Baldur’s Gate 3 Classes Explained

Baldur's Gate 3 offers 12 classes to pick from in the game that reflect your personal playstyle. Here's everything to know about them.

Baldur’s Gate 3 features a richly detailed world where you can play nearly any way you like. It offers numerous unique experiences in various aspects, including its classes. There are 12 classes to pick from that reflect your approach to how you want to play the game. Are you a physical damage dealer or a support that likes to heal and buff their party? Or maybe you want to be a sneaky character?

The staggering 46 subclasses you can specialize in further enhance the many possibilities here. Of course, a class can only specialize in subclasses exclusive to it.

For newbies, all this information can get confusing and overwhelming. It is important to know which class brings what to the table so that you can make your selection better.  

What are the classes in Baldur’s Gate 3: 

Baldur’s Gate 3 offers the following list of classes; 

  • Barbarian 
  • Bard 
  • Cleric 
  • Druid 
  • Fighter 
  • Monk 
  • Paladin 
  • Ranger 
  • Rogue 
  • Sorcerer 
  • Warlock 
  • Wizard 

Each class has something new and unique they bring to the table and you should make the selection based on what appeals to you personally. Sorcerer and Wizard are both spell-casting classes but have some differences. The Wizard spends years learning the arcane arts but the Sorcerer is born with an innate magical ability.

Similarly, the Barbarian and Fighter classes are both physical damage dealers but the difference is in their approach. The Fighter learns through study and practice of the martial arts while Barbarian uses their raw strength and rage.   

Clerics are also part of the spellcasting classes and cast Holy Spells that buff and heal the team. Paladins are like them but are more martial-focused while Clerics are casters.

Druids are mystics who are very attuned to nature and use natural magic to do wondrous things. They can also turn into animals. Rangers are also another nature-focused class but prefer to fight using weapons and wear armor. Rogues are your quintessential sneaky types who use stealth and high burst damage in battle. 

Warlocks are another caster class but they derive their power from a powerful patron. Bards make up for excellent support for the party. They use their charisma and musical talent to buff the party.

Monks are another martial class but train to use simple and light weapons in BG3 and rely mostly on their limbs for damage. If you ever wanted to play a kung fu master, this class is your answer.  

Baldur’s Gate 3 Classes Explained

Each class reflects a particular playstyle that dictates their role in the party. Classes such as Barbarians, Fighters, and even Paladins typically make up your frontline. While Rangers, Rogues, and casters will support from the rear.


The Barbarian Class in BG3 is a ready-to-charge raging class. This makes it one of the best classes to be used as the spear’s tip in battle. You can turn the rage of a Barbarian to annihilate enemy front lines as they power through anything they can see with their eyes.

Primary Abilities Strengths 
Weapons Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Handaxes, Battleaxes, Warhammers, Light Hammers 
Armor Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields 
Saving Throws Strength, Constitution 
Subclasses Berserker, Wild Magic, Wildheart 
Barbarian stat block

You can choose 2 out of the six skills mentioned below: 

  • Animal Handling  
  • Athletics 
  • Intimidation 
  • Nature 
  • Perception 
  • Survival 


The Bard Class in BG3 makes up for an excellent support role that can buff your party and debuff the enemies. They are typically best utilized at the rear of the formation. 

Primary Abilities Strengths 
Weapons Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Rapiers, Short swords, Longswords 
Armor Light Armor 
Saving Throws Charisma, Dexterity 
Subclasses College of Lore, College of Valor, College of Swords 
Bard stat block

You can choose 3 of the following 18 Skills; 

  • Animal Handling 
  • Acrobatics 
  • Arcana 
  • Athletics 
  • Deception 
  • History 
  • Insight 
  • Intimidation 
  • Investigation 
  • Medicine 
  • Nature 
  • Perception 
  • Performance 
  • Persuasion 
  • Religion 
  • Sleight of hand 
  • Stealth 
  • Survival 


The Cleric Class is a holy support caster who typically takes on the role of a healer. Clerics can only harness the spells corresponding with the nature of the deity, be it dark or holy. They are squishy, so they are best used towards the rear or the middle of the party.

Primary Abilities Strengths 
Weapons Simple weapons, Martial weapons 
Armor Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields (depends on subclass) 
Saving Throws Charisma, Wisdom 
Subclasses Life Domain, Light Domain, Knowledge Domain, Nature Domain, Tempest Domain, Trickery Domain, War Domain 
Cleric stat block

You can choose 2 from the following five skills; 

  • History 
  • Insight 
  • Medicine 
  • Persuasion 
  • Religion 


Druids are mystics who attune themselves to the power of nature. They have a unique spell tree consisting of nature-related powers. Druids are usually on the weaker side in terms of HP, but they can use their Wild Shape ability to transform into different animals. This gives them additional durability and helps them take on a more front-line role.

Primary Abilities Strengths 
Weapons Daggers, Clubs, Spears, Darts, Sling, Quarterstaffs 
Armor Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields 
Saving Throws Wisdom, Intelligence 
Subclasses Circle of Moon, Circle of Land, Circle of Spores 
Druid stat table

Druids can choose any 2 from the following available 8 Skills; 

  • Arcana 
  • Animal Handling 
  • Insight 
  • Medicine 
  • Nature 
  • Perception 
  • Religion 
  • Survival 


The Fighter Class is one of the front-liner classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, whose main role is to hit things with their weapons. They are a powerhouse who has spent years learning martial arts, allowing them to use any weapon and wear any armor. They are durable and thrive when supported by a caster or two at their back.

Primary Abilities Strengths 
Weapons Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons 
Armor Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields 
Saving Throw Strength, Constitution 
Subclasses Eldritch Knight, Battle Master, Champion 
Fighter stat table

You can choose any 2 of the following 8 skills for your build; 

  • Acrobatics 
  • Animal Handling 
  • Athletics 
  • History 
  • Insight 
  • Intimidation 
  • Perception 
  • Survival 


The Monk Class is an outstanding class that prefers using their body as a weapon. If you ever wanted to play a kung fu master in a game, this is how you do it. They typically don’t wear armor to allow full movements for their elaborate moves. They use a special source of magic called KI to perform different moves. Monks are light characters but can deal high burst damage if built correctly.

Primary Abilities Strengths 
Weapons Simple Weapons, Shortswords 
Armor None 
Saving Throw Strength, Dexterity 
Subclasses Way of the Open Hand, Way of Shadow, Way of the Four Elements 
Monk stat table.

The Monks can choose any 2 of the following five skills; 

  • Athletics 
  • Acrobatics 
  • History 
  • Religion 
  • Insight 


If you’re looking for a class that is a perfect combination of holy magic and martial arts, then the Paladin is the class for you. You will get a paladin if you cross a cleric with a fighter. They follow a strict code in the form of an oath that dictates which subclass they’ll specialize in.

The primary stats of the Paladin Class in BG3 are Wisdom and Charisma. Due to these, the Paladin Class can also act as a conversationalist for the party and convince people instead of fighting your way through.

Primary Abilities Strengths 
Weapons Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons 
Armor Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields 
Saving Throw Wisdom, Charisma 
Subclasses Oath of Ancients, Oath of Vengeance, Oath of Devotion, Oathbreaker 
Paladin stat table

The Paladin Class players can slot any 2 of the following six skills in their build; 

  • Athletics 
  • Insight 
  • Intimidation 
  • Medicine 
  • Persuasion 
  • Religion 


BG3 Ranger Class is another naturist class but wields more martial prowess than Druids. They are outmatched in their scouting and tracking abilities. They can wield almost any weapon and nearly all armors save for heavy armor.

They also have limited spell-casting ability and get special Ranger spells that help them further hone their class.

Primary Abilities Strengths 
Weapons Simple weapons, Martial Weapons 
Armor Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields 
Saving Throws Strength, Dexterity 
Subclasses Beastmaster, Hunter, Gloom Stalker 
Ranger stat table

You can choose any 3 out of the eight Proficiency Skills mentioned below; 

  • Animal Handling 
  • Athletics 
  • Insight 
  • Investigation 
  • Nature 
  • Perception 
  • Stealth 
  • Survival 


The Rogues are gifted with extreme stealth and can act as the silent assassins or thieves of the party. Need a lock picked? The Rogue is your answer. Need an enemy taken out silently? Contact the Rogue in your party. Need a trap disarmed? A perfect job for the Rogue.

Primary Abilities Strengths 
Weapons Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Rapiers, Short swords, Longswords 
Armor Light Armor 
Saving Throws Dexterity, Intelligence 
Subclasses Thief, Trickster, Arcane, Assassin 
Rogue stat block

The Rogus can choose to be proficient in any 4 of the available 11 Skills; 

  • Acrobatics 
  • Athletics 
  • Deception 
  • Insight 
  • Intimidation 
  • Investigation 
  • Perception 
  • Performance 
  • Persuasion 
  • Sleight of Hand 
  • Stealth 


The Sorcerer Class is one of the pure magic caster classes in Baldur’s Gate 3 that derives its power from an innate ability. They can’t wield many weapons or wear any armor, but they make up for it with their spells. You start as a Wild Mage, a Storm Sorcerer, or choose a Draconic Bloodline and its build at the time of character creation. Their primary stat is Charisma.  

Primary Abilities Strengths 
Weapons Light Crossbows, Daggers, Quarterstaves 
Armor None 
Saving Throws Constitution, Charisma 
Subclasses Draconic Bloodloine, Storm Sorcery, Wild Mage 
Sorcerer Stat Table

The Sorcerers can choose any 2 out of the 6 available Proficiency Skills; 

  • Arcana 
  • Deception 
  • Insight 
  • Intimidation 
  • Persuasion 
  • Religion 


BG3 Warlock Class is similar to the Paladin Class but is its direct opposite. Instead of an oath, they get their powers from a pact with an entity known as a patron. This pact then later becomes their subclass which they can further specialize in. Most Warlocks have a dark side touching them as their patrons are often from different realms and possess dark natures.

Primary Abilities Strengths 
Weapons Simple Weapons 
Armor Light Armor 
Saving Throw Charisma, Wisdom 
Subclasses The Great One, The Fiend, Archfey 
Warlock stat block

Warlocks can be proficient in any 2 of the following 7 skills; 

  • Arcana 
  • Deception 
  • History 
  • Intimidation 
  • Investigation 
  • Nature 
  • Religion 


The Wizard is like the fighter if they studied magic instead of martial arts. This is your main spell caster in the party and wields a host of different spells both in an out of battle. They can use limited weapons since they’ll mostly be casting spells and can’t wear armor, which impedes their spellcasting ability.

Primary Abilities Strengths 
Weapons Light Crossbows, Daggers, Slings, Darts, Quarterstaves 
Armor None 
Saving Throws Intelligence, Wisdom 
Subclasses Abjuration School, Evocation School, Conjuration School, Divination School, Enchantment School, Necromancy School, Illusion School, Transmutation School 
Wizard stat block

Wizards can be proficient in any 2 skills from the following six proficiency skills; 

  • Arcana 
  • History 
  • Investigation 
  • Insight 
  • Medicine 
  • Religion 
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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...