How to Get to Monte Island in Lost Ark

Lost Ark Monte Island Guide

Monte Island is another way for you to earn an Island Token in Lost Ark., But before you start your…

Lost Ark Nineveh Rapport

Lost Ark Nineveh Rapport Guide

Are you enchanted by the gorgeous NPC Nineveh but can’t exactly figure out how to increase rapport with her? Well,…

Lost Ark Sasha Rapport

Lost Ark Sasha Rapport Guide

Sasha is one of the most intimidating-looking NPCs in Lost Ark. She’s cherished for her fashion sense, confidence, and outspoken…

Lost Ark Nia Rapport

Lost Ark Nia Rapport Guide

There are plenty of NPCs scattered around the world of Lost Ark who you can interact with and spark love…

Core Keeper Best Weapons

Core Keeper Best Weapons

Having the best weapon equipped that suits your playstyle while also guaranteeing protection and winning against enemies is the way…

Lost Ark Lagoon Island Guide

Lost Ark Lagoon Island Guide

Lost Ark is home to several islands with many hefty loot and rewards. This Lost Ark guide will look into…