Cyberpunk 2077: The Pickup Walkthrough
The Pickup is one of the main missions in Cyberpunk 2077 in Act 1 that gets the ball rolling on the whole story. There are many choices to make here which can dictate how this mission plays out.
The Pickup is one of the main missions in Cyberpunk 2077 in Act 1 that gets the ball rolling on the whole story. There are many choices to make here which can dictate how this mission plays out.
This quest can get you rewards like Johnny’s Porche 911 in Cyberpunk 2077.
Learn to control Basilisk.
Should you break Sandra’s Trust in Full Disclosure or get extra rewards?
Finding and delivering the equipment to a specific location will complete this gig.
Should you side with Judy or Maiko?
For the most overpowered playstyles.
You’ve got a rocker’s soul. I can feel it.
The best build for beginners.
Every character you can romance in Night City.
From doors to security cameras to vehicles to turrets to enemies, you can hack everything.
Gone are the perks that gave you raw percentages.
The old XP glitches are gone.
The generic build that works for everyone, including you.
Enough armor and damage mitigation to become a immortal.
Decide how you want to build V.
These deranged cyberware junkies are the ugly side of Night City.
Part-time bounty hunter for the NCPD.
The requirements you must fulfill and dialogue choices you need to make.
Pitting mitigation against armor and damage reduction stats.
Like the preying mantis, get ready to slice and dice enemies.
Monowired for quickhacks and disruption.
Speed. Looks. Weapons.
Most choices in the story have drastic, spiraling effects.
Ricocheting madness.