Zelda: TotK features a lot of shrines located in different regions of the game. That said, if you explore all Eldin Shrine Locations, you will find a total of 14 Shrines divided into Sky and Surface regions.
Some of these shrines require doing quests to reveal their path while others do not require any. Follow this guide to learn about all Eldin Shrine locations in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Where to find Eldin Sky Shrines in Zelda: TotK
Kadaunar Shrine
The Eldin Sky region has a series of islands located very close to each other and from which, you will find Kadaunar Shrine in the South Eldin Sky Archipelago.
To get there, the easiest way is by using an Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower. But first, you need to make your way to the Skyview Tower. For that, head northeast of Central Hyrule and you will reach Skyview Tower within no time.
Once you have reached Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower, use that tower to launch yourself into the sky. After that, you will reach South Eldin Sky Archipelago Island by gliding east from the tower.
After reaching the grounds of the South Eldin Sky Archipelago, Kadaunar Shrine can be reached by following the train tracks. The exact coordinates of the Kadaunar Shrine are 1882, 1202, 1251.

Where to find Elden Surface Shrines in Zelda: TotK

1) Isisim Shrine
Isisim Shrine can be found inside the cave located north of Goron City. Once you reach the entrance of the cave, you will need the help of the Yunobo to clear the red stones. This will only happen once you begin the Yunobo of Goron City quest.
Once inside the YunoboCo HQ East Cave, you will reach the Isisim Shrine within no time. The exact coordinates of the Isisim Cave are 1838, 2837, 0363.
2) Jiotak Shrine
Locating the Jiotak Shrine is a challenge in itself as it is classified as Raru’s blessing shrine. For the actual location, you will find this shrine inside the Isle of Rabac Gallery Cave.
To find the entrance of the cave, make your way to the small mountain located northwest of Death Mountain. Once you have reached the Isle of Raba, you will find the entrance to the Isle of Rabac Gallery.
Because of the high heat inside the cave, you need to use Fireproof Elixir for heat protection. Once you are at the entrance, use the cart to travel inside the cave. For that, you need to attack a fan behind the cart.
For you to reach the shrine, make sure to steer the cart to the left side when the fork arrives. After that, the shrine will be on your right side. Simply, just jump from the cart when you see the shrine on the side.
The coordinates of the Jiotak Shrine are 1833, 3179, 0257.
3) Kimayat Shrine
Getting to the Kimayat Shrine is difficult as there is no nearest landmark location to take it as a reference. Kimayat Shrine is located on the northeast side of the map just above the Deep Akkala region.
If you have already found the Sibajitak Shrine, you can trek further northeast from there to find the Kimayat Shrine. The exact coordinates of the Kimayat Shrine are 2860, 3633, 0240.
4) Kisinona Shrine
The Kisinona Shrine is on the southeast of the Grand Canyon region in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. You can reach the area by moving south from the Gero pong and taking the pathway away from Lake Ferona.
You need to turn right toward Cephla Lake after crossing Lake Ferona and climb up the cliffs in front of you. You will find the shrine on top of the plateau, and you can see Foothill Stable from its location. You can also use the coordinates 2568, 1247, 0173 to reach the Kisinona Shrine in Tears of the Kingdom.
5) Marakuguc Shrine
Marakuguc Shrine is located on top of the road leading from the Central Hyrule in Eldin Canyon. You can also reach the shrine by heading northeast from the Great Hyrule Forest.
The coordinates of the Marakuguc Shrine are 1761, 2508, 0437.
6) Minetak Shrine
To reach Minetak Shrine, you need to make your way to the large cave formation located on the most northern part of the map between the east and west Deplian Badlands. That said, the cave in question is named Deplian Badlands Cave.
To get to this cave, you need to make use of Thyphlo Ruins Skyview Tower. Once there, jump yourself and glide towards the north end of the region. You will then reach the mouth of the cave which can be used to access the Minetak Shrine.
The exact coordinates of the Minetak Shrine are 0393, 3485, 0068.
7) Mayak Shrine
The Mayak Shrine is found on the edge of the Elden Canyon region in Zelda: TotK. You need to move west from Eldin’s Flank region to reach the gigantic Eldin Skeleton.
Make your way west from the skeleton to reach the shrine in the open field near the cliffs’ end. You can easily reach the Mayak shrine by following these coordinates 1269, 3733, 0105.
8) Momosik Shrine
To find Momosik Shrine, you need to make your way to the Death Caldera Mountain located southwest of the Rok Wood. The entrance to the Momosik Shrine is hidden in plain sight and will require completing some prerequisites for that.
That said, you need to complete the quest called The Death Caldera as well as defeat the Igneo Talus Boss. Doing so will reveal the entrance to the cave. The exact coordinates of the Momosik Shrine are 2959, 2758, 0524.
9) Moshapin Shrine
To get to Moshapin Shrine, you need to make your way to the Intenoch Cave located right in front of Lake Intenoch in Eldin Canyon.
Before you are able to access the cave, you first need to complete the Lake Intenoch Cave Crystal Shrine Quest. The exact coordinates of the Moshapin Shrine are 2680, 1902, 0131.
10) Sibajitak Shrine
To reach Sibajitak Shrine, you need to make your way to the lizard lakes located East of Eldin Mountain. From there, you need to travel south and will reach Sibajitak Shrine within no time.
The exact coordinates of the Sibajitak Shrine are 2398, 3269, 0402.
11) Sitsum Shrine
Sitsum Shrine is located on the side of the peak located in eastern Death Mountain. As a reference, the shrine is located south of the lizard lakes.
You can reach the shrine by using the cart on top of the built-in rail system. Then making a trek rest of the way. The exact coordinates of the Sitsum Shrine are 2367, 2598, 0790.
12) Timawak Shrine
Timawak Shrine is on a side of the cliff located east of the main road leading from the Central Hyrule. Also, if you reach Goronbi Lake, the Timawak Shrine can be found if you trek North from there.
The exact coordinates of the Timawak Shrine are 1799, 1638, 0311.