How To Unlock Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom

In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower is one of many towers on the surface map. These towers hold great ...

In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower is one of many towers on the surface map. These towers hold great importance. By activating them, you can see the nearby areas and use them to reach the sky islands nearby.

Since they hold great importance, activating them will not be easy. Read the guide below to learn about the location and a walkthrough of how to activate Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower in Zelda TotK.

How to find Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower in Zelda TotK

As the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower is completely hidden and is not visible on the map, it is wise to activate the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower first. Because this way, you will be able to see surrounding areas on the map that will help you reach the location.

You can paraglide from the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower in the northwest direction and carefully land when you are at the (-3972, -1250, 0429) coordinates. Locating the Tower is pretty straightforward, but being able to activate it is a troublesome process.

Before you start your journey, you need to prepare in advance. You need to eat some warm food and elixirs so you cannot lose health from the unbearable cold near Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower in TotK.

Prepare some spicy food with peppers to keep you warm on the journey. Once you reach the Tower’s coordinates, you won’t be able to see it because the Tower’s entrance is covered in snow, and there is no visible entrance. 

Unlike other Skyview towers, it doesn’t need any repair or a puzzle to access. Getting in is the hardest part.

How to enter Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

As there is no way to enter the Gerudo Highlands Tower from the surface, you need to find a way to enter the Tower from underground. Investigate the tent beside the Tower to learn about the cave nearby. Enter the cave on the right from the Tower and the tent.

Once you are in Meadela’s Mantle cave, keep walking around until you see some construction materials and a tent. Examine another book from the tent and learn how the cave is linked to the Tower; you must move downstream to get directly below.

Use the Ultrahand ability to grab one of the planks from the construction materials and place it in the water. Quickly jump on the plank, as it will start moving from the pressure of the water. There is a chest with a Gerudo Bow inside. If you want to get it, use Ultrahand on the left before you fall from the waterfall.

As you fall from the waterfall, quickly climb up the plank so you won’t lose health by swimming for too long. Look ahead to see the wooden pillars and carefully steer the plank towards them. Make sure to place it between the pillars; use Ultrahand if necessary.

After the plank is in between the pillars and is not moving, look up to see a square-shaped wooden ceiling. Use Ascend to blast through the surface and land inside the Tower. The rest is easy; examine the control panel to activate it.

Now you can easily use the Gerudo Highlands Tower to reach nearby sky islands in Zelda TotK.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...