Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has been all about finding out what is happening with Princess Zelda. She was lost during the opening of the game, and now it is up to Link to find her. The entire main quest is related to this endeavor but there is a side adventure that helps us investigate her disappearance and rumors about her sightings. This one is the Potential Princess Sightings side quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
You will assist Traysi and Penn from The Lucky Clover Gazette in investigating rumors regarding Princess Zelda’s activities in Hyrule. As the name suggests, these are all related to the princess’ possible sightings.
In return for helping them out, you will get the Froggy Armor Set. So, without further ado, let’s learn how to acquire the Potential Princess Sightings side quest and how to complete it.
Become a Reporter for Lucky Clover Gazette
The Potential Princess Sightings side adventure begins at the Lucky Clover Gazette. This is basically a stable near the entrance of Rito Village.

Tyrasi and Penn have converted an old Stable in Tabantha Frontier into an establishment and are looking into Princess Zelda’s possible appearances. The exact coordinates are as follows: (-3256, 1764, 0119).
The Lucky Clover Gazette is located toward the Southeast corner of Lake Totori and towards the North of Strock Lake. It is right next to Rito Village’s broken rope bridge. Once you reach the location, head inside and talk to Tyrasi.
She will explain her whole plan of finding out about Princess Zelda to you. She will then ask for your assistance in helping Penn complete his research. This is how Potential Princess Sightings’ side quest will initiate.
Potential Princess Sightings Walkthrough
Potential Princess Sightings is not a small task. This side adventure consists of 12 more quests. Completing every one of them will lead to completing the main adventure – Potential Princess Sightings in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
The gist of things is that you will have to visit all twelve stables around Hyrule. You will meet Penn at each of these stables, who will give you a side quest related to Princess Zelda’s disappearance.
These are usually small and easy to do. Visit all twelve stables and complete all twelve side quests to complete the Potential Princess Sightings side adventure.
Below are the details of all the stable locations and the quests each stable offers.
Wetland Stable

Coordinates: 0899, -0157, 0025
Related Quest: The Missing Farm Tools
In this one, you find out Princess Zelda borrowed a couple of tools from the stable in Wetland but never returned them. You will help a character named Izra cross the river and visit the last known location where the Princess was last seen with them. He’ll get his tools back, and the quest will end.
You will end up clearing Princess Zelda’s name and earn some cash as a reward.
Snowfield Stable

Coordinates: -1634, 2575, 0233
Related Quest: Zelda’s Golden Horse
Princess Zelda kept a golden horse in the Snowfield Stable but during the time she vanished, she went out with the horse and never came back. Now it is up to you to bring back the golden horse.
You can find the horse just North of the stable. Quietly sneak up on the horse and then jump on it and try to bring it under control. Once you are done, take the horse back, and the quest will be completed. You will get the Golden Horse as a reward.
Highland Stable

Coordinates: 0523, -3431, 0047
Related Quest: An Eerie Voice
Reports have been coming in that the voice of Princess Zelda is being heard at night in the Fural Plain Region, telling people to drop their weapons in the well. You will need to accompany Penn to investigate.
You can only do this during the night, so it is best to reach the spot accordingly. Upon reaching there, you will hear a voice coming from a well. Head down to the well and find out a girl, Sagessa, is practicing a new song taught to her by Princess Zelda.
There is nothing about hurting the villagers or asking for weapons as a ransom. The acoustics of the well changed the voice, and people heard it differently. This will complete the quest.
Riverside Stable

Coordinates: 0330, -1086, 0010
Related Quest: Gourmets Gone Missing
A couple of gourmets were supposed to arrive at Riverside Stable to cook the recipe Princess Zelda had given them. But they haven’t arrived yet. Your task is to follow the direction given by Gotter, the stable chef, to investigate and locate the Gourmets.
Once you have found them across the bridge, you will cook them a meal using the recipe near the firepot. Upon eating, they will all become energized, and Penn will come to talk to you to finish this segment of the questline.
South Akkala Stable

Coordinates: 3160, 1690, 0201
Related Quest: The All-Clucking Cucco
This time, you will take a trip to find and talk to the All-Clucking Cucco in the South Akkala Region. You go and ask the rooster about the princess. But before he gives you an answer, he will give you two tasks: get to the top of a nearby stable and collect three trees’ trunks.
Complete the tasks only to find it was all a trap set up by the Yiga Clan. Defeat them and talk to Penn to conclude the quest.
Foothill Stable

Coordinates: 2607, 1127, 0147
Related Quest: For Our Princess!
This is a strange one as you will come across researchers around Death Mountain with a peculiar research method. They will tell you that Princess Zelda has asked them to investigate the cave while only wearing underpants.
The idea seems absurd, but you must go on with it. You will be stripped of everything, and you will have to enter the cave in Death Mountain. Inside, you will sneak around and explore the cave using only the most basic weapons in your underpants. Once you clear the cave of enemies, a researcher will tell the others that Princess Zelda asked them to explore all paths, not in underpants. This will complete the quest and, once again, clear Zelda’s name.
New Serenne Stable

Coordinates: -1352, 0732, 0086
Related Quest: The Beast and the Princess
This quest will require you to investigate the rumor that has spread like wildfire around Hyrule. It is that there is a strange beast in Hyrule, and it has to do something with Princess Zelda as well.
Talk to Penn in the New Serenne Stable and he will tell you what the rumor is and ask you to investigate. You will have to visit the animal sanctuary across from the Lakeside Stable and meet with Cima, the caretaker. She will tell you that the rumored beast is the Dondon, and this is what the Princess was riding.
This will allow you to meet a new harmless species and clear Princess Zelda’s name.
Gerudo Canyon Stable

Coordinates: -2793, -2240, 0029
Related Quest: The Blocked Well
The Blocked Well quest will send you to investigate a blocked well. Apparently, Princess Zelda ordered it to be closed. This well was the only source of water for the stable. You must head down the well and take down several enemies.
Once all the enemies are taken out, you will come back, talk to Penn and this will conclude the quest.
Tabantha Bridge Stable

Coordinates: 2914, 0554, 0169
Related Quest: White Goats Gone Missing
Chork, the caretaker, has been taking care of White Goats at the Tabantha Bridge Stable. But recently, all the goats have run away by eating the food made by using Princess Zelda’s recipe. It is now up to you to bring back all the goats. Outside the stable, there will be a trail of pine cones.
Follow the trail and eventually, you will find the missing goats and Zelda’s original recipe which Chork misplaced and tried to recreate it from memory. Chork will come back, and the following conversation will conclude the quest and clear Zelda’s name.
Dueling Peaks Stable

Coordinates: 1748, -1939, 0010
Related Quest: Princess Zelda Kidnapped?
You will have to investigate a rumor that Princess Zelda has been kidnapped by a member of the Yiga Clan. She is said to have been held captive in the Dueling Peaks region. After talking to Penn, investigate the situation.
You will come across Princess Zelda in a cage, but it is the members of the Yiga Clan waiting for you. They will ambush you, but you can take them down.
Woodland Stable

Coordinates: 1042, 1157, 0022
Related Quest: Serenade to a Great Fairy
There is a music group who used to play music for the Great Fairy, but they can’t reach her because his cart is broken. You want to ask the Fairy some questions, but she is not coming out of the flowers.
Help the musicians fix the broken cart using all the parts available from around you. Once you have fixed the cart, find and tame a horse. Obtain a Towing Harness by collecting Pony Points and attaching them to the cart.
Now, take the musicians to the fairy and play music. The fairy will come out of the flower and answer your questions about the Princess.
Outskirt Stable

Coordinates: -1447, 1266, 0032
Related Quest: The Beckoning Woman
The last quest on the list will have you help a woman who can be found near the Outskirts Stable. For this quest, she will ask you to follow her and meet her at a couple of different locations.
Follow the instructions and meet her at all the indicated locations. When you meet her for the last time, you will find out that the woman is a Yiga Clan member. Now, you must take them on and defeat them to complete the quest.
Once you are done with all 12 of the quests, Potential Princess Sightings Side Adventure in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will be completed.
Quest Rewards
You will get various rewards while progressing through the Potential Princess Sightings side quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. These include.
- 6x Purple Rupees. For the first 6 quests, you will get a Purple Rupee for completing each.
- 6x Silver Rupee. For the final 6 quests, Penn will give you a Silver Rupee for each.
- Froggy Sleeve. A reward for completing 4 quests.
- Froggy Trunks. A reward from Tryasi for completing 9 quests.
- Froggy Hood. A reward for completing all side quests and clearing Princess Zelda’s name.