and its battle royale making its way to the Nintendo Switch….

Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Rito Village Walkthrough
Our Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Walkthrough will guide you through the Rito Village and will help you with how…

Scarlet Nexus Karen Travers Boss Guide
Scarlet Nexus is jam-packed with a huge variety of bosses that you will encounter during your course of the game….

The Sims 4 Death Types, and How to Kill a Sim
There are thirty-one ways a Sim can die in The Sims 4. These 31 death types are categorized into two…

How to Unlock Weapon Mastery Camos in Call of Duty Vanguard
Camo grind has been a part of the Call of Duty franchise for a while now and with the CoD…

How To Place Map Markers In Sons Of The Forest
While playing Sons of the Forest, you will see different markers on the map. So, it is important to know…

Diablo 4 Broodguard Boss Guide
Broodguard is a giant horrifying spider boss in Diablo 4 and is counted among the more difficult bosses to defeat….

Diablo 4 Iron Hold Dungeon Guide
Diablo 4 contains numerous dungeons throughout the game, each with its specialty. Some are for the boss fights, and some…

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Lincolnscire Collectibles Locations Guide
In this Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Lincolnscire Collectibles Locations guide, we’ll walk you through the locations of every single collectible that…

Animal Crossing New Horizons Cherry Blossom DIY Recipes
Get the Petals of the Blooming Pink Trees in ACNH.

Wasteland 3 Map Locations Guide
In this guide, we will take a look at all Map Locations in Wasteland 3, the quests related to each…

Kingdom Hearts 3 Chapter 4 Walkthrough Guide – Tangled Kingdom of Corona
Welcome to Chapter 4 of Kingdom Hearts III. This chapter will focus on the fourth world of Kingdom Hearts III:…

The Outer Worlds Foundation Quest Guide
Foundation is one of the main quests that you have to do in order to progress in the main story…

Quantum Error Announced For PlayStation 5
TeamKill Media just announced its upcoming horror FPS game called Quantum Error for the PS5 and PS4. The developer released…

Fallout 4 Far Harbor Guide – Settlements Locations, Where To Find Workshops
Anyone who has had a little experience with Fallout 4 already knows what settlements are. These are specific areas that…

Elden Ring Somber Smithing Stone 1 Locations
Somber Smithing Stone 1 is an upgrade material that starts your journey of improving your weapons and shields in Elden…

Pokemon Sword and Shield Weezing Locations, How to Catch and Evolve
With the release of Pokemon Sword and Shield, players are discovering all the new evolutions of different Pokemons. One of…
Diablo 3 Best Monk Builds For Inferno, Nightmare and Hell
If you asked me to identify one thing that made Diablo 2 so good, the first thing that would come…

Where To Find A Phoenix In Hogwarts Legacy?
In Hogwarts Legacy, Pheonix is a magical creature (Beast) that has been known to shed Pheonix Feathers. It is an…

Elden Ring Memory Stones Locations Guide
You start Elden Ring with a single Memory Slot, meaning that your character can only equip one spell. By finding…
Bloodborne Game Progression Guide – Quests, Boss Battles, Endings
Bloodborne is not your typical linear action game. In fact, it’s more of an action-RPG that requires a complex structuring…

The Witcher 2: The Secrets Of Loc Muinne Quest Walkthrough
Solve the riddles and make the right choices to complete The Secrets of Loc Muinne Quest.

Final Fantasy 13-2 Gil/CP Farming Guide
You don’t need to grind much to level up all roles to 99 in Final Fantasy 13-2 but still, if…

The Witcher 2 The Endrega Contract Walkthrough
There is an easy trick to beat the Endrega monsters and complete this contract.

The Outer Worlds Weapons Guide – Best Guns, Damage Types
The Outer Worlds brings a total of 6 types of range of weapons ranging from melee to science weapons. These…