How To Get Owlbear Cub In Baldur’s Gate 3
Kindness yields many rewards in Baldur’s Gate 3 and having the cutest pet is one of them.
Wall Street Journal Claims Nintendo NX is Using Cartridges, Announcement Set for this Month
Not too long ago, Eurogamer published a report claiming that Nintendo NX is using cartridges. It was a very surprising…

Pokemon Sun and Moon PokeBalls Locations Guide
Pokemon Sun and Moon Pokemon PokeBalls Locations Guide to help you find all types of PokeBalls in the Alola Region….

Mario Kart, Pikmin Trademarks Renewed Just Before E3 2021
Nintendo was already rumored to be working on new Mario Kart 9 and Pikmin 4 for the Nintendo Switch. Those…

Halo Infinite “Could” Have A Battle Royale Mode In The Works
Halo Infinite might be making its free-to-play (and critically acclaimed) multiplayer offer even more attractive in the near future. According…

How To Get Scoria In Diablo Immortal
Scoria is one of the crafting materials required for your progression in Diablo Immortal. They are used to upgrade the…

Dragon Age Inquisition Forbidden Oasis Side Quests Guide
Have trouble with side quests in the Forbidden Oasis region of Dragon Age: Inquisition? The following guide will help you…
Fans Raging Over Destiny 2 Name Censoring, Who is to Blame?
Destiny 2 has just released on Steam along with Shadowkeep Expansion, having a decent player base during its first hours….

Battlefield V Grand Operations Won’t Be Available At Launch
Update: There was a mistake in the announcement as now, EA has updated the blog post mentioning that Grand Operations will…

You Can Play Leonidas After Assassin’s Creed Odyssey November Update
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is the latest installment in the AC series made by Ubisoft. After its release at the beginning…

How To Customize FIFA 12 Keyboard Controls
One of the most important changes FIFA 12 brings to PC players who still like to play with their keyboards,…

Cyberpunk 2077 Marketing Push Has Started, Release Date News Coming Soon?
Cyberpunk 2077 was announced all the way back in 2012 and in January 2013 we saw its first CGI trailer….
Bayonetta 3 To Use In-House Engine Called “PlatinumEngine”
Recent interviews with the Platinum Games team suggest that Bayonetta 3 will run on an in-house engine called PlatinumEngine. The…

Microsoft Wants First-Party AAA Games On Xbox Series X “Every Other Month,” Says Insider
Microsoft has often stated that a larger next-generation focus will be on delivering quality first-party content on Xbox Series X….

Baldur’s Gate 3: Lae’zel Romance Guide
Lae’zel is a fierce companion and much fiercer partner in the bed. Are you ready to take the challenge to woo her?

DualShock 5 Controller Won’t Need PlayStation 5 To Go Online – Rumor
The new DualShock 5 controller has gone through an evolution of its own, being bestowed with features that make it…

How to Get Glowing Shards in Diablo Immortal
Upgrading and scaling items in a game are just as important as adding new ones to your arsenal. Every game…

Diablo 4 Necromancer: Best Legendary Aspects
No Necromancer build can be complete with the right legendary aspects in Diablo 4. You can think of them as…

Tales of Zestiria Crucibles of Malevolence ‘Eight Dates With Hate Guide
Tales of Zestiria ‘Crucibles of Malevolence’ guide with enemies weaknesses and resistances to help you complete all crucibles and earn…
Elder Scrolls Online Servers Down, Bethesda Investigating Login Issues
The Elder Scrolls Online servers seem to be down for a few hours now, with many players reporting errors in…

Starfield Freestar Collective Questline And Rewards
What is better than being a space explorer? A cowboy space explorer. In this guide, we will guide you how you can join Freestar Collective Faction in Starfield and become a space ranger.

How To Disable The Steel Watch In Baldur’s Gate 3
In Baldur’s Gate 3, Disable the Steel Watch is a quest that will see you liberate some slave Gondians and destroy Gortash’s source of power.

June Nintendo Direct Not Happening Due To Work-From-Home Hurdles
Nintendo has announced today that due to hurdles coming from having to work from home, there will not be a…

Mass Effect 3 Endings Guide
Hours of gameplay and long journey deserves an epic ending in games like Mass Effect 3, and the game delivers…

How To Get Intel Coffee Lake CPUs Working On Skylake And Kaby Lake Motherboards
While you do need to upgrade your motherboard in order to get an Intel Coffee Lake CPU working on it,…