In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you will play all manner of quests. From fetch quests to building things for people to clearing out tough enemies; you will undertake all kinds of missions. But some of these will make a lasting impression on you. Granted you’ll need to do a lot, but you’ll get a wild ride through all of Hyrule. This is all possible in the Messages from an Ancient Era quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
In this quest, you will explore many regions across Hyrule and learn a lot of the lore. Of course, you’ll get a great reward at the end too so it’s all worth it. So without further ado, let’s get into how you can begin the Messages from an Ancient Era in Zelda: TotK and how you to complete it.
How to unlock Messages From An Ancient Era in Zelda: TotK
To kick things off, you will first have a prior requirement to complete at least one of four temples located in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
These are quite similar to Shrines where you will have to solve some interesting puzzles to unlock them. Once you do, you will receive a reward and also have access to that temple for the rest of your existing life.
There are four temples in the game named Fire, Water, Lighting, and Wind temples. There is no compulsion which one you do first, you just need to complete one before you start Message From An Ancient Era in Tears of the Kingdom. You will complete them as part of the main questline anyway during the Regional Phenomena quest.
Once you do, head over to Lookout Landing. You will hear rumors around town that giant tablets from the sky are falling. They have Ancient Hyrulian written all over them. You will have to help make sense of these ancient scripts.
Go to the main courtyard around the area with a water pond. You will see that there is a giant stone in the water and a bunch of people around it.
Talk to Wortsworth (man in the middle) to start the Messages From An Ancient Era side adventure. The exact coordinates of the spot you will find Wortsworth are -0265, 0072, 0018.

How to complete Messages From An Ancient Era in Zelda: TotK
After your conversation with Wortsworth, who will tell you that the writing on the stone tablets is Ancient Hyrulian. He can help Link understand them if he collects pictures of all 12 of the stone tablets.
Wortsworth asks you to come and meet him in Kakariko Village, located towards the left of Lantern Lake. It is at the following coordinates: 1835, -0957, 0116.
All 12 of these stone tablets are located on Sky Islands. Here is a list of all Sky Island for you to take pictures of Ancient Tablets and complete the side adventure.
Tablet Location 1

Coordinates: -4034, 3196, 0447
How to reach: The first sky island you can visit is located at the top left corner (northwestern) of the map. This is located above the Hebra Mountain Region. Get there using the Rospro Pass Skyview Tower to launch yourself into the air and glide your way to the island.
Tablet Location 2

Coordinates: -1369, 3575, 0904
How to reach: The second island for the stone tablet is located slightly towards the East of the first one. You can use the Pikida Stonegrove Skyview Tower. After getting launched into the sky you will have to face towards the East and start gliding.
If you run out of stamina, land on the nearest one and use the Zonai materials to make a flying machine to take you the rest of the way.
Tablet Location 3

Coordinates: -0041, 2993, 1491
How to reach: The next tower is on the North of the map. For this one, you can use the Thyphlo Ruins Skyview Tower.
When you launch yourself into the sky, just face towards the southwestern direction and you will pretty much reach the island in no time. Land on the island and take the picture as quickly as possible, before the island descends.
Tablet Location 4

Coordinates: 3573, 1744, 1357
How to reach: Moving towards the fourth star-shaped island, we are going to be using the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower to reach the height so the sky afterward you are in the sky, facing toward the island (marked on the map) and try to travel as far as possible with your Glider.
Tablet Location 5

Coordinates: 2209, 0993, 1145
How to reach: It is time to take a trip to Eldin Canyon because we are going to be using the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower to get to our fifth island. Once you are in the sky, face South and try to make it as far away as possible in a single flight.
Look for the island shaped like a cross. This island will have the launching mechanism and you can use it to launch yourself into the sky once again. This push will be enough to help you reach the fifth island.
Tablet Location 6

Coordinates: 2908, 0197, 0797
How to reach: For your next island, you have to make a short trip to the Upland Zorana Skyview Tower and an even shorter journey towards the island because the next island is almost directly above the Skyview Tower and you won’t take a long flight to get there.
Just launch yourself into the sky and face South. With this, you have reached the halfway point in the Messages From an Ancient Era quest in Tears of the Kingdom.
Tablet Location 7

Coordinates: -3597, -0927, 1597
How to reach: Once again we have an easily accessible island on our hands. Before we get to the island, make your way to the Gerudo Highlands. We are going to be using the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower.
You might not make it in a single flight so you will have to pick a decently sized island as your pitstop. Once you have your stamina restored, launch yourself up using any means currently available and go the rest of the way.
Tablet Location 8

Coordinates: -2457, -3252, 0997
How to reach: The next island can be an easy one, depending on how far you have progressed in the story. You need to have unlocked South Lomie Labyrinth as you’ll use the fast-travel option. Fast travel here and the star-shaped island will be towards the Northwest.
In case you don’t have it unlocked, you can use the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower and start your journey toward the eighth island. You might need to build and use Zonai Devices along the way, depending on how much stamina you have.
Tablet Location 9

Coordinates: -1248, -1942, 0982
How to reach: If you have been following this guide then you can go back to the same, Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower. This time, you will glide in the Eastern direction towards the East Gerudo Sky Archipelago.
When you run out of stamina, land on the island which has the most resources. Ideally, it should have a launch mechanism because it is the easiest way to get back in the air.
Tablet Location 10

Coordinates: 0487, -2243, 0397
How to reach: This next one is an easy one because it is directly above the Popla Foothills Skyview Tower. Once have gained the altitude, face Southwest, and the island will be directly in front of you. Land, take a photo of the stone tablet, and come back down.
Tablet Location 11

Coordinates: 2086, -2729, 1334
How to reach: Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower is going to be your point of initiation for the second last island on the location.
This is going to be a long ride because there is no direct access to this star-shaped island. You might have to use a lot of your resources to get to it.
Launch yourself in the sky and travel as far away as possible, in the direction of the island. Cover as much distance as possible and then land on the island with the most resources.
Here, you can build yourself a flying machine using fans and Zonai Charges to get to your destination.
Tablet Location 12

Coordinates: 3918, -2462, 1197
How to reach: Finally, the last island will take you to Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower. Use it to launch yourself in the air. The sky island we are looking for will be at a distance. This depends on the stamina you have currently. You might make it in a single flight or you may need to take a pitstop to make a flying device.
Return to Wortsworth
The final leg of this long side adventure is that you have to return to Wortsworth. Now you show him the pictures of all 12 of the stone tablets, you found on each of the 12 star-shaped islands.
You will be rewarded 100 Rupees per tablet, 1200 rupees in total, and Zonai Team Survey Fabric.
With that, the long and elaborate Messages from an Ancient Era quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom comes to an end.